tracking feed

[ˈtrækɪŋ fid][ˈtrækiŋ fi:d]


  • In the system of supporting and tracking of the feed source for Five-hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Telescope & FAST the real-time cabin tracking and dynamic measuring is a key technique .

    500米口径球面射电望远镜(Five-hundredMeterApertureSphericalTelescope&FAST) 馈源支撑及 指向 跟踪系统中馈源平台位姿实时动态跟踪测量技术是一个关键技术。

  • We promote the precision of control system by using Kalman filter to process the sample data and intensify the dynamic tracking properties by adding feed forward .

    工业机器人在特殊位形下的瞬时运动对采样数据进行卡尔曼滤波以提高控制的精度并且加入 前馈增强系统的动态 跟踪性能。

  • Method of Object Tracking in Eight Directions to Feed and Interpolate

    八方向 进给的目标 跟踪插补法

  • Mechanical Analysis of the Orbit Tracking Movement of Feed System in Large Spherical Radio Telescope

    大型射电望远镜 馈源体轨迹 跟踪系统的力学分析

  • Trajectory tracking control for large radio telescope source feed of 1 / 30th model

    大型射电望远镜 馈源1/30模型的轨迹 跟踪控制

  • Numerical simulation results show that this active control strategy can effectively attenuate the wind-induced vibration and improve the tracking accuracy of the feed source .

    数值结果验证了该主动控制策略能够有效衰减风荷振动,从而提高了 馈源 轨迹 跟踪精度。

  • Due to the inherent characteristics of nonlinearity large delay and multivariable coupled flexible structure a novel control method combining bi-fuzzy control with disturbance observer was developed to realize the trajectory tracking of the feed .

    针对该柔性结构非线性、大滞后、多变量耦合的特点,提出了一种双模糊控制和干扰观测器相结合的控制算法来实现 馈源轨迹 跟踪策略。

  • The results show satisfactory tracking performance and higher trajectory tracking accuracy of the feed cable-supporting system .

    结果表明,该控制系统不仅能较好地跟踪期望信号,而且能 满足 馈源柔索支撑系统轨迹 跟踪精度要求。