


  • METHODS : Intraerythrocytic P. yoelii was cultured by the method of Trager and Jensen . The amount of 3H w_322 ethanolamine incorporation was measured as an index of the phospholipid synthesis .

    方法:用 蜡烛 法体外培养约氏疟原虫红内期,以 3H]-乙醇胺掺入疟原虫膜磷脂作指标,观察硝喹对疟原虫膜磷脂合成的影响;

  • Detective there 's a Nicole trager on the phone for you .

    侦探 先生,妮可 特雷格打电话找您。

  • Objective To construct and identify antisense human Ang-2 eukaryotic expression trager .

    目的构建人促血管生成素-2(Ang-2)反义真核表达 载体

  • With all sorts of uncertainty and complexity as its natural instincts environmental crisis takes society as its trager and causes direct adverse impact onto the society and the people .

    由于环境问题具有种种不确定性和复杂性,其发生 往往 通过社会这一 载体 展开,并直接对社会及公众造成创伤。

  • Conclusion We succeed in constructing human angiopoietin-2 antisense eukaryotic expression trager .

    结论成功构建人Ang-2真核表达 载体 肿瘤 细胞的Ang-2反义 基因 治疗 研究 创造条件