track out

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  • Signalling was unreliable it emerged because poor-quality insulating joints on the track had worn out .

    出现信号不可靠的问题,是因为 轨道上劣质的绝缘接头已破损。

  • A fission track dating was carried out on 11 apatite samples from the 1028 . 68 in-deep pilot PP2 of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling ( CCSD ) . The fission track ages are 52 . 0 ~ 79 . 6 Ma .

    对中国大陆科学钻探预先导孔(CCSD-PP2)的11个钻孔岩心样 进行了裂变 径迹年龄测定,其中10个样品的结果为79.6~52.0Ma。

  • Compared with fixed-wing aircraft helicopter does not require a dedicated track and it can carry out various missions such as lifting transportation rescue or attack in places lack of prepared conditions or in deserts .

    直升机与固定翼飞机相比,它不需要专门的 跑道,可在无准备的场地或沙漠地带 执行起重、运输、营救、侦察与攻击等多项任务。

  • Apatite fission track analysis was carried out to study the thermal evolution and timing of hydrogen generation in the Huahai Basin .

    利用裂变 径迹分析方法测量了取自 花海拗陷的钻井磷灰石样品的裂变径迹年龄和长度。

  • He decided to track her down and ask her out .

    他决心 找到她,跟她 约会

  • Track repairs are being carried out in the area so expect delays to both inbound and outbound trains .

    这地区的 铁轨正在 进行修理,因此准备好出发或返回的火车都有可能误点。

  • This paper discusses the smoothness link question of railway track and schemes out several link configurations to smooth and quiet train wheels onto railway flex sews .

    讨论铁路 轨道之间的平滑联接问题,设计 几种能使列车车轮在有缝线路的轨道伸缩缝口处实现平滑无振动过度的联接结构。

  • Study the application of area of interest and multicast technique in the track data distribution point out the limitation of the minimum area theory in the traditional area of interest and put forward own new theory based real battle .

    研究了兴趣区域和组播技术在 轨迹数据分发中的应用, 指出 传统兴趣区域中最小区域确定理论的缺陷,并结合实际作战提出了自己的新理论。

  • Through education reform to high school track and field teaching out of the woods and get a new development .

    通过教改使中学 田径教学 走出困境并得到新的发展。

  • Therefore rigid jointless track laying must be carried out under specific thermal conditions to avoid dangerous tensile and compressive stress in the rails during extreme weather .

    因此在铺设无缝 线路时, 钢轨温度需要保持 一定的范围内,以避免恶劣气候条件下钢轨内部产生的拉伸应力对其产生的损害。

  • Well body track curve can be drawn out through surveying the depth in the hole .

    通过对井筒不同深度的测量,即可 得出井身 轨迹曲线。

  • But do any companies actually track what comes out of these programs ?

    但是,有多少公司真正 跟进 这些培训项目的效果呢?

  • Also studies have found that there is a high rate of departure for executives that return from assignments abroad and find themselves off the management track or out of sync with the culture at company headquarters .

    研究还发现,结束海外任职返回总部的高管离职率较高,而且他们会发现自己与公司的管理层无法 保持一致,或与公司总部的文化 格格不入

  • So we 're thinking we could throw up a bunch of satellites and use it to track our submarines and figure out their location in the middle of the ocean .

    因此,我们在想,我们可以发射一些的卫星,并用它来 跟踪我们的潜艇并 找出它们在海洋中的位置。

  • As a dynamic simulating technique is introduced into the process of engine bearing design simulation models of the oil film are built and the emulational analysis of the shaft center track is carried out .

    将动态仿真技术引入内燃机轴承的设计过程,建立了轴承油膜的仿真模型,对轴心 轨迹 进行 仿真分析。

  • Then give the solutions including MES track in tract out select recipe upload metrology data . At last give the whole auto solution for select wafer and do the data reliability analysis .

    然后给出自动化解决方案,包括更新MES系统进站 、选择量测工艺、自动量测并收集数据上传,并基于这个方案实现量测设备全自动化选择 晶元并进行量测数据可信度分析。

  • Well so 'd I ; but I 'd like to see him anyway and track him out to his number two .

    “对,我也会发抖,不过无论如何得见到他,就是到二号去也要把他 出来。”

  • Finally this paper mainly analyzes the methods of radar data processing including track initiation point-track association track supplement track die out deletion of remnant points and track display . Simultaneously it gives the results of simulation .

    最后,着重分析了雷达数据处理方法,包括航迹起始、点迹航迹关联、航迹补点、 航迹 消亡、剩余点迹的删除以及航迹显示,并给出了仿真结果。

  • This paper promotes a field-bus-based Check-Mode urban train running control system to support those ur-ban rail transit system that is not very busy and can not use the track circuit to check out the train . It is also analyzed the reliability of this control system .

    针对行车密度小、无法应用 轨道电路作为列车检测手段的城市轨道交通系统,提出了一种基于现场总线技术的CHECK方式城市轨道交通列车运行监控系统,并就其可靠性设计作了重点阐述。

  • Therefore this thesis researches into the algorithm of four-axis blade clean-up machining and by taking the processing of a blade for example works out the non-interference four-axis clean-up machining tool track and carries out the simulation .

    因此本文对叶片四轴清根加工算法进行了研究,并以某叶片的加工为例,构造出了无干涉的四轴清根加工 轨迹进行 仿真,取得了良好的效果。

  • This paper discusses the failure characteristics of heavy-duty track structures and points out that the service lives of different track components and the accumulated deformation rates of track structures are the two major aspects which govern the loading capacities of tracks .

    本文论述了重载 轨道结构的破坏特点, 指出轨道各部件的使用寿命和轨道结构的累积变形速度是控制轨道承载能力的两个主要方面。

  • The track started out really wet but since it wasn 't raining it started to dry off and that made me lose time .

    赛道开始 变得相当湿,不过自从雨停了后,赛道开始变干,我也损失了时间。

  • He 's more willing than most forwards to track back and help out & perhaps too enthusiastic .

    他比大部分前锋的 防意识更强,也许是过强了。

  • The US Department of health and human services in March released results of an investigation showing that it could track only five out of 40 food products back through each stage of the supply chain .

    美国卫生与公众服务部(hhs)3月份公布的一份调查结果显示, 40种食品中,它只能 追溯5种食品在供应链上的每一个阶段。

  • The ballastless track project must carry out the concept zero settlement for the post-completion for the rail building system .

    在无砟 轨道工程中,需切实 贯彻铁路系统提出的工后零沉降的建设理念。

  • But the race is difficult because many pigs run half the track were out of breath and ran to auditorium to ask for food .

    但是比赛 进行得很困难,因为许多猪 跑到一半 上气不接下气地跑到观众席去要东西吃了。

  • The licensing is there for voluntary use by people who wish to track it but stays out of your way .

    任那些想要 跟踪它的人自愿使用的许可是存在的,但却 适合您。