top feeding

[化] 顶部加料

  • The industrial sewing machine with both top and bottom feeding system which has not been made in our country yet symbolizes the advanced world levels in the garment industry .

    具有 下差动 功能的工业平缝机国内至今还未试制成功。本文对其中具有代表性的日本DLU-490型机进行了分析与研究。

  • The sulphur capacity at steel-slag equilibrium conditions and molten steel desulphurization test with top slag CaO-SiO 2-MgO-Al 2O 3-CaF 2 and wire feeding slag CaO-BaO-CaF 2 have been carried out by using 500 g molybdenum-wound furnace and 10 kg inductive furnace .

    通过500g钼丝炉和10kg感应炉进行了 渣CaOSiO2MgOAl2O3CaF2渣系和 线渣CaOBaOCaF2渣系在钢渣平衡状态的硫容量和钢水脱硫试验。

  • Based on the permanent mold casting process of Al-piston with top insulating riser feeding process semi-permanent insulating sleeves matching permanent mold casting process of Al-piston have been designed .

    根据金属型铸造铝活塞的工艺特点,采用 顶部保温冒口 工艺,设计了能与铝活塞金属型铸造工艺相匹配的半永久型保温冒口套。

  • Application of the tower crane top belt conveyor and feeding line in the Longtan Engineering Project

    塔( )带机及 供料线在龙滩工程的应用

  • Industrial sewing machine with both top and bottom feeding system and its sewing properties

    工缝机的差动 机构与 缝纫性能

  • It was found that the optimum state was water entering the column at the top of reaction zone and methyl acetate feeding at the bottom of reaction zone .

    研究了催化精馏水解乙酸甲酯的影响因素,得出乙酸甲酯在反应段底部 ,水从反应段 顶部为最佳 状态。

  • During the operation process of empty burden line because of taking some active measures such as even feeding water at top strengthening supervision for gas component and burden surface strictly controlling feeding burden process and gas expelling etc the excellent result is gained .

    空料线操作中确保 炉顶打水均匀稳定,雾化良好,加强煤气成分和料面的监测,严格上 程序、煤气放散、放渣等环节的操作控制,取得了良好的效果。

  • Use electrical lift on the feeding table . Top of the board and feeder are maintain at the same level easy for feeding . Put the scraps of paper in the wastepaper basket .

    送纸台采用电动升降装置,使纸板 与进纸口保持同一高度,便利于 纸。

  • Meat production has stagnated in top exporting countries as livestock farmers suffered a series of misfortunes from severe droughts in Australia and Latin America to low prices in the early 2000s and record high feeding costs .

    由于牲畜养殖户遭遇了从澳洲与拉美的严重干旱,到本世纪初肉价走低与 饲养成本达到历史高位的一系列灾难, 主要出口国家的肉类生产均陷入停滞。

  • A ventilating duct was installed on the top of feeding pipe in turbo classifier and air flow was provided by a blower .

    为了研究物料预分散后对分级效果的影响,在涡流分级机 上端增设了通风管,由鼓风机提供风源。

  • Feeding inlet on the top matches all kinds of feeding mechanisms ;

    进料口在 顶部,可与各种形式的 喂料机构配套;

  • In order to prevent casting defects the combined feeding technology is designed using the proportional solidification theory in which the top pouring dispersed ingate intake combined feeding of gating system and riser are adopted .

    为了防止铸件产生铸造缺陷,运用均衡凝固理论,采用 注、内 道分散引入、浇注系统和冒口联合补缩工艺。

  • The results showed that the tested top slag + wire feeding slag had high sulphur capacity ( logC S being - 1.6 ~ 0.5 ) which were available for desulphurization of ultra-low sulphur steel during refining ;

    结果表明,该 渣+ 线渣具有高的硫容量(logCS为-1.6~0.5),适用于超低硫钢的精炼脱硫;