training data

[ˈtrenɪŋ ˈdetə][ˈtreiniŋ ˈdeitə]

[计] 培训用数据

  • That won 't help us at all in predicting future unknowns since it 's perfectly suited only for our existing training data .

    就预测未来的未知数而言,它根本帮不到我们,因它只适于我们现有的 训练 数据

  • Not only the method of producing training patterns but also the technique of compiling training data are discussed in detail .

    文中不仅设计了 数据 的产生方法,而且对 数据集的划分进行了探讨。

  • Construction Method for Training Data Set in Classification Algorithm of Support Vector Machines

    支持向量机分类算法中 训练 样本集的构造方法

  • Construction of the Training Data Set in Intrusion Detection Systems Based on the Agglomerate Clustering Algorithm

    入侵检测系统中基于凝聚聚类算法的 训练 样本集的构造

  • The model achieved high accuracy in both training data set and test data set .

    模型在 训练 数据集和测试数据集上都达到了较高的准确率。

  • This name must be used again in the Classification Workbench where you have to choose a field that contains the document text of your training data .

    在ClassificationWorkbench中选择包含 训练 数据文档文本的字段的地方,必须同样使用这个名称。

  • Study on Image Annotation Based on Web Training Data

    基于互联网 数据 的图像标注技术研究

  • Your speaker profile will now be updated with the training data just collected . Please be patient this may take several minutes .

    您的用户配置文件将用刚收集的 训练 数据进行更新。请耐心等候,此过程可能需要几分钟。

  • A Chinese Text Classification System Based on Dynamic Training Data Set

    一种动态调整 训练 的中文文本分类系统

  • The data set is projected into low dimensional PCA space using PCA and the low dimensional data set used as training data set of RVM .

    对采集到的焊缝偏差信息数据集进行主成分分析,映射到低维的PCA空间,作为关联向量机的 训练 样本集;

  • Controlling the building process by code the system can quickly generate a new recognition model when the training data and dictionary has changed .

    该系统通过代码控制整个构建过程,使其在更换新的 训练 数据和词典后能快速生成对应的识别模型。

  • However when noisy training data are present its performance will decline sharply . if the data is obtained from target environment it is difficult to ensure the data does not contain intrusions .

    训练 数据被污染时,这些方法的性能将急剧下降。而从实际使用环境提取的 训练数据又不能保证不含有攻击。

  • Mining model remains in an untrained state due to insufficient training data

    挖掘模型仍处于未经培训的状态,因为 培训 数据不足

  • This method employs two transformations on the representation of the training data .

    这种方法在使用了在 输入 数据表示上的两个变换。

  • On the specify the training data page clear the key check box next to customerkey and clear the key and input check boxes next to linenumber .

    在“指定 定型 数据”页上,依次清除customerkey旁边的“键”复选框和linenumber旁边的“键”和“输入”复选框。

  • Your analysis will focus on the impact of context representation and the features of training data on the quality of generated clusters .

    你的分析重点是上下文表示方法和 训练 数据的特征对生成的类的质量的影响。

  • The Procession of Dental Staff Training Data Using SPSS & EXCEL

    SPSS与EXCEL在口腔护理人员 培训情况 调查 数据处理中的应用

  • Supervised learning is tasked with learning a function from labeled training data in order to predict the value of any valid input .

    监管学习的任务是学习带标签的 训练 数据的功能,以便预测任何有效输入的值。

  • Sample Reduction Strategy for SVM Large-scale Training Data Set Using PSO

    利用粒子群算法缩减大规模 数据集SVM 训练样本

  • Development of Real-Time Collection and Monitoring System of Loaded Weight Training Data

    负重力量 训练 数据实时采集与监控系统的开发

  • This paper proposes a new division method for the division of the Cascade SVM training data .

    对CascadeSVM中 训练 的划分提出了一种新的划分方法。

  • This fuzzy system design method that uses a fuzzy rule to represent a cluster is then propsed so that a fuzzy classifier can be efficiently constructed to correctly classify the training data .

    用这样一个模糊规则来表示分类的模糊系统,更加有效地构建了一个能对 训练 样本比较准确分类的模糊分类器。

  • In order to getting the effective training data of chemical engineering modeling two algorithms that fuzzy C-means and fast global fuzzy C-means clustering were used .

    分别采用模糊C-均值聚类方法和快速全局C-均值聚类两种算法实现化工建模所需 训练 数据的有效提取。

  • In view of the fact that the semi-supervised clustering combines the advantages of training data prior knowledge a semisupervies fuzzy clustering algorithm based on training center was put forward .

    鉴于半监督聚类融合了 训练 数据先验知识的优势,提出一种基于训练中心的半监督模糊聚类算法。

  • To analyze the impact of training data train your system on spoken and written parts of the corpus separately and also on their combination .

    为了分析 训练 数据的影响,分别用语料中的口语和书面语训练你的系统,以及口语和书面语组合训练你的系统。

  • Firstly the training data set is converted to the standard unit features metric space ;

    首先将 训练 数据集转换为标准的单位特征度量空间;

  • An Iterative Modified Kernel Based on Training Data

    一种基于 训练 数据的迭代改进核函数

  • Using Fast Global Clustering Algorithm to Extract Chemical Engineering Modeling 's Training Data

    一种快速全局聚类算法应用于化工建模的 数据提取