trade journal

[treid ˈdʒɚnəl][treid ˈdʒə:nl]


  • He got a job as editor of a trade journal .

    他找到了一份当 商业 杂志编辑的工作。

  • Know the Development of China Casting Trade from the FOUNDRY Journal Since Its Founding for 50 Years

    铸造 50年看我国铸造 的发展

  • Superhard material industry is a fast developing industry with bright future and as a magazine which serve the trade the Journal of superhard material engineering is facing both opportunity and challenge .

    超硬材料行业是一个快速发展、前景光明的行业;以服务整个 行业为宗旨的《超硬材料工程 杂志存在着机遇和挑战。

  • She works fo RA trade journal for the car industry .

    她为汽车工业的一 行业专门 期刊工作。

  • The rumor of an imminent merger between Volkswagen and Chrysler was leaked by Automotive News the weekly trade journal of the car industry .

    大众汽车公司和克莱斯勒公司即特合并的传说是汽车工业的 周刊《汽车新闻》泄露出去的。

  • Currents International Trade Law journal & .

    国际 贸易法律 期刊,南德州法学院 主办

  • India is more concerned than ever about its yawning trade gap with China as The Wall Street Journal detailed in a front-page story today .

    《华尔街 日报 今天头版详细报道过,印度不断扩大的对华 贸易逆差让它越来越感到担忧。

  • They ignored warnings from lesser mortals such as one in2001 from MAR / Hedge a diligent trade journal .

    这些公司失误的另一个原因是对一些非主流意见的忽视,比如2001年对冲基金 行业 杂志MAR/Hedge就提出过疑问。

  • C : Yes I have read about it in a trade journal .

    有,我曾在 商业 杂志中看过。

  • I have been working for Trade Journal as editor since 1999 where my duties consist chiefly of typesetting and composing articles .

    1999年后我一直在 贸易 月刊 杂志 任编辑,主要职责是排版和撰写各类文章。

  • Since 1990 's under the influence of consuming concept literature criticism no longer belongs only to trade journal . Any mass media may become a position of literature criticism with the surging of the mass culture .

    20世纪90年代以来,随着大众文化的风起云涌,在消费主义观念的影响之下,文学批评不仅仅只是在 专业 刊物 才能看到的至理名言,任何一种大众传播媒体都可以成为文学批评的阵地;

  • The two discussed ways to raise the profile of British brands on Alibabas popular e-commerce sites as well as strategies for increasing bilateral trade according to the Wall Street Journal .

    据华尔街 日报 报道,两人就如何提升英国品牌在阿里巴巴 的形象及加强双边 贸易的策略进行了探讨。

  • I work as assistant editor on a trade journal in the food field where my tasks included a great deal of interviewing and personal contact with members of the industry .

    偶曾在某 贸易 杂志担任食品方面的副编辑,主要工作还包括对工业界人士进行访问和与他们进行个人接触。