traffic volume

[ˈtræfɪk ˈvɑljum][ˈtræfik ˈvɔlju:m]


  • The toll rate directly influences the traffic volume on toll highways and hence influences the benefits of the projects .

    公路收费标准的高低直接影响使用收费公路的 交通 大小,进而影响项目效益的发挥。

  • If you run a website that sees high traffic volume then you should care about scalable computing infrastructure .

    如果你运行一个高 流量的网站,那么就应该关心可伸缩的计算基础设施。

  • The layout method of detectors the traffic volume average speed and vehicle type information are determined .

    确定了 交叉 车辆检测器布设方法,检测所需的 流量、平均车速、车型信息;

  • Application of Markov Chain in High-speed Railway Traffic Volume Prediction

    马尔柯夫链在高速铁路 交通 预测中的应用

  • The method can quantitatively predict the traffic risk of studied water area through using the predicting results of traffic volume .

    结合研究水域未来 交通 流量的预测结果,本办法还可以预测研究水域未来的交通风险。

  • Effective and scientific traffic volume forecast is important for decision and management for highway passenger transport .

    摘要科学有效地预测公路 客运 对于公路客运的管理和决策具有重要意义。

  • Short-term traffic volume forecast for urban interchange based on RBF

    基于RBF神经网络的城市互通立交短时 交通 预测

  • The results showed that under certain road width and traffic volume conditions on the main and secondary roads the bus lanes with the green-wave signals can be set up .

    实例研究表明:公交专用道绿波信号要使主、次路的道路、交通满足一定宽度及 流量条件方可设置;

  • Impact of Integration Degree of Rail Transit on Passenger Traffic Volume

    一体化程度对轨道交通 客运 的影响

  • It is very important to deal with the relationship between design transport capacity and design traffic volume under the condition of market economy .

    在当前市场经济条件下,如何处理好设计输送能力与设计 运量的关系尤为重要。

  • A Traffic Volume Information Forecasting Approach Based on Adaptive GA in City Transportation

    城市交通 短时 交通信息自适应遗传预测方法

  • Prediction method research of highway construction project traffic volume

    公路建设项目 交通 的预测方法研究

  • With the rail transit network taking shape gradually the transfer convenience between rail transit and other transport tools becomes the key element affecting rail transit passenger traffic volume .

    随着轨道网络的逐步成型,轨道与其他方式之间的换乘方便程度成为影响轨道 客运 规模的关键因素。

  • Research of ARIMA Forecasting Technology for Traffic Volume Time Series

    交通 时间序列ARIMA预测技术研究

  • The share of railway passenger transport market shows continuous decrease status which caused by long-period lack of transport capacity and down railway passenger traffic volume .

    我国铁路长期以来运能短缺,铁路 客运 增长受到制约,导致铁路客运市场份额呈现持续下降的态势。

  • Traffic Volume Forecast in the Merging Area of Urban Expressway Interchange

    城市快速路互通立交合流区 交通 预测

  • Research on the Gray-Markov Forecast Model for Traffic Volume of Highway Transport

    公路交通 运输 GM-Markov综合预测模型研究

  • Make sure you get the disk space and the traffic volume you need .

    首先需要确定你有足够的磁盘空间以及你所需要 通信

  • Study on the Prediction of Freight Traffic Volume in Port Container Logistics Park

    港口集装箱物流园区货运 交通 预测研究

  • This paper brings up a new method that can predict the transfer traffic volume of new highways based on the link flow of an existing road network .

    提出一种基于现状路网路段交通 来预测新建公路转移 交通 的预测方法。

  • First the traffic volume data of multiroadcrosssections acquired from a road network are turned into several time series data by the principal component analysis .

    首先,整理分析路网中多个断面 交通 流量数据进行主成分分析,得到主成分数据序列;

  • Considering traffic volume average service time and service level can determine the number of the toll lanes .

    结合 交通 、平均服务时间、平均服务水平可合理确定收费车道数。

  • The research result is significant to forecast highway traffic volume more accurately .

    研究结果对于更为科学准确地预测公路 交通 具有一定意义。

  • Research of Measurement Method and Empirical Analysis Based on Traffic Noise and Traffic Volume

    基于交通噪声的 交通 测量方法研究与实例分析

  • The traffic conditions of the project mean the speeds of different models in the traffic volume of the project .

    本项目的交通条件是指在本项目 交通 下,分车型的速度。

  • With the rapid development of economic society traffic volume on highways becomes increasing larger and illegal activities of passenger vehicles are getting more and more serious .

    经济社会的快速发展,高速公路 流量不断增大,客运车辆违法行为日益突出。

  • After the heavy traffic volume has died down a bit then you can reactivate and restore these features .


  • Road Traffic Volume Forecast Based on Wavelet and Fourier Transform

    基于小波和傅立叶变换的道路 交通 预测研究

  • Regional Road Channel Analysis and Forecast of Traffic Volume & Take Guangdong Province as an example

    区域公路通道 交通 分析与预测&以广东省为例

  • The article predicts the transfer traffic volume and inductive traffic volume of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed train put in use in2012 .

    根据有关客运专线运量预测方法,预测北京到上海2012年的客运基线 运量,京沪高速铁路建成运营后的转移 运量、诱发运量。