topology of networks


  • Based on the theory of electrical networks a computer program is compiled for analysis the topology of RLC networks .

    基于电网络理论,编制了一套分析RLC 网络 拓扑 结构的计算机程序。

  • Traditional methods for getting the topology of networks is to update information regularly but this will result in large amount of network overhead .

    获取 网络 拓扑的传统方法是定时更新 网络信息,但会带来大量的网络开销。

  • This solution uses SVG to describe the topology of networks and XML-RPC to realize the intercommunication between client and server .

    用XML-RPC实现客户端 网络 拓扑 与服务端的通信,完成用户 网络 拓扑 的编辑、保存等交互动作。

  • Estimating topology of networks

    网络 拓扑估计

  • Compared to networks on the ground the topology of satellite networks is changing all the time so the routing algorithm of networks on the ground can not be applied to satellite networks .

    与地面网络相比,卫星 网络 拓扑 结构是时刻变化的,不能照搬地面网络的路由算法。

  • The thesis studies the topology survivability of complex networks and transmission of complex networks using methods of graph theory statistical physics and computer simulation .

    本论文运用图论、统计物理学以及计算机模拟等方法,从复杂 网络 拓扑生存 和数据传输这两个方面进行了相关的分析与研究。

  • This thesis studied the topology of networks brought two improved immune strategies : secondary sort strategy and dynamic strategy .

    本文主要通过 网络 拓扑 结构的研究,提出了两种改进的免疫策略:动态免疫策略以及二次排序免疫策略。

  • In this thesis the characteristic of Ad hoc networks based on Bluetooth the topology models of Bluetooth networks and the problem space of Bluetooth topology formation are introduced at first .

    本文首先分析了基于蓝牙技术的adhoc网络的特点,归纳了蓝牙 网络 拓扑 结构模型, 抽象出蓝牙网络拓扑形成的问题空间。

  • Finally the recognition algorithms for the global and local critical node are proposed on the basis of the study of the topology of wireless sensor networks . And then through the analysis of the relationship of these two algorithms we derive three other recognition algorithms .

    最后,通过研究无线传感器 网络 拓扑,分别提出全局关键节点和局部关键节点的识别算法,并分析它们之间存在的联系,又导出三个识别全局和局部关键节点的算法。

  • An improved evolutionary method based on real-number encoding is presented to optimize the connection weights and the topology of neural networks .

    设计了一个基于实数编码的改进进化算法优化神经 网络的连接权和 网络 结构

  • Based on presenting the functions of logistics systems for remanufacturing the topology of logistics networks for remanufacturing is analyzed .

    本文在阐述再制造物流系统功能的基础上,对再制造物流 网络 布局进行了分析。

  • This paper firstly presents a network model of multicast QoS on the basis of analyzing the topology of Ad hoc networks and multicast routing based on QoS .

    该文首先 adhoc 网络 拓扑 结构和基于QoS的多播路由进行了分析,建立了QoS多播网络模型。

  • Because the interconnection network structure is key factor of parallel computer systems and it affects the performance of communication in parallel computer systems closely in the field of parallel computing the topology of interconnect networks has been caught popular attentions by scientific research personnel .

    因为互联网络结构是构成并行计算机系统并且决定系统通信性能的关键因素,所以在并行计算研究领域,互联 网络 拓扑 结构一直是科研人员的密切关注问题。

  • The other is a share multicast tree algorithm with delay constrained in which a center node is precisely selected for share tree according to the topology of networks at first and then the member dynamically joins or leaves the tree .

    二是基于时延约束的共享组播树算法,该算法首先根据 网络 拓扑 结构准确地选择共享树的中心,然后成员结点动态地加入或离开共享树。

  • The analysis and implementation of automatic topology discovery of IP networks

    IP 网络 拓扑 结构自动搜索 算法的研究与实现

  • The wormhole attack changes the original topology of the networks . According to this the thesis suggests a new wormhole attack detection method .

    实际上,虫洞会改变了 网络的原始 拓扑 结构。基于这个事实,本文提出了一种无线传感器网络中虫洞攻击检测和定位算法。

  • However with the topology of networks being complex evolution of the attack methods and the capacity of networks being higher intrusion detection systems are facing up more and more threatening environment .

    但由于 网络 拓扑复杂多变、攻击手段的不断进化以及网络带宽的急速提升,入侵检测技术面临日益复杂的局面。

  • Secondly characteristics and topology of satellite networks are analyzed .

    第三, 基于 分层 结构的卫星 网络

  • According to the existing topology characters of Railway Networks the system provides a optimum data structure to improve the shortest path algorithm which reduces both the time complexity and space complexity while satisfying the application requirements .

    根据铁路 网络的具体 拓扑特征,对实现最短路径的数据结构进行了优化,在满足应用需要的同时也降低了算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度。

  • On the Topology of Complex Networks in the Information Networks

    信息网络的复杂 网络 拓扑

  • This thesis studies the relationship among the successful ratio and the gossip probabilities as well as the topology of networks at the same time analyzes the phase transition phenomenon of Gossip .

    本文重点研究了Gossip执行成功的比例与Gossip概率和 网络 拓扑 结构的关系,分析了Gossip技术的相变现象。

  • One of the key challenge in mobile ad hoc networks is to develop an effective routing protocol which can follow the dynamic topology of the networks due to nodes mobility .

    研究移动自组网的难点之一是开发能够跟随 网络 拓扑变化,在移动节点之间快速找到有效路径的路由协议。

  • However we lack disciplinary and systematic understanding of the relationship between topology of gene networks and fluctuation character of products .

    然而,目前人们对于 复杂基因 网络 拓扑 结构和基因表达产物的涨落性质之间的关联,仍然缺乏规律性和系统的认识。

  • An algorithm was proposed to split the metabolic network into sub-networks based on the global bow-tie topology of metabolic networks .

    论文提出一个算法,基于代谢 网络宏观的蝴蝶结 结构,将代谢网络分解为子网络。

  • Topology control of wireless networks are generally planar network the three kinds of hierarchical networks and hybrid networks .

    拓扑控制的无线 网络一般有平面型网络、层次型网络和混合型网络三种。

  • Topology discovery of extra-large networks need go through many heterogeneous networks and management domains .

    特大型 网络 拓扑发现需跨越很多异构型网络及管理域。

  • The value of transition point can be considered as a measurement of network 's communication ability which is much affected by the topology of networks .

    相变点的值可以用来衡量一个网络处理信息的能力,它是由 网络本身的 拓扑 结构决定的。

  • The topology of physical networks is not considered in constructing general P2P system so the network delay is large .

    一般的P2P系统在构建 覆盖 网络时,不考虑物理 网络 拓扑 结构,导致了较大的网络延迟。

  • This paper presents some topology of complex networks including Internet topologies linked WWW pages and on-line communities in bulletin board system ( BBS ) .

    综合介绍近几年来在信息网络中所观察到的复杂 网络 拓扑,包括因特网、WWW网页链和BBS讨论社区的幂律概率分布;