top of form

[tɑp ʌv fɔrm][tɔp ɔv fɔ:m]


  • The analysis through the smoothness index the top elevation compressive strength flexural strength density and shrinkage rate showed that the construction quality of Slip Form Paving is higher than Manual mode .

    从平整度指标、 高程、抗压强度、抗折强度、密实度、收缩率等方面 支承层施工质量分析的结果表明,支承层 滑模施工质量总体上要高于支模施工。

  • The lists define polygons and can be layered on top of each other to map data sets of completely different origins while describing the same geographical area to form extremely data-rich maps .

    列表定义多边形,并可以相互 层叠,来表示方向完全相反但描述相同地理区域的数据集,从而 形成数据详细的地图。

  • Originally a dobby boy sat on top of the loom and drew up the warp as required to form the pattern .

    最初由一个控制多臂的男孩坐在织机的 上方,按花 要求提起相应的经纱。

  • Please print your name and address on the top of the form .

    请在 表格 顶部用印刷体写上你的名字和地址。

  • The Gnawing rail between wheel and rail of a bridge crane occurs sometime double-point contact circular top rail is of a structure form for eliminating gnawing rail fully .

    起重机车轮与轨道间有时会发生“啃道”现象。双点接触 圆顶轨道是彻底消除“啃道”现象的结构 形式

  • Control expands to fill the top of the form .

    控件将会展开以填充 窗体 顶部

  • I need you to fill out the top portion of the form first .

    我需要你先把 表格 上面部分填写好。

  • Specifies if the control will be displayed at the top bottom left or right of the form .

    指定控件将显示在 窗体 顶端,底端,左边或右边。

  • Rock crest the top of the left side wall is horizontal to sit1 if form the gold hooks looking upwards again a swan was really strange .

    左侧壁上横坐一小石头, 状如金钩,仰视又似一只天鹅,真是奇了。

  • The top part of cavity is removed to form open coaxial quasi-optical cavity .

    把曲面镜 腔部分去掉,就 形成了开放式同轴型准光腔。

  • I have four players who are not at the top of their form after recent injury problems insisted the tactician .

    由于近期一些伤病原因,有四名队员还未恢复到 最佳 状态。这位讲究战术的主教练说到。

  • At the top of the workspace is the full path of the object in breadcrumbs form which provides a link to each element in the path .

    在工作区的 顶部的“面包屑” 表单里是对象的完整路径,它提供了访问路径中每一个元素的链接。

  • A sturdy usually rectangular table with flush surfaces and straight block legs that are equal in thickness to the top of the table and form its four corners .

    一种有齐平桌面且牢固的通常为长方形的桌子,桌腿直而粗,其厚度与 桌面相等并 形成桌子的四个角。

  • Place this tag on the top of the form so a user can see at-a-glance what he / she did not fill out correctly .

    将这个标签放到表单的 顶部,这样用户就可以对自己是否填写了 表单而一览无余了。

  • Spinning property of draft element such as roller top roller apron and so on were improved to reach the demands of new type draft form and processing .

    罗拉、 胶辊、胶圈等牵伸元件的纺纱性能也得到改善,适应新型牵伸 形式和工艺的要求。

  • Cylinder head is one of the most complicated and important components in internal combustion engine . Cylinder head the top of piston and liner enclose to form combustion chamber .

    气缸盖是柴油机中形状最为复杂的零件之一,它与活塞 顶部及气缸内壁共同 组成燃烧空间。

  • This comes on top of a $ 130 billion package doled out to Russian banks in the form of loans tax cuts and delayed tax payments .

    不过,俄罗斯各银行需要以贷款,减税和延期缴税的 形式支付 达1300亿美元的一揽子交易。

  • A musician at the top of her form . The country is at peace and the people go merrily to their work .

    水平处于 顶峰的音乐家天下太平,万民 乐业

  • At the top of the partial class definition for the form add the following code

    表单的partial类定义 顶部,添加以下代码

  • We may look on good human being as the top level of moral human being not the only form of moral human being .

    把好人看成是道德人的 最高层次,而非道德人的惟一 表现 形态

  • After reading a lot of the basis of references sums up the elements of the high-rise buildings at the top of the form from different angles and levels .

    在阅读了大量参考文献的基础上,从不同角度和层次上归纳和总结了影响高层建筑 顶部 形态的要素,进一步 形成了自己的研究体系和理论框架。

  • Scientists had people sign more than 13000 auto insurance forms-one Group signed at the top of the form the other at the bottom .

    科学家们让人们在超过一万三千份汽车保险单上签字一组在 表单 顶部签字,其他则在底部签字。

  • When I clicked the button of Print Application Form the screen showed the top of the web page rather than the form .

    在我点击“打印申请表”按钮之后,显示出现的不是 申请 ,而是网页的 顶部

  • At the top of the script is the PHP code that adds the question and its answers into the database if the form was posted .

    位于脚本 顶端的PHP代码是用于在 表单发布后将问题及其答案添加至数据库的代码。

  • The title bar appears at the top of the window and displays the name of the form ( or in the case of a multi-page form it can show the name of the current page ) .

    标题条出现在窗口的 顶部,显示 表单的名称(在多页面表单中,它可以显示当前页面的名称)。

  • If the experience is excessively painful the region can also be excessively decayed or scarred due to all of the painful records compounded on top of one another in the same part of the form .

    如果经历过于痛苦,则由于所有的痛苦记录被彼此层层 摞叠加在 形体的同一部分,这个地方也会过于衰退或伤痕深重。

  • The top of Tabei Uplift was divided into two parts by Luntai fault rise to form two condensate gas systems belonging to marine facies and continental facies in its south and north respectively .

    塔北隆起被轮台断隆 顶部一分为二, 形成南、北两个海、陆相凝析油气系统。

  • It 's filled with the exhilaration of four musicians who were having fun and creating at the top of their form and knew it .

    四个音乐人,心情愉快, 玩兴正浓,在摇滚乐中 表现最佳,成为家喻户晓的人物。

  • So the old apartment in the future will certainly to be top of the produce an architectural form is the development of The Times in the a product the necessity of existence and particularity .

    因此 高层老年人公寓必将是今后产生的一种建筑 形式,是顺应时代发展的一种产物,有其存在的必然性,以及特殊性。

  • If your statement is at the top of a CV or on an application form its job is to get you an interview .

    如果你的个人描述 置于简历或申请 ,那么它的任务就是为你争取到一次面试。