trailing wheel


  • Loosen trailing arm at wheel carrier .

    松开 车轮托架处的 臂。

  • It is one of trailing arm suspension that can only be applied in the rear axle and cannot be applied in the front steering axle so there are only two wheel alignment parameters : toe-in and camber .

    它属于 臂式悬架,只能用于后轮,且不能用于转向轮,因此其定位参数只有 车轮前束和外倾角两种。

  • This equipment adsorption on the steel wall surface with permanent magnetic and drive through the trailing wheel in the double crawlers .

    该爬行器采用永磁铁吸附在钢板表面上,通过双履带 后轮驱动,可以在船体壁面上连续爬行,并有一定的越障能力。

  • When in the process the main wheel trailing wheel or the trolley can be employed to do lively activities .

    在上述过程中,可利用主轮、 从轮或滚轮做一些寓教于乐的工作。

  • According to the goals and requirements the track of waste container 's trailing wheel gets improved to satisfy the designing requirements ; the maximum pressure acting on the hydraulic cylinder has reduced by 23.8 % .

    按照设计目标要求,对垃圾集装箱运动轨迹进行改进,设计出更加合乎设计目标要求的曲面运动轨迹,与设计前相比液压缸举升力降低了 23.8%

  • Machining precisions of axles and holes correlating with the space position of brake drum 's positioning dowel on the trailing arm are the main factors determining the rear wheel alignment parameters .

    决定 后轮定位参数的主要是与 摆臂中制动鼓定位销轴空间有关的轴和孔的加工精度。