trade war

[treid wɔr][treid wɔ:]


  • The world cannot afford a trade war with Chinese characteristics .

    世界承受不起一场中国特色的 贸易 战争

  • This could easily ratchet up into a broader trade war and inflict economic damage on both countries .

    这可能“很容易地引起广泛的 贸易 并多两国造成经济损失”。

  • Both the US and China must resist domestic pressures to restrict trade or risk igniting a wider trade war .

    美国和中国都必须顶住国内限制贸易的压力,否则就可能引发一场更广泛的 贸易

  • If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies a trade war would ensue

    如果欧洲人不减少补贴,便会发生 贸易

  • Inevitable rejection by the WTO could lead to feigned disappointment then unilateral protectionism followed by a trade war .

    世贸组织拒绝巴西的建议是必然的,巴西可能会假装表示失望,然后单方面采取保护主义措施,激起一场 贸易

  • The prevailing opinion seems to be that a trade war can be averted if both countries make concessions .

    最普遍的观点认为 商业 战争在两个国家都作出让步的情况下是可避免的。

  • In some ways a currency war would be a modern form for a trade war .

    从某种意义上说,汇率战争就是现代形式的 贸易 战争

  • The implications are alarming however : war with Iran trade war with China confrontation with Russia .

    但这一切背后暗含着令人担忧的可能性:与伊朗开战、与中国打 贸易 、与俄罗斯对抗。

  • Many in Congress support the idea but it risks a devastating trade war .

    美国国会许多议员都支持这一想法,但它可能会导致灾难性的 贸易

  • That may well lead to global trade war in 2010 .

    这很有可能导致2010年全球 爆发 贸易

  • Moreover a trade war with China could well have unpredictable and potentially highly damaging political consequences .

    此外,与中国进行 贸易 ,很可能造成无法预测、可能极具破坏力的政治后果。

  • The hard line from the China Air Transport Association which represents all major Chinese airlines intensifies a dispute with the European Union that the head of Airbus has warned could turn into a trade war .

    代表中国所有主要航空公司的中国航空运输协会(cata)的强硬立场,加剧了与欧盟的纠纷,空客(airbus)负责人警告称,这场纠纷可能升级为一场 贸易

  • The most important thing is to reach an agreement and to avoid a trade war .

    最重要的是达成协议,避免 贸易

  • The alternative to currency conflict and trade war is demand expansion .

    替代汇率冲突和 贸易 的手段是需求扩张。

  • We 're not worried that it will lead to a trade war because we have good relations with China .

    我们并不担心这会导致 贸易 ,因为我们与中国有着良好的关系。

  • One is the increasing likelihood of a trade war .

    一是 爆发 贸易 的可能性日益加大。

  • This could easily start a trade war .

    这很容易引发一场 贸易

  • Thus this move stokes fears that China is gearing up for a trade war .

    因此,中国的汇率变动将引发担忧,即中国正准备发动一场 贸易 战争

  • But trade war is not the solution .

    贸易 并非解决之道。

  • They told Jacques Delors a disastrous world trade war must be avoided at all costs .

    他们告诉雅克·德洛尔必须不惜任何代价避免一场毁灭性的世界 贸易

  • A trade war would be bad at the best of times but in the current economic climate it would be a disaster .

    即使在情况最好的时候 贸易 都是有害无利的,而在当前这种经济形势下只会是一场灾难。

  • Such behaviours are a recipe for a trade war and poverty not a way out of this recession .

    此类行为将导致 贸易 和贫困而非摆脱本轮衰退的解决之道。

  • Is this the first shot of a telecom trade war ?

    这是否意味着一场电信 贸易 打响了第一枪?

  • A genuine trade war between two of the biggest economies with its potential to spill over into other countries trade would be terrible news for the global economy and therefore markets .

    全球两大经济体之间若爆发真正的 贸易 ,那有可能波及其它国家的贸易,这对全球经济和全球市场而言将是一个可怕的消息。

  • The Boeing deal is likely to reinforce European aerospace industry fears that the sector could be caught in a global trade war because several countries including China India and the US object to the EU carbon scheme .

    东航与波音的交易可能加深欧洲航空航天工业的担心,即该行业可能卷入一场全球 贸易 ,因为中国、印度和美国等多个国家反对欧盟的碳排放交易计划。

  • Third it would avoid a trade war which would benefit no one .

    第三,一场对谁都没有好处的 贸易 战将得以避免。

  • Is this the beginning of a currency war that could broaden into a trade war ?

    一场货币战争是否就此开始,然后可能扩大为一场 贸易

  • In a trade war surplus countries have most to lose .

    贸易 中,顺差国家可能的损失最大。

  • The most obvious risk is that Chinese sanctions on US arms companies could help provoke a trade war .

    最显而易见的风险是,中国对美国军火公司的制裁,可能成为引发 贸易 的导火索之一。

  • Punitive legislation like that often threatened by Congress would only set off a destructive trade war .

    国会经常威胁要制定的那种惩罚性法律只会引起一场破坏性的 贸易