torque converter

[tɔrk kənˈvɚtɚ][tɔ:k kənˈvə:tə]


  • Research on the Torque Distribution Characteristics of Dual-Turbine Torque Converter

    导轮可反转的变 双涡轮 液力变矩 转矩分配特性研究

  • Formulas of axial forces in working cells of hydraulic torque converter are presented on the analysis of the distribution of static pressure on working cells of hydraulic torque converter .

    对石油钻机液力 各工作轮中液体的静压力分布进行了分析,由此得出了 液力变矩器各工作轮轴向力的理论计算公式。

  • Optimization of Torque Converter 's Blade Angle Parameter and Arithmetic

    液力 叶栅角度参数优化及算法

  • Numerical Simulation Analysis of Torque Converter 's Internal Flow Field

    液力 内部流场的数值模拟分析

  • As application examples the coupling algorithm was used in calculation of flow field in the multi-impeller of the torque converter and the hydrodynamic coupling under different rotation speeds .

    讨论了多流动区域耦合算法及其在液力元件中的具体应用,给出了液力 和液力偶合器的不同转速、多叶轮流场耦合计算的应用实例。

  • Research and Simulation for Elastic Deformation of Linkages Parametric Torque Converter Dynamic Model with Variable Shock Loss Coefficient

    基于CAD变量几何法的机构弹性变形分析与模拟变冲击系数的几何参数化变 特性模型

  • Faults Analysis of High Temperature of Torque Converter for Loader

    装载机 液力 油温过高故障分析

  • Study on Wet Clutch Operation and Control in the Integration System of Torque Converter and Automated Manual Transmission

    基于TC的AMT湿式主 离合器操控系统及控制研究

  • Optimal Slip Control about Lock-up Clutch of Torque Converter

    液力 闭锁离合器的最优滑摩控制

  • This paper analyzes the input and output characteristics of power unit that widely apply diesel engine and torque converter .

    本文分析了广泛使用的柴油机加 组成的动力机组的输入、输出特性。

  • The internal characteristics of the torque converter were calculated from its tested external characteristics by the method of proration .

    根据综合 液力 外特性的试验结果,应用比例分配法对其内特性进行了计算。

  • Check for failed torque converter main centerline or diff per service manual procedures .

    根据维修服务手册,检查失效的 扭力 转换器,主中线,或DIFF。

  • The simulation of the internal flow field inside the converter was made to reveal the substantial cause for the performance improvement of torque converter .

    对内流场进行了仿真分析,探讨了 液力 性能提高的本质原因。

  • Regeneration Technique by Surface Strengthening for Stator Seat of Hydraulic Torque Converter

    液力 器导轮座的表面强化再生技术 液力 油温警告灯

  • Numeric Simulation and Experimental Comparison of Flow Field in Hydraulic Torque Converter

    液力 的流场数值模拟及试验对比

  • A mechanical bridge eliminates slip in the torque converter and therefore saves fuel .

    而由于采用了机械支架,使得 中不再有打滑现象,从而节省了燃油。

  • Numerical Analysis of Flow Field in Turbine of Twin-Turbo Hydrodynamic Torque Converter

    混流式水轮机转轮区叶道涡压力脉动数值研究双涡轮 液力 的涡轮流场数值分析

  • Performance Testing and Analysis of Adjustable Hydraulic Torque Converter on Grouting Pump

    注浆泵用可调式 液力 的性能试验分析

  • Parametric Torque Converter Dynamic Model with Variable Shock Loss Coefficient

    变冲击系数的几何参数化变 特性模型

  • Study on Transmission Characteristics of Hydrodynamic Split Torque Converter

    分流式 液力 机械 的传动特性研究

  • If possible the torque converter mounting should also be removed as early as possible .

    如有可能,还应尽早拆下 支座。

  • Optimal temperature is40oC higher than mineral equivalent for better torque converter efficiency .

    最适温度为40℃比矿物相当于更高更好的 扭矩 转换器的效率。

  • Thanks to the dual-clutch design the DSG is remarkably more efficient than the conventional automatic transmission that uses a hydraulic torque converter .

    感谢双离合设计的DSG明显比使用液力 扭矩 转换器的传统自动变速箱更有效。

  • The transmission of an automobile engine is often called a torque converter .

    汽车发动机是由 转矩 转换器来传送 功率的。

  • The control system is composed of the engine control automatic shifting control torque converter lockup closed-loop control and shift quality control etc.

    控制系统是由发动机控制、自动换挡控制掖 闭锁闭环控制换挡品质控制等部分组成。

  • At last an advanced technology is put forward to design automotive torque converter .

    最后,建立了轿车 液力 的现代设计方法。

  • Calculation and analysis of axial force in hydrodynamic torque converter based on CFD

    液力 轴向力的CFD计算与分析

  • Hydrodynamic torque converter & Method of performance tests

    GB/T7680-1987液力 性能试验方法