track road

[træk rəʊd][træk roʊd]


  • Its credits include the documentary series The Track and the feature The Road From Coorain etc.

    其公司的作品包括纪录片连续剧《 轨迹》,故事片《古染之 》等等。

  • With the combination of characteristics of the cycling ( mountain bike track cycling and road race ) this paper analysed the experimental data and represented the application of blood lactate in cycling 's training .

    依据项目的供能特点,结合实验数据的分析,提出了血乳酸在山地自行车爬坡间歇训练、自行车50公里团体项目的有氧训练、 场地自行车的 速度耐力训练中的应用方法。

  • In addition according to the working principle of the instrument track simulate vibration of vehicle tires under road .

    此外,根据 车辙仪的工作原理,通过其模拟车辆轮胎在 路面上的振动情况。

  • Keeping track of basic information and technical conditions of road traffic facilities in urban and rural areas have great significance for the use of road network management planning and construction .

    随时 掌握城乡 道路交通设施的基本信息与技术状况,对于路网的运用、管理和规划建设具有重要的意义。

  • The track of region road network is simulated by the model of growth curve ;

    利用生长曲线模型,模拟区域 公路发展的 轨迹

  • This rough track will soon is a metalled road .

    坑坑的 不久就要铺上 碎石了。

  • Finally chain codes tracking algorithm was adopted to track road region boundary .

    最后采用链码算法 跟踪 道路边界。

  • Erection of Track Beam of Shanghai Maglev over Busy Trunk Road

    上海磁悬浮跨繁忙主干 轨道梁架设技术

  • The truck left a long track along the road .

    卡车在 路面上留下了长长的 轨迹

  • There are 2 track systems in this model and each track system consists of idler road wheels sprocket support rolls and 108 segments . The whole model has 1674 degrees of freedom .

    该模型有两条履带系统,每条 履带系统由诱导轮、 负重轮、主动轮、托带轮和108块履带板组成,整个模型共有1674个自由度。

  • Cycling races racing include track events and road events .

    自行车赛包括 场地自行车赛和 公路自行车赛。

  • Although the global economic crisis is gradually out of the quagmire and the world economy back on track which is relatively reasonable growth the road of recovery is not smoothly sailing the situation is more complex than ever before .

    虽然全球经济危机目前正逐步走出泥潭,世界经济又回到了相对合理的增长 轨道之上,但是,复苏的 道路却并不一帆风顺,情况的复杂性超过了以往任何时候。

  • The local bus ahead is so overloaded with people and possessions that it cannot make it up the steep track and onto the paved road .

    在前面的当地汽车满载了过多的人员和物资以至于它不能驶上陡峭的 车辙来到 平地上。

  • From the stopping track on the road it is clear that the two taxis were driving too fast .

    从停在 道路轨道,很显然,这两个的士开得太快。

  • As soon as he 'd cut the express car off he made the engineer run her up the track about half a mile to a road crossing .

    他把那快递车解下了,马上就叫司机 前开了半英里路光景,开到了一个 道口

  • The Control Principle of Overlap Traced the Track of the Road Train

    汽车列车转向轮 重合控制原理研究

  • The track widened as it met the road .

    小路在和 公路相交的地方变宽了。

  • Kalman filter tracking algorithm was analyzed . This tracking method was used to track moving vehicle in simple road scene . The motion model of the moving vehicle was built to track the vehicle .

    分析了卡尔曼滤波的跟踪算法,并将其应用在简单的 道路场景中运动车辆的 跟踪上,构建出了车辆的运动模型,成功的跟踪了行驶中的车。

  • Application of modifier in handling of track disaster of asphalt road

    改性剂在沥青 路面 车辙病害处治中的应用研究

  • The Experimental Research of the Automatic Track Switch of the Road Railer

    卡轨车自动 道岔试验研究

  • This track should meet up with the main road .

    小道应与那 大道相交。

  • History is the beginning of happiness in the track road .

    历史开始是在幸福的 轨道行进

  • We the Earth around the sun to the track known as the ecliptic the moon around the Earth to the track known as the White Road .

    我们把地球围绕太阳公转的轨道称为黄道,把月球围绕地球公转的 轨道称为 白道

  • But FAO 's emergency project has funds for shoring up the bridge foundations and upgrading the track that runs from the main road .

    然而,粮农组织的紧急项目为加固桥梁基础和改造通往主要 道路 路面提供了资金。

  • At the same time in the light of the competitive features of the athletic events the competitions may be divided into four divisions : track events field events road events and combined events .

    同时,根据田径项目的比赛特点,田径比赛可以分成四大项: 径赛、田赛、 公路赛和全能赛。

  • Sensors also track road conditions air temperature and potholes so cyclists can share real-time information about best routes .

    传感器对 道路状况、气温和坑洼进行监测,以便与骑车的人分享有关最佳线路的实时信息。

  • The road crossing is located at the junction of the railroad leading to the test track and the road parallel to the test track .

    平交道口位于 试车 线铁道和平行于试车线 道路的连接处。

  • It is now easier to track people on the road and ensure their safety .

    现在, 追踪 旅途中的员工、确保他们的安全变得更容易了。

  • Through the engineering example it is to approach the method and principle of the mixture ration design of the regenerated mixture used for the flexible base and the paving construction process and the measurement track of the road using performance .

    通过工程实例探讨了再生料用做柔性基层配合比设计的方法、原则,铺筑的施工工艺及其 用性能的检测 跟踪

  • Nick : there are many events . however there are generally four types : track race road race travel race cross-country race and multi-day race .

    尼克:项目是不少,不过大体分为四类:摩托车 场地赛,摩托车 公路赛,摩托车旅行赛,摩托车越野赛和多日赛。