transmission facility

[trænsˈmɪʃən fəˈsɪlɪti][trænzˈmiʃən fəˈsiliti]


  • Telecommunication duct and line network is the important component of the whole telecommunication network . It is one of the basic telecommunication transmission facilities also it is the essential facility to connect customer terminal equipments .

    电信管线网络是整个电信通信网重要的组成部分,它既是电信 传输基础设备之一,又是连接用户终端使用设备不可缺少的 设施

  • In propagation aspect that needs to apply certain transmission facility sometimes due to the presence of large attenuation coefficient in free space for water absorption characteristic .

    在传输方面,由于太赫兹波的自由空间水吸收性损耗等原因,对于太赫兹波的传输有时候需要应用一定的 传输 设备

  • On the basis of analyzing the mechanism of power flow distribution a new power flow tracing based calculation scheme to calculate the transmission facility usages is proposed and the calculations of a simple power system under different situations are carried out .

    在对潮流分布机理进行分析的基础上,提出了一种新的基于潮流追踪的 输电 设备利用份额计算方案,并利用一个简单系统对不同情形进行了计算。

  • The Measure for the Transmission Characteristic of CATV Transmission Distribution System Facility or Equipment and It 's Countermeasures

    CATV 传输分配系统 设备器材传输特性的测量及其对策

  • This paper describes the generation and transmission and experimental results of multiplex nanosecond delay pulse on a high power Z-pinch facility .

    报告了高功率Z-pinch 装置中的多路纳秒延时同步脉冲产生及 传输 系统的设计和实验结果。

  • Further the transmission facility allocation and loss allocation models are obtained .

    进而得出有功、无功联合 输电 设备的利用份额,联合网损分摊的数学模型。

  • Rely on Element Management System of transmission equipment manufacturers transmission facility are maintained and managed by telecom operators .

    电信运营商主要依赖传输设备厂家提供的网元管理系统对其 传输 设备进行管理和维护。

  • Being high-performance belt stepless transmission and such devices meeting modern demands as big – capability luggage hold this motorcycle is an ideal transportation facility for motor funs .

    由于具有高性能、带式无级 变速 和像大容量行李箱这样的一些符合现代需求的配置,该摩托车成为摩托爱好者的理想交通 工具

  • A kind of synchronous transmission differential oscillator is pointed out to be able to adjust stroke reduce the height of facility improve the whole capability and finally increase the throughput and enhance the separating effect .

    提出使用一种同步带 传动差动激振器,可调节冲程,降低 设备高度,减小动力消耗,改进整机性能,达到提高生产能力、改善分选效果的目的。

  • Research on Power Flow Tracing Based Bilateral Contract Transmission Facility Usage Determination Scheme

    基于潮流追踪的双边交易 输电 设备利用份额计算方案

  • The serial data transmission and real-time communication between PLC and computer are realized The detailed real-time supervisory and data management are achieved from computer to the states on the job of facility which connected S7-200 PLC .

    实现了计算机与西门子S7-200系列PLC间的串行数据 传输和实时通信,达到计算机对PLC所连接 设备工作状态的实时监测和数据管理。

  • Presently speech communication gains widely application in a variety of fields but in the process of speech communication the speech signals are often corrupted unavoidably by ambient noise electrical noise in transmission media electrical noise in communications facility and the speech of other speakers .

    目前语音通信在众多领域已得到越来越广泛的应用,而语音在通信过程中不可避免地会受到来自周围环境、 传输媒介引入的噪声、通信 设备内部的电噪声以及其它讲话者的干扰等等。

  • The bench for the test of machine transmission capability is a sort of experimental facility which is used for the test of all kinds of mechanism transmission systems the conventional experimentation device is often based on secondary instrument testing technique and has many disadvantages .

    机械 传动性能实验 是一种用于各类机械 装置传动系统性能测试的实验设备,传统的实验台基于二次仪表测试技术存在不足。

  • Secondary transmission of varicella vaccine virus in a chronic care facility for children

    儿童慢性疾病护理 机构内的继发性水痘疫苗病毒 感染

  • In this thesis the heat transmission coefficient and exit density of two-effect evaporation experimental facility are investigated .

    本文以两效蒸发实验 装置 传热系数和出口浓度在线检测系统为研究对象。

  • Automatic transmission is a pivotal facility of auto mobile . It directly affects the performance of dynamics economy and reliability of automobile .

    自动 变速 作为现代汽车上的关键 部件,其性能直接影响了汽车的动力性、经济性和可靠性。

  • The software system includes real-time data transmission from acquisition facility to customer terminal equipment and data analysis by client other than data acquisition function .

    整个软件系统具有 传送实时数据和在客户端进行数据分析两部分 功能,不包括数据采集功能。

  • The firmware is categorized into three parts the transmission facility network facility and special facility by the amalgamation of several networks .

    文中立足于多网互联业务融合,首先将PLC固件划分为 传输 设备、网络设备和特殊设备三大类,进而描述各自的具体功能;

  • For two-effect evaporation experimental facility the heat transmission coefficient is a critical processing parameter it determines processing property of evaporation facility .

    对于两效蒸发实验装置, 传热系数是一个决定性的工艺参数,它直接决定着蒸发 设备的工艺性能。

  • Transmission from humans or their pets is suspected because the facility was open to tourists .

    这个 基地是对游客开放的,因此怀疑是人类或宠物把 病毒 传染给了熊猫。

  • In this paper this method is adopted to one small special speech digital transmission facility . A speech compression system based on a TMS320VC5402 chip is designed .

    文中将其引入小型专用语音数字化 传输 设备中,设计并实现了以TMS320VC5402为核心的语音压缩系统。