trade mark infringement

[treid mɑrk ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt][treid mɑ:k ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt]


  • In accordance with the confusion theory the judgment standards of the trade mark infringement mainly involve three aspects : the judgment of the same or similar goods or services the judgment of the same or similar marks and the judgment of the confusion or possible confusion .

    根据混淆理论, 商标 侵权认定标准主要涉及三个方面,即相同或类似商品或服务的判定,相同或近似的标记的判定;混淆或混淆可能的判定。

  • Therefore the article on the basis of the Sino - US trade mark infringement trial practice and exploration of law enforcement on trademark infringement judgment standards determination of subject and determine factors in the judicial practice and application .

    因此文中以中美 商标 侵权审判实践为基础,探索了司法实践中执法者对商标侵权判定标准、判定主体及其判定因素的具体运用。

  • Using a registered trade mark without its owner 's permission is a serious infringement of the owner 's proprietary right .

    盗用他人注册 商标是一项严重的 侵犯权利 行为

  • A mark used in respect of goods and services that is substantially identical with or deceptively similar to a registered trade mark will be an infringement .

    对已注册的 商品,以同一或类似性商标使用于商品或服务,即 构成商标 侵权

  • A recent example of this rule being applied is the case of French wine company Castel being hit with a $ 5m fine for trade mark infringement .

    最近一个应用该规定的例子是,法国红酒公司卡思黛乐(Castel)因 商标 侵权 行为而被处以500万美元罚款。

  • On the Legal System of U. S. Domain and Trade Mark Infringement

    美国域名与 商标 侵权 冲突法律制度研究&《反网域霸占消费者保护法》对我国的启示