track coding

[计] 磁道编码

  • Final simulation results verify commonality and reusability of TCC simulation software . Besides the coding algorithm based on expert system is tested to be effective ensuring the safety of the track circuit coding information .

    仿真结果验证了列控中心仿真软件的通用性及可复用性,并且表明基于专家系统的编码算法是有效的, 能够保证 编码信息的安全。

  • Research on single track Beeline Encoder with CCD Fractionize is presented in the paper . A coding theory and an algorithm for shift sequence code is put forward .

    提出了一种单 编码CCD细分直线编码器,论述了其位移连续码的 编码理论及算法。

  • The simulation results show that it can detect and track targets computational efficiently with SNR < 2 . According to the difficulties of tracking point source targets with low SNR coding and genetic operation are designed for this problem .

    仿真结果表明应用此 算法,可快速实现信噪比小于2的点目标的检测与 跟踪