


v.摇摇欲坠蹒跚走得或动得不稳( totter的现在分词 )踉跄

  • The I Kissed A Girl singer 25 wore a pair of fashionable black lacy leggings with tottering heels and a mini skirt as she stepped out in Los Angeles yesterday .

    这位25岁的女歌手昨天被拍到,她穿着时尚性感的黑色蕾丝紧身裤,脚上踏一双看起来 摇摇欲坠的高跟鞋,穿着迷你短裙走在洛杉矶的大街上。

  • Poor child ! The cause was in her tottering feet .

    可怜的孩子!原因是在她 那双 的脚上。

  • With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe .


  • In the high old tottering voice that seemed to have been tuned and broken at the capstan bars .

    苍老的声音 厉、 颤抖,仿佛 声音是按船上的绞盘棒定的音,而且定音时嗓子喊破了。

  • The demand side risk is familiar : a sharp US slowdown probably triggered by a tottering housing market .

    需求风险已为人所熟知:即美国经济增长的急剧减速,导火索可能是 摇摇欲坠的楼市。

  • Tu weiyueh smiled grimly feeling that his regime really was tottering this time .

    屠维岳又笑了一笑,感到自己的“政权”这次是当真在 动摇了。

  • The property market is tottering .

    房地产市场 摇摇欲坠

  • Would all of you throw him down-this leaning wall this tottering fence ?

    如同毁坏 歪斜的墙,将倒的壁,要到几时呢?

  • This major change is occurring just as old family support systems are tottering towards extinction .

    正当旧家庭所维系的体制 摇摇欲坠迈向灭绝的 时候,这个重大的变革发生了。

  • The euro zone 's new ' banking union ' ensures that bank creditors will take losses to bolster tottering banks in the future .

    欧元区的新银行联盟则确保银行的债权人未来将承担损失,以此来提振 步履 艰难的银行业。

  • The baby began to crawl then managed her first tottering steps .

    宝宝开始只是爬,后来第一次 起来 蹒跚了几步。

  • The tottering cause of Sichuan Opera seems to have successors .


  • You have come out in the morning to play in the courtyard tottering and tumbling as you run .

    你在早晨就跑出来到天井里 玩儿,你, 跑着 就像 摇摇 的。

  • But some of our comrades tottering along like a woman with bound feet are complaining all the time You 're going too fast much too fast . He walked softly away into the lane towards his own house .

    我们的某些同志却像一个 小脚女人东摇西摆地在 那里走路,老是埋怨旁人说:走快了,走快了。他轻手轻脚地走开了,走向通往自己家的小路。

  • But with almost all of the Arab regimes tottering Israel could have no guarantee that such a peace would last .

    但在几乎所有阿拉伯政权都 摇摇欲坠,以色列可能无法确保这样的和平得以持续。

  • The wartime liberal government was tottering .

    战时的自由党政府 摇摇欲坠

  • I could see the pile of books tottering but couldn 't reach them before they fell .

    我可以看到这堆书 摇摇 晃晃,但是我还没来得及够到它们,它们就倒了下来。

  • When later grown-up I went to Hangzhou and saw this tottering pagoda I felt uncomfortable .

    后来我长大了,到杭州,看见这 破烂 的塔,心里就不舒服。

  • Private entrepreneurs in China have made substantial inroads into the steel sector in the past decade usually by buying up and restructuring tottering state-owned firms like Tonghua .

    过去10年来,中国私营企业主纷纷大举进军钢铁行业,他们通常是买下像通钢这样 摇摇欲坠的国有企业,并对其进行重组。

  • EXAMPLE : Our petroleum exploration company 's expenses were huge and we were tottering on the brink of abandoning our efforts until last week when one of our drills discovered oil .

    我们这家石油勘探公司开支巨大, 原来一直在放弃勘探的边缘徘徊,直到上周我们的一 钻井打出了石油。

  • The tottering state was propped up by the financiers .

    这个 摇摇欲坠的政府是靠这些金融家们支撑着的。

  • The revelation that Chinese companies discussed selling weapons to the tottering regime as late as July in contravention of UN resolutions is hugely embarrassing for Beijing which is already struggling to improve relations with the victorious rebels .

    中国企业迟至7月 摇摇欲坠 卡扎菲政权就销售武器进行谈判,违背联合国决议,这对北京是一个巨大的难堪,北京方面在与取胜的利比亚反对派改善关系方面已经困难重重。

  • The peace talks were tottering on the brink of collapse .


  • The lively character Harriot tottering on her French heels and with her head as unsteady as her feet in a 1781 story The Delineator represented the typical 18th-century feminine ideal .

    在1781年的短篇小说《描画者》(TheDelineator)中,活泼的人物 哈里奥特(Harriot)穿着法式高跟鞋 摇摇 晃晃的,脑袋就像她的脚一样不稳定,这代表了18世纪女性的理想典型。

  • Martin guided her tottering footsteps to a chair from where she watched him with bulging eyes .

    歪歪倒倒 马丁 到一张椅子上坐下,在那里瞪大眼望着他。

  • Along with the expansion of capitalism in the world China was involved in the tide of global commodity economy in modern times and that made the tottering feudal dynasty shocked unprecedentedly .

    随着资本主义在全球的扩张,中国在近代被卷入了世界商品经济的大潮之中,这使 本来摇摇欲坠的封建王朝受到了空前绝后的冲击。

  • She whispered in his ear You silly ass and then tottering to her chamber lay down on the bed .

    她在他耳边悄悄地说:你这个笨蛋。然后她 摇摇 晃晃地回到她的寝室,躺倒在床上。

  • She walked slowly with tottering steps .

    她迈着 蹒跚的步子慢慢地走着。

  • At stake in Washington in November 2008 was the future of the tottering US banking system .

    在2008年11月的华盛顿, 国会 决定关系到 步履蹒跚的美国银行体系的未来。

  • The idea of the already tottering Pakistani state defaulting is not reassuring .

    已是 摇摇欲坠的巴基斯坦政府违约不能让人安心。