track following

[træk ˈfɑloɪŋ][træk ˈfɔləuiŋ]


  • On the track of The police be following up several lead in the murder investigation

    警察正在 追查谋杀案的线索

  • The non-liner algorithm of track following and path-following for mobile robot is designed which based on the research of mathematics model of the kinematics for mobile robot .

    在对自主移动机器人运动学模型分析研究的基础上,设计了针对自主移动机器人的 轨迹 跟踪和路径跟踪的非线控制算法。

  • The message was the same : The companies'turnarounds remain on track following years of struggle and for GM bankruptcy .

    这些信息都是相同的:在经历前一年的挣扎和破产 ,特别是通用,公司扭亏为盈的局面仍然保持在 正轨上。

  • Barack Obama has said the US is on track to achieve its goals in Afghanistan following publication of the US annual strategy review .

    美国年度战略报告上,奥巴马称美国在阿富汗所期望取得的成果即将“ 正轨”。

  • The feedback linearization method is utilized to generate guidance laws to track desired height and velocity profiles respectively for lunar gravity-turn descent . The Lyapunov stability of the two following control systems is demonstrated in use of related theory of differential geometry .

    对于月球引力转弯软着陆过程,采用反馈线性化方法,对高度和速度信息分别设计了 跟踪制导控制律,并应用微分几何的有关理论证明了这两种 跟踪制导控制系统的李雅普诺夫稳定性。

  • As a part of DVD drive manager SOC ( System On Chip ) DVD servo control microprocessor architecture was designed to perform routine periodic servo tasks such as focus spindle track seeking and track following .

    作为DVD驱动和管理SOC(Systemonchip)芯片中的一部分,DVD伺服控制微处理器被设计用来执行DVD系统的伺服控制程序,如聚焦,旋转,寻道,寻 控制任务。

  • In the paper the research meets the requirement of control system of the educational wheeled mobile robot for searching the track following up the moving object evading the roadblock .

    本论文的研究较好的满足了教学型轮式移动机器人对控制系统的要求,在 轨迹识别、 跟踪、避障等方面都达到了设计要求。

  • Photoelectric theodolite is the main tool for high-precision measurement of airborne weapon experiment . To solve the problems of difficult to track manually high cost and a certain degree of risk in experiment of airborne weapons we designed a manual following training system of photoelectric theodolite .

    为解决航空武器试验中人工 跟踪难度大、成本高、有一定危险性等问题,设计了一套光电经纬仪人工 跟踪训练系统。

  • The paper presents the software which is aimed at the characteristics of school track and field meets and lays stress on the following functions : the convenience and simplicity of operation artificial intervention rapid speed of operation and strong practicality .

    该软件针对学校 田径运动会的许多特点,突出了操作方便、简单、能人工干预,运算速度快,实用性强 功能。

  • However the health programme is now on track following a long investigation by the bank 's internal anti-corruption watchdog .

    但在 世行内部反腐败监管机构进行了长期调查 ,上述卫生项目目前已重新启动。

  • It carries on a certain track investigation to the experiments on new teacher 's ethics training patterns ; and proposes a following research direction after asking teachers who accept training for feedback and analyzing it .

    第六章对运用新型师德培训模式的实验情况进行了一定的 跟踪调查,对受训教师的反馈意见进行了一定地分析思考,提出了本文 后续研究的思路和方向。

  • The paper uses non-metric digital camera to gain image sequences of track orbit and studies the methods of treating these images so as to obtain the overlooking 2-dimensional railway image which can be used in the following track linetype detection .

    本文采用非量测数码相机获得 轨道序列图像,重点研究了处理这些 轨道序列数码影像的方法,从而获得轨道图像的二维俯视影像图,用于 后续的轨道轨向检测。

  • The actual monitoring scenes are usually complex and alterable . It is a challenge to detect and track the moving objects accurately and it is also a basis for the following procedures in intelligent visual surveillance system such as multicamera integration behavior understanding and description .

    实际的场景往往是错综复杂、变化无常的,而能准确地对运动目标进行检测与 跟踪,是智能视觉监控系统中多摄像机融合、行为理解和描述等 后续处理的基础。

  • The track following a basic technology is an important part of Autonomous Land Vehicle ( ALV ) .

    轨迹 跟踪技术是自主车研制的基础,是ALV技术的重要组成部分。

  • The energetic midfielder a key figure in last season 's FA Youth Cup victory has been keeping track of the Reds'progress following his move to the Championship club .

    这位活力十足的中场球员在上赛季的青年足总杯争夺中扮演了关键角色,本赛季租借到 英冠球队也是 曼联对他的栽培。

  • If I am on the right track my proposal may contribute to the study of Chinese donkey anaphora the following respects : ( I ) there is only one type of donkey anaphora in MandarinChinese ;

    如果本文论述的是 正确的话,对汉语驴句现象的研究作出了 以下 方面的贡献:一、汉语中只有一类驴句;

  • AGV usually uses different kinds of sensors to sense its environment in order to have abilities of track following and obstacle avoidance .

    AGV通常通过多种类型的传感器来感测周围环境,从而实现 轨迹 跟踪和路障躲避。

  • The fission track ages and the AFT curve break age as well as the regional uplift-erosive time reveal that the uplift-cooling process following the tectonic-thermal event has developed since 104 Ma and a later rapid uplift-cooling event occurred mainly around ± 55Ma .

    径迹年龄分布、AFT曲线拐点年龄和区域抬升剥蚀时间的对比分析结果表明,合肥盆地在早白垩世构造热事件 之后的104Ma以来总体处于抬升冷却过程,后期快速抬升冷却事件主要发生在±55Ma。

  • Railway vehicle is mostly excited by irregularity of railway track which is input of dynamics analysis and following tasks .

    机车车辆在运行中主要受到来自 轨道不平顺的激励,它是进行动力学仿真及其它 后续工作的输入条件。