


  • This paper analyzes the acceptability conditions of auxiliary trackless transport and looks forward to the prospect of auxiliary trackless transport .


  • Construction plans comparison of rail transport and trackless transport in Huangzhouba tunnel ;

    目的研究降低 运输方式施工隧道中空气污染的措施。

  • In this paper the construction plans of rail transport and trackless transport in Huangzhouba tunnel are introduced .

    介绍了黄州坝隧道进口 轨运输和出口有 运输的施工方案。

  • The main methods of mucking in tunnel construction with drill and blast method is track-bound transportation system and trackless transportation .

    钻爆法施工时,隧道出碴运输的主要方式为有轨运输和 运输。

  • The exploring team explored a trackless wilderness .

    考察队勘探了一片 人迹罕至的荒野。

  • Hydraulic Coal Mining Proves to Be an Effective Method for application in Mines with Extremely Complicated Geological Conditions The fair use for trackless underground coal vehicle

    地质构造极复杂矿井采用水力采煤是一种有效的途径煤矿井下 胶轮 煤车的合理使用

  • Therefore it is very significant to investigate the trackless development system and extraction techniques for the case of Maluping Mine .

    因此,对马路坪矿 开拓工程与回采工艺设计进行研究具有重要的现实意义。

  • Though if tamed useful and loyal servants to the wandering knights given up to adventure in the trackless forests .

    然而一旦被驯服,他们会成为在 人迹罕至的森林中冒险的骑士们忠心耿耿而且 能干的仆人。

  • On the Applications of Trackless Rubber-Tired Carts to Inclined Shaft Transforming into Horizontal Laneway

    浅谈 胶轮车在斜井转平巷施工中的应用

  • Engineering boring and drilling devices Speed Construction Technology in Rocky Level Gallery by Using Mechanized Operating Line with Trackless Rubber Wheel Vehicle

    工程钻探和掘进机械岩平巷 胶轮车机械化作 线快速施工技术

  • Up a trackless slope climbs the master artist and at the top on a windy ridge whom do you think he meets ?

    伟大的艺术家在那 寻的山峰上攀登,他登上山顶, 迎风 而立,你们猜他遇到了谁?

  • Tempest roams in the pathless sky ships are wrecked in the trackless water death is abroad and children play .

    暴风雨在广袤的 天穹中怒吼,航船沉寂在无垠的大海里,死亡临近,孩子们却在玩耍。

  • Effective Way of Improving the Lubrication and Maintenance for Underground Trackless Equipment

    提高井下 设备润滑和保养的有效途径

  • He thought striking off into trackless wilderness .

    一面暗自思忖, 一面踏上了 荒野

  • New roads fingered once trackless plains .

    新公路手指般伸展于曾经是 人迹 到的平原。

  • A trackless trolley ; the trackless snowy meadow .


  • And tomorrow what shall tomorrow bring to the over-prudent dog burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the pilgrims to the Holy city ?

    至于明天,明天又将带给一只过份谨慎的狗什么呢?在追随朝圣者走入圣城的途中,将骨头埋在 痕的 沙石里了。

  • Theory and technology on trackless mining of gentle dip multi-strata ores of medium size

    缓倾斜中厚矿体 机械化采矿理论与技术

  • Application of the mine-used explosion-proof trackless rubber-tyred locomotive on auxiliary transportation star-wheel axle controller

    矿用防爆 胶轮车在矿井辅助运输中的应用(控制矿车运行用)星轮式控轴器

  • Selection Design on Trackless Rubber-Tyred Auxiliary Haulage System in Underground Mine

    煤矿井下 胶轮辅助运输系统的选型设计

  • Their fictional world has been replaced by a fantastic real one of trackless dunes and icy crags .

    他们那虚构的世界,已为荒芜的沙丘和酷寒的 崖这一奇异的真实境界所替代。

  • Matching of two kinds of trackless facilities is then optimized and managerial measures are suggested based on Evaluation results which is believed having great economical and social meaning for improvement of productivity and safety of the trackless facilities .

    在此基础上,对 凿岩 台车和铲运机的匹配进行了优化研究,并提出了 设备的管理措施,对提高 大型无轨设备的生产效率,保障设备的安全 运行具有重要的经济效益和社会效益。

  • The fair use for trackless underground coal vehicle

    煤矿井下 胶轮 煤车的合理使用

  • Discussion on design of the driver 's seat for underground trackless mining vehicles

    地下 采矿车辆司机座位的设计探讨

  • My love trackless and shapeless but clear and pure .

    我爱,虽无形无 ,却清澈纯洁。

  • Selection of Track-bound Transportation Equipments in Inclined Shaft and Matching Techniques for Trackless Transportation in Main Tunnel

    斜井有轨运输设备选型与正洞 运输配套技术

  • He struck off from the rude paths he had been following into the trackless wilderness .

    他便离开了那条他一 行走的艰难曲折的小路,进入了 茫茫 荒野之中。