trade unionist

[treid ˈjunjənɪst][treid ˈju:njənɪst]


  • He was a member of the conservative trade union movement and in1960he became the first trade unionist to chair the Conservative Party conference .

    他是保守党工会运动的成员,1960年他成为第一个担任保守党大会主席职务的 工会 成员

  • Martin Johnson an education trade unionist points to Britain 's inequality between classes which is among the largest in the wealthiest nations as the main reason why its pupils underperform .

    一个教育 工会 成员,马丁-詹姆森,指出英国的“课程之间的不平等是所有富有国家中最大的”,这是它的学生表现不好的主要原因。

  • She was an active trade unionist and had been elected a shop steward .

    她是积极的 工会 成员获选工会谈判代表。