trade books


  • It also proposes the factors of influencing the copyright trade by analysis of the problems which are : economical level and industrial scale books commercial operation pattern cultural context difference copyright proxy and specialized talented person .

    通过对成绩和问题的研究提出了影响图书版权 贸易的因素:经济水平和产业规模、 图书商业运作模式、文化背景差异、版权代理和专业人才。

  • I 'll trade you five comic books for your scoutknife .

    我拿五本连环画 你的童子军小刀。

  • Deliberate Distortion of Normal Scientific Technological Economic and Trade Exchanges The Four Books and the Five Classics have been regarded as the cardinal texts which one must learn to understand the authentic thought of Confucianism .

    对正常的科技和 经贸交流活动进行蓄意歪曲“ 四书”、“五经”是了解正统儒家学说的主要读物。

  • People who work in the trade can buy their books at a discount .


  • The art form is reflected on trade marks advertisement interior decoration fashion design book binding stamp design and cartoon books .

    产品包装设计、 商标广告、室内装潢、服装设计、书籍装帧、邮票设计、 连环画等处都有它的影子。

  • The US trade department also complained about Chinese restrictions on the sale of foreign books and films .

    美国 商务部同时还指控中国限制外国 图书和电影在中国市场销售。

  • Many scholars have already conducted the research about the concept direction and mode of the upgrading of the processing trade and many relative books have been published in public .

    很多学者就加工 贸易升级的方式、方向和方法进行了比较深入的研究,相关 著作也层出不穷。

  • This article also analyzes many successful stories about domestic publishers ' books copyright trade and summarizes successful experiences in the activity and method of western developed countries ' books copyright trade simultaneously which will provide useful inspires to Chinese copyright trade .

    本文对国内出版企业图书版权 贸易的成功案例进行了分析,同时也对西方发达国家 图书版权贸易的成功经验和做法进行了总结,这些对发展我国图书版权贸易提供了有益的启示。

  • Since China entered in Universal Copyright Convention and signed the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works in 1992 trade in books copyright became more active and the total amount multiplied .

    我国自1992年正式加入世界版权公约和伯尔尼公约以来, 图书版权 贸易比较活跃,图书版权 贸易总数成倍增长。

  • The problem here not just with Foyles but with the entire trade is that books are a dwindling market .

    问题是这并非仅仅是Foyles书店、而是整个书店 行业面临的问题: 图书市场正不断萎缩。

  • The trade worked both ways with Venetians exporting jewels books silks and ingenious mechanical tools to the East .

    贸易的作用是双向的,威尼斯也出口珠宝、 书籍、丝绸和精巧的机械工具到东方。

  • Meanwhile in Hong Kong foreign banks such as anzare receiving calls from the big mainland banks asking them to refinance their Chinese renminbi trade books .

    与此同时,在香港,澳新银行等外国银行接到中国内地大型银行的电话,后者要求它们为各自的人民币 贸易 账户再融资。

  • Trade up Home Purchase Scheme w_1738 Management and utilization of the public funds for buying books and reference materials in colleges and universities

    购物业〔自置居所资助计划〕高校公款购置 图书资料的管理与利用

  • The progression of the city commercialization has brought about changes in the minds of social members resulted in a new trade mode of production in accordance with this environment and created the influential artistic form of block printing of books with local characteristics .

    城市商业化进程带来了社会成员思想观念的变化,形成了符合这种环境的新的 行业生产方式,也创造了具有地方特色、影响深远的 书籍 装帧艺术形式。

  • Disabuse on the Description of Chinese Trade Books XML-based Structure Definition of General Books

    中文 普通 图书著录解疑普通图书的XML描述

  • Therefore the electronic books publication online system will become indispensably essential infrastructure and support environment online in the modern issuance trade of future books publication system .

    因此电子图书在线出版系统将是未来现代化的 图书出版系统发行 行业中必不可少的基础设施与支持环境。

  • I was asked by the Trade Development Council a couple of years ago if I might do something to promote English books which had not been done before .

    两年前, 香港 贸易发展局( TradeDevelopmentCouncil)问我是否愿意为推广英文 图书做一点事。这在我是从未有过的尝试。

  • Conforming with CNMARC format this paper discusses the author descriptions and retrieval spots selecting of Chinese trade books and elaborates and analyzes the key and difficult problems .

    文章遵循CNMARC格式,对中文 普通 图书责任者的著录及其检索点的选取进行了探讨,对其中的重点、难点问题进行了阐述和分析。

  • The trade volume of international core cultural goods ( including heritage goods books newspaper periodicals other printed matter recorded media visual art works and audiovisual media ) is increased from 38 billion to 60 billion from 1994 to 2002 .

    1994年到2002年,世界核心文化商品(包括古董收藏、 书籍、报纸杂志、其它印刷品、音像制品、视觉艺术品及视听媒体) 贸易额由380亿美元增长到了600亿美元。

  • Printed book whether of not illustrated ( excl. atlases trade catalogues cusec books and children 's picture books ) w_860

    参考书不论是否有插图(不包括地图册、 商业目录、 乐曲集和儿童图画书)w_884