trade up

[treid ʌp][treid ʌp]


  • Both overall economic growth and trade picked up at first slowly and then back to the pace of the 1990s boom years .

    整体经济增长和 贸易出现 升起初步伐缓慢,随后便恢复到上世纪90年代繁荣时期的水平。

  • The value of our house soared enabling us to trade up to a larger place .

    我们这房屋的价值上扬,使得我们可以 卖掉购买一个更大的地方。

  • The homeowner wants to trade up . The old man was tossed out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down .

    房主想把旧屋 折价换新房子。因为房主要拆 房子,这老头被赶了出来。

  • Makers of small cars have the added advantage according to JD Power of strong brand loyalty when owners trade up to a bigger model .

    JDPower称,当车主 一种较大的车型时,小型车制造商还拥有一个额外的优势,即很强的品牌忠诚度。

  • Our trade was up by 21.8 % in the first eight months while two-way investment and technological cooperation kept growing at a fast speed .

    今年1至8月,双方 贸易同比增长了21.8%,双向投资和技术合作加速发展。

  • Magnesium Alloy Die casting Parts in foreign countries will be increasing at the rate of 20 % to 25 % especially in automobile trade up to 2000 ' .

    国外镁合金压铸件在2000年前将以20%~25%的速度增长,尤其在汽车 行业需求量大。

  • A wave of mainly Chinese deals met strong investor interest helping a number of companies to trade up sharply in their first days and weeks .

    以中国内地企业为主的一波上市引发投资者强烈兴趣,多只 新股在最初几天或几周大幅 上涨

  • Colin Currie Adidas head for greater China says that even in poorer cities consumers are eager to trade up to foreign brands as their income rises .

    阿迪达斯大中华区负责人 高嘉礼(ColinCurrie)表示,即便是在不那么富裕的城市,随着收入的增长,消费者也渴望提升消费档次,购买外国品牌的 商品

  • Homeowners will feel more comfortable and they may feel ready to trade up .

    私房主会感到更安心,可能愿意 变卖 旧房购买更贵的房子。

  • If you 're doing a snail mail survey trade up a bit : Anything that distinguishes the survey from direct marketing will increase your success rate .

    如果你在做一个平信调查, 贸易 平信 一点:什么区别调查从直接营销将增加你的成功率。

  • Mr Saunders believes this is representative of many middle-class shoppers who have been proud to display cheap goods from chains such as Primark but are now preparing to trade up .

    尼尔桑德斯认为这种态度在中产消费者中具有代表性,这些买家曾经骄傲的展示自己从primark买来的便宜衣物,但现在则愿意“ 一个档次”。

  • We are on course to record our best ever year of trade up more than 7 per cent in the first half of 2012 alone .

    记录显示去年是我们 两国 贸易 往来最好的一年。仅2012年上半年, 双边 贸易增长 至少7%。

  • Trade up Home Purchase Scheme w_1192 Management and utilization of the public funds for buying books and reference materials in colleges and universities


  • Things will go much Better if people of the same trade make up the other 's deficiency from their own surplus .

    行业之间 互通有无,调剂余缺,事情就好办得多了。

  • China 's foreign trade makes up a very small portion of the world 's total .

    现在中国对外 贸易 世界 贸易 的比例很小。

  • The impact of drought weak foreign demand and strong import demand pushed the trade deficit up from $ 8 billion in2002 to $ 18 billion in2003 and to $ 13 billion in2004 .

    干旱的影响、微薄的外需,强有力的进口需要将 贸易赤字从2002年的80亿 推向到2003年的180亿,而2004年则增加至130亿。

  • Of this total the export of general trade was down by 4.8 percent and that of manufacturing trade was up 4.9 percent .

    其中一般贸易出口下降4.8%,加工 贸易出口 增长4.9%;

  • Today cooperation between our two countries has become the engine driving China-EU cooperation with China-Germany trade taking up roughly 30 percent of Chinas total trade with Europe .

    目前,中德合作已成为中欧合作的龙头, 双方 贸易 到中欧贸易总额的30%左右。

  • He cited a study by the Swedish board of trade that up to 80 per cent of the value added in production of shoes took place in Europe where they are designed and marketed .

    他援引瑞典 贸易署(SwedishBoardof Trade)一项研究表示,鞋业生产中高 80%的附加值是在欧洲创造的,欧洲是鞋的设计方与销售市场。

  • As GDP rises smokers trade up to more expensive brands .

    随着国内生产总值的上升,烟民们 已经 起更贵的牌子了。

  • Since inter-eurozone trade makes up two-thirds of German exports the incremental benefits of exporting outside the eurozone are no longer covering the loss in trade from Europe .

    由于欧元区 贸易 德国出口的三分之二,德国对非欧元区的出口增长不足以弥补欧元区内部贸易的下降。

  • Here the certainty has been that the property market goes up trade goes up and horses race on Wednesdays and Sundays .

    这里说的稳定,是指楼市上涨, 交易畅旺,每周三和周日照常举行 马。

  • Jane has no common with her sister on avocation . Things will go much Better if people of the same trade make up the other 's deficiency from their own surplus .

    就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有什么共同之处。同 行业之间 互通有无,调剂余缺,事情就好办得多了。

  • Mini-car owners are trading up to ' real ' cars

    迷你车车主们正 变卖旧车换进“真正的”汽车

  • First-time buyers saw them as a way to get onto the housing ladder perhaps hoping to trade up to a house later .

    首次购房者视公寓为跻身屋主阶级的捷径,或许他们还计划着几年后 公寓换 独栋住宅。

  • TD Waterhouse charges a 12.50 flat fee for investors who trade up to six times every quarter and 11.95 for those who trade more often .

    tdwaterhouse向每季度 交易低于6次的投资者收取每单12.5英镑的正常费用,对交易次数更多的客户则收取11.95 英镑

  • The homeowner wants to trade up .

    房主想 旧屋 折价换新 房子

  • If trade looks up we may be able to have the shop painted next year .

    假如 生意 景况 有所 改善的话,明年我们就能够将店铺重新漆一次了。

  • Moreover defying concerns that the ensuing security clampdown would throw sand in the wheels of globalisation world trade picked up speed again until the global financial crisis of 2008 .

    此外,当时人们曾担心,9/11后的严厉安全措施将妨碍全球化,但实际上世界 贸易再度 提速,直至2008年爆发全球金融危机。