

v.跟踪( track的过去式和过去分词 )跟踪摄影留下(脏)足迹追随(潮流等)

  • He tracked down his cousin and uncle . The latter was sick .

    追查 了堂弟和叔叔的 下落发现叔叔这时正在病中。

  • Police put a GPS device on his car and tracked his movements for almost a month .

    警方在他汽车上安放GPS设备对他 进行了近一个月的 跟踪

  • You stated that your pursuers tracked you to the restroom ?

    你陈述说追踪你们的人 跟踪你到了厕所?

  • I lost my camels tracked them and found them again .

    我丢失了骆驼,于是便循迹 跟踪,终于又把它们找到了。

  • The hunter tracked the bear and killed it .

    猎人 追踪 了那只熊并把它猎杀了。

  • She 's tracked down over two hundred missing persons in many cases after the police have given up .

    她已经 追查 了200多名失踪人口,多数是警方已经不抱希望的案子。

  • This paper introduces the structure and the working principle of a magnetic unit used on tracked wall-climbing robot .

    摘要介绍了 履带式磁吸附爬壁机器人的磁吸附单元的结构和工作原理。

  • I thought you already tracked the hacker .

    我以为你已经 找到那个黑客了呢。

  • Of the 70 cities tracked 47 recorded falls last month .

    上个月,在 跟踪 调查的70个城市中,47个城市录得房价下跌。

  • It was not long before I tracked down the lost wallet .

    不久我就 找到遗失的钱包。

  • Importing saves you time by allowing up to100 tracking numbers to be tracked at one time .

    导入功能允许一次 追踪多达100个包裹追踪编码,它节省了您的时间。

  • Each change is tracked through the work order identifying who made the change and when .

    每一次更改都通过标识谁进行了更改和何时更改的工作命令 进行 跟踪

  • In this method the path tracked by mobile robot is identified real time by using image features feedback .

    该方法利用图像特征反馈对其所 跟踪的路经 进行实时识别 跟踪

  • The consciousness of being hunted snared tracked down had begun to dominate him .

    他强烈地意识到自己正被人 追踪、诱捕乃至 擒获

  • In lists all versions are tracked in the same way .

    在列表中,所有版本都通过相同的方式 跟踪

  • Tracked vehicles by design are inherently more compact than wheeled vehicles .

    从设计上来看 履带车辆比轮式车辆要更紧凑。

  • There 's one address I tracked down .


  • The player is being tracked by Juventus .

    该选手正为尤文图斯队所 追踪 关注

  • We tracked down several recent studies to reveal six things you don 't know about happiness .

    我们 搜寻了几项最近的研究,向你揭示六件关于幸福你不知道的事。

  • New snow tracked by rabbits ; tracked vehicles .

    野兔在新下的雪上 留下了痕迹;车辆的 痕迹

  • Documents are routed and tracked on a real time basis using email tasking and notifications .

    文件按路径发送和对文件的 追逐是实时的,使用电子邮件任务分配和通知。

  • A model for tracked mobile robot is introduced .

    建立了 履带 移动机器人的数学模型。

  • Security and policy exceptions are tracked and reported too .

    安全和策略异常也被 跟踪和报告。

  • A Federal Court case had been fast tracked to Wednesday

    联邦法庭的一桩案件 提前到星期三审理。

  • I 've tracked my scent all over the place .

    我在周围都留下了 气味

  • By devious means she tracked down the other woman .

    她通过不正当的手段 追查 了另外那个女人。

  • Grievances were recorded and tracked through a computerized system .

    人们的申诉被记录在案,并且通过计算机系统对其 进行 跟踪

  • Students are already being tracked .

    学生已经 能力 分班了。

  • Metrics customer satisfaction that are related to supplier manufacturing are understood and tracked .

    了解和 追踪和供应商生产有关联的顾客满意度指标。

  • Not all data is being reported and data is not consistently being estimated and tracked .

    并不是所有的数据都被报告出来,数据也不是自始至终都被评估和 跟踪