trade concession

[treid kənˈsɛʃən][treid kənˈseʃən]


  • Under the Convention on international trade in Endangered species which controls the world 's ivory trade President Robert mugabe 's Zimbabwe has a special concession that allows it to sell lots worth & pound ; 270or less .

    依据控制全球象牙 贸易的《濒危物种国际贸易公约》,津巴布韦总统罗伯特? 穆加贝有可以出售价值低于270英镑象牙的特殊专利。

  • Only in the mercantilist mindset of trade negotiations after all is tariff-cutting a concession .

    只有在重商主义者脑子里才会把 贸易谈判,最终是关税减让,看成是 退让