transaction program

[trænˈsækʃən ˈproˌɡræm][trænˈzækʃən ˈprəuɡræm]


  • The man-machine interface program includes the refresh in time program of the liquid crystal display real-time clock transaction program and the keyboard interrupt program .

    人机接口 程序包括液晶显示的实时刷新、实时时钟 处理、键盘中断输入等程序。

  • The feature of USB system transaction processing format and the driver program successfully installed in system is discussed in the paper after that USB interface can be used in MIS .

    接着主要讨论了USB系统的特点及 事务处理格式、实现构架驱动 程序 设计并且成功加载到系统,达到了MIS对USB接口使用的要求。

  • It integrates the proposed transaction test program generation mechanism transaction scheduling method and behavior scenarios consistence verification method between model level and transaction level .

    该工具集成了本文所提出的基于模型的 事务 测试生成方法、事务调度方法、模型级与事务级行为场景的一致性验证方法。

  • In order for an enterprise to use hedging tools to lock cost or lock sales price it has to have clear and correct transaction ideas in futures hedging market witch is the hedging management program .

    企业利用套期保值工具进行锁定成本或者锁定销售价格的前提是在期货套期保值市场上有一个正确的 交易思路,即套期保值管理 方案

  • One project I developed had financial data at the detail grain transaction level and program accomplishments at a day grain level .

    我曾开发的一个项目拥有细节粒度 事务级别的财务数据和日期粒度级别的 程序实现。

  • An instance of SQL server transaction program design

    SqlServer 事务 处理 程序设计实例

  • The paper discusses the basic concepts of transaction mechanism and shows the way to write transaction program in MS SQL SERVER 2000 .

    本文介绍了事务机制的基本概念,以及在SqlServer2000中如何编写 事务 程序

  • COBOL transaction application program

    COBOL 事务 处理应用 程序

  • Furthermore the transaction of water rights option for yellow river valley is designed in detail including its organization principle parts agreement and program .

    最后,对黄河流域水权期权 交易进行了具体设计,包括黄河流域的水权期权 交易的组织机构、主体、合约设计和 程序设计。

  • A transaction can occur between a workstation and a program two workstations or two programs .

    事务可以发生在工作站和 程序之间,两个工作站之间,或两个程序之间。

  • The optimized local adapter CICS link server running in CICS reads the XA transaction context and creates a new unit of work to run the specified native language program .

    在CICS中运行的优化的本地适配器CICS链接服务器读取XA 事务上下文并创建新的工作单元以便运行指定的本地语言 程序

  • Relatively speaking subject to the scarcity of transaction and limits of regulatory policy the program trading is just beginning in domestic and it is to be promoted mainly because of the listing of Stock index future .

    相对而言,受制于 交易 的种类的不足以及监管政策的限制,国内的 程式交易才刚刚起步,而且,主要是在股指期货上市以后,才带动了这一投资理念的推广。

  • Screenwrite transaction program construction

    写屏面 事务处理 程序构造

  • Analyze the protocol and the transaction timing of Front Side Bus write the HDL program of Front Side Bus .

    分析处理器模件前端总线协议与 事务时序,编写前端总线的硬件描述语言 程序

  • The example for this exercise is a transaction management program .

    可以将一个 事务管理 程序作为练习的例子。

  • The socialization of the contemporary child in the United States is a two-way transaction between parent and child rather than a one-way parent-to-child training program .

    美国当代儿童的社会化是一种父母和儿童双向的 交流,而不是单向的,只是父母对孩子训练的 方案

  • For example a DB2 for z / OS SQL stored procedure developed to support a Java application could just as easily be called from a CICS transaction program written in COBOL .

    例如,可以从一个用COBOL编写的CICS 事务 程序轻松调用一个用来支持Java应用程序的DB2forz/OSSQL存储过程。

  • Core applications by transforming the host transaction fee program called generic online transactions and charges to achieve core business functions of integration .

    通过改造主机核心应用 交易调用联机通用收费 程序实现核心业务交易与收费功能的集成。

  • In this model the container will not automatically commit or roll back the transaction ; it is up to the developer to program this behavior in the Java method performing the database updates .

    在此模型中,容器不会自动提交或 回滚 事务

  • This system was designed primarily from the analysis of systematic platform and selected a rational effective and advanced technology programs ( . Net + Mysql + GPRS ) . The data flow and transaction scheme of emissions trading program have been designed in detail .

    本排污权 交易 管理系统设计主要从系统平台分析入手,选择合理及先进有效的技术 方案(.Net+Mysql+GPRS)。