

[医] 经眼的

  • The optimal concentration of azone for enhancing transdermic absorption of LMS was 3 . 05 ± 0 . 57 % . Cutaneous penetration effect of LMS exerted by azone was significant .

    模型 准确 求得氮酮对LMS 吸收的最佳浓度是3.05±0.57%,同时 证明氮酮对LMS有显著的透皮吸收作用。

  • Objective : To study the clinical application value of transdermic core needle puncture on breast lump biopsy .

    目的:探讨 核芯针穿刺活检乳腺肿块的临床应用价值。

  • Purpose : To observe the effect of transdermic absorption enhancer of different concentrations on the transdermic absorption of low molecular weight heparin sodium .

    目的:考察不同浓度的 吸收促进剂对低分子肝素钠透皮吸收的影响。

  • Adopting non-invasive equipment with cavitation transdermic 's Principle it could smash adipose and cellulite effectively .

    采用空穴效应非侵入式有效 击破 顽固脂肪团和橙皮脂肪。

  • The mathematic model of LMS transdermic absorption rate under different azone concentrations was calculated by the parabolic curve fitting method .

    采用抛物线拟合法建立不同时间下氮酮(Azone)浓度对LMS 吸收率的数学模型。

  • Second order derivative spectrophotometry of transdermic permeability of ibuprofen liquid could eliminate the disturbance of dissolution of mouse 's skin .

    二阶导数分光光度法测定 布洛芬溶液的 药量,可消除鼠皮溶出物的干扰。

  • Methods : The results of transdermic core needle puncture pathology and postoperative pathology in 138 cases of breast lump were compared to analyze the diagnostic value of core needle puncture .

    方法:对138例乳腺肿块患者术 前行 芯针穿刺, 取得病理学诊断后 与手术病 结果进行对比,分析其诊断价值。

  • Transdermic absorption of compound ketoconazole ointment

    复方酮康唑软膏的 吸收

  • Conclusions Transdermic drugs therapy is a new method in treating infantile diarrhea which is safety efficacy simply and convenience for nursing .

    结论 药治疗小儿腹泻是一种内 治,安全有效,操作简单,便于护理, 被患儿及 家长 接受的新的治疗技术。