



  • Lobbyists must not be allowed to hamper swift action by regulators to toughen controls .

    我们决不能允许游说人士妨碍监管机构迅速采取行动来 实行 严格的管控。

  • Electrospun PSF nanofibrous membranes were prepared to toughen TGDDM epoxy resin .

    本课题采用静电纺丝制备了聚砜(PSF)纳米纤维膜,以 增韧 TGDDM环氧树脂。

  • But those who are easier graders than average will never feel guilty and toughen up .

    而那些评分本来就比平均 标准 的,根本不会觉得内疚,不会 因此 严格

  • The reports say Denmark should toughen its penalties for bribery while Japan needs to strengthen its laws start investigating and prosecuting bribery and urgently assess impediments to doing this .

    报告称,丹麦应 加强其对贿赂行为的惩罚力度,而日本需要完善其法律法规,开始调查并起诉贿赂行为,并对妨碍日本反贿赂的障碍进行紧急评估。

  • Establishment self-confidence heart ; Development self-confidence heart ; Healthy and strong growth ; Behavior ; Toughen ; Bear dint .

    建立自信心;培养自信心;茁壮成长;行为; 锻炼;承受力。

  • The US and its European allies are preparing to toughen their already stricter unilateral measures against Iran .

    美国及其欧洲盟国正准备 加大针对伊朗的已经更为严厉的单边制裁力度。

  • Shoppers can be stuck with more second-thoughts-merchandise now as many retailers toughen their return policies .

    如今,消费者可能会有更多的买了之后又不喜欢的商品,因为许多零售商 收紧了退货政策。

  • Members of the Senate also are pushing to give the White House new tools to toughen policy toward China .

    而参议院也有议员提倡给予白宫新的工具来 强化对华政策。

  • We would pee on our palms during spring training to toughen them up you know .

    我们常常会在春季训练时 尿撒在手上,使手 坚韧一点,知道吗。

  • He needs plenty of hard exercise to toughen him up .

    他需要充分的艰苦锻炼以 增强 体质

  • His parents sent him away to school to toughen him up .

    他的父母把他送到学校 经受 锻炼

  • British regulations are also being toughened .

    英国的规章也正在 变得 更加 严格

  • The amnesty appeared to conflict with President Lee Myung-bak 's calls this month to strengthen the rule of law and toughen scrutiny of corruption cases involving business leaders .

    总统李明博(LeeMyung-bak)本月呼吁加强法治, 严格审查牵涉商界领袖的腐败案件。特赦李健熙的决定似乎与此背道而驰。

  • people who have been toughened by their daily circumstances .

    被日常境况 磨砺坚韧 顽强的人们

  • Legitimate drug companies say China must toughen up its regulations on exported drugs .

    合法的制药公司说中国必须 加紧它对出口药物的管理。

  • The city council is determined to toughen up the fight against crime .

    市政会议决心 增强与犯罪作斗争的力度。

  • In the meantime the existence and management set foot in realistic world family problem is also a kind of test to the university student can biggest toughen it conducting with life ability .

    同时,涉足现实世界的生存和经营家庭问题,对大学生也是一种考验,可以极大地 锻炼其处世和生活能力。

  • The rubber crumb modified by heavy oil and styrene copolymer was used to toughen waste PP.

    用“重油”与苯乙烯共聚改性胶粉 增韧废PP。

  • They believe that participating in fights toughens boys and shows them how to be men .

    他们认为参与 打架 使男孩子 变得 坚强,教会他们怎样成为男人。

  • Let it toughen you up .

    要让它 使变得 坚强

  • Nixon had reined me in ; he had made me toughen our stand .

    尼克松把我勒住了;他使我 强化了我们的立场。

  • EU ministers also agreed to toughen sanctions against Zimbabwe 's president Robert Mugabe .

    欧盟各国外长在会上还一致同意 强化对津巴布韦总统穆加贝的制裁。

  • toughened glass .


  • We need to slightly toughen up the message says Prior .

    我们必须稍稍 强化这一信息,普赖尔说。

  • Has other kids'bad behavior led you to toughen your standards ?

    其他孩子的不良行为让你 提高了标准吗?

  • There will now be calls at the UN to toughen sanctions slapped on Eritrea in 2009 .

    现在,有人将在联合国呼吁 加大2009年对厄立特里亚实施的制裁。

  • It might toughen you up a bit .

    或许能 坚强一点。

  • The problems have added to pressure on the US Food and Drug Administration to toughen import processes and step up its inspection of foreign manufacturers as well as a re-examination by global companies of their sourcing and manufacturing .

    这些问题增加了美国药监局 收紧进口程序和加强对外国制造商检查的压力, 促使全球企业重新审查自己的采购与制造过程。

  • A year in the army will toughen him up .

    一年的部队生活会 使坚强起来。