top speed

[tɑp spid][tɔp spi:d]


  • We drove at top speed .

    我们以 速度

  • Few net users get the top speed promised by their net provider finds a study of average browsing speeds .

    少数网路使用者得到被他们的净馀提供者答应的 上面 速度发现一项一般浏览的研究加速。

  • With a top speed of220 kilometers per hour they can reach any part of the city in10 minutes .

    借助于每小时220公里的 飞行 速度,这两架着直升机在10分钟内可以到达郑州市区的任何地方。

  • The business in our career has developed at top speed .

    我们的事业发展 速度

  • A motor car passed him at top speed sounding its horn .

    汽车 高速从他身旁驶过,喇叭嘟嘟直响。

  • Top speed is105 mph .

    最高 速度达每小时105英里。

  • Run one lap around the office at top speed .


  • The pilot can also perform basic engine tuning ( 5 % higher top speed ) .

    飞行员能执行基本的引擎优化(提高5% 最大 速度)。

  • He soon hit top speed to outgun all his rivals in the opening qualifying session .

    他在首场资格赛中很快便跑出 速度,击败了所有对手。

  • However the new engines greatly reduced the top speed of the0111B .

    然而,新的发动机极大降低了0111B型的 最高 航速

  • Top speed is155 mph and the Portfolio has a0 to60 mph acceleration time of five seconds .

    最高 时速为155英里到投资组合有5秒0到60英里每小时的加速时间。

  • He ran at top speed but did not get a good result .


  • Someone who runs a short distance at top speed .

    以很 速度跑短跑的人。

  • He has to move at top speed now to get within striking distance by sunset .

    那他就得 加速,在 日落以前赶到攻击位置。

  • The Warthog 's top speed is just about as fast as the tanker 's slowest refueling speed .

    “疣猪”的 最高 时速仅比加油机的最低加油时速快一点点。

  • The cars then weaved in and out of traffic at top speed

    这些轿车就在车流中 全速穿行

  • Don 't drive at top speed .

    不要以 最高 时速开车。

  • Forward and backward movement knob The car raced on at top speed .

    载物台前后运动螺旋汽车是旋风 前进

  • This work must be carried out at top speed .

    这项工作必须 快马加鞭地进行。

  • The runner set off at top speed .

    赛跑者以 最大 速度出发。

  • The vehicles have a top speed of 80 kilometres per hour .

    这些车辆 最高 时速为80公里。

  • We hit a low stretch at top speed water swept over the car as he blasted through .


  • It 's top speed is90 miles per hour .


  • The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army . The car raced on at top speed .

    部队向前进,赶跑了敌人.汽车是旋风 前进

  • They built the plant at top speed .

    他们以 最高 速度建厂。

  • He loves to run ( at top speed !) around the back yard and gardens .

    它喜欢在后院和花园 中跑来跑去。

  • A sprinter is one who runs at top speed for a short distance .

    短跑选手就是以 速度跑短距离的人。

  • Work at top speed and make no mistakes at all times .

    任何时候都以 顶级 速度工作且不出错。

  • Space Propulsion : The starship does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration .

    空间推进:在星河没有一个有效的 最高 速度是有限的,但加速。