trade mission

[treid ˈmɪʃən][treid ˈmiʃən]


  • The root cause is that the Middle School Teachers ' Trade Union is lack of its clear location of its role and mission so it can 't grasp the emphasis work for lack of clear aim and direction and influences its function performance greatly .

    究其原因是中学 工会缺乏对自身角色和 使命的明确定位,从而使工作缺乏明确的目标方向,抓不住重心,极大的影响了工会职能的发挥。

  • Job description : 1 Guide the team to accomplish the market & trade project and mission that draw by the USA headquarter ;

    工作地点:深圳罗湖佳宁娜广场职位基本描述:1、带领销售团队完成美国总部制订的市场及 贸易计划、 任务

  • Don 't imagine that when you go on a trade mission overseas our customers will regale you with champagne and cigars .

    不要以为你去国外谈 生意时我们的客房会用香槟和雪茄 款待你。

  • I came over with the British trade mission oh years ago .

    我是多年前随同英国 商贸 代表 过来的。

  • He is accompanied by the biggest trade mission Britain has ever sent to China .

    随同他出访的是英国史上规模最大的访华 贸易 代表

  • The first and second chapters point out the issues and propose that trade and investment facilitation should be the initial economical cooperation mission for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization . Therefore this study has a significant theoretical meaning as well as practical importance .

    本文共分九章:第一章和第二章首先提出问题,认为 贸易投资便利化是上海合作组织开展经济合作的首要 任务,因此,本研究具有重要的理论意义,又具有现实的应用意义。

  • Organize workers and fight for labor rights as a basic principle of coordinating industrial relations goes without saying to become guidelines of trade union work and trade unions ' historical mission in the course of socialist market economy .

    组织起来,切实维权作为协调劳动关系的根本原则,理所当然地成为工会工作的指导方针,成为社会主义市场经济条件下 工会的历史 使命

  • The president leaves for a trade mission to the middle east .

    总统肩负 贸易 使命 出访中东。

  • He is the leader of a trade mission to Japan .

    他是赴日本 贸易 代表 的领队。

  • He was head of a French trade mission to the United states .

    他是法国 往美国的 贸易 代表 团长。

  • He works for a trade mission to South America .

    他为一个 往南美的 商务 考察 工作

  • The government will continue to work closely with it and relevant trade and professional associations to pursue this mission .

    政府会继续与贸发局及相关的 商会和专业团体紧密合作,以达至上述 使命

  • Medvedev received a pledge of support from Schwarzenegger who said he will lead a high-tech trade mission to Russia to bolster the chances of Skolkovo 's success .

    梅德韦杰夫得到了施瓦辛格提供支持的承诺,他表示将率领一个高科技 贸易 代表 前往俄罗斯,以帮助斯科尔科沃取得成功。

  • A Brief Review on the Trade System of Korean Mission in Qing Dynasty

    清代朝鲜 使团 贸易制度述略&中朝朝贡 贸易研究之一

  • A Chinese trade mission has been dispatched to Japan .

    一个中国 贸易 代表 已被派往日本。

  • Mr Cameron hopes to lead a trade mission to Beijing in the autumn .

    卡梅伦希望在今年秋天亲率一个 贸易 代表 访问北京。

  • Others : Event Meeting Exhibition Trade mission Outdoor / Electronic / Print advertising media ( Hong Kong and Mainland China ) etc.

    其他:会议、览、 活动、外/子/平面广告媒体等(国及香港)。

  • The trade minister with a trade mission paid a visit to that country .

    贸易部长率 贸易 代表 对那个国家进行了访问。

  • He leads a trade mission to China .

    他率 贸易 代表 来中国。

  • Chinese Trade Unions ' Historical Mission and the Realization of Social Justness

    实现社会公正与中国 工会的历史 使命

  • With the modernized progress of the Chinese reform and opening-up policy the proportion data of Chinese furniture export trade is developing fast in our international trade . Large numbers of foreign furniture purchasing mission entered Chinese market for business opportunities .

    随着中国改革开放的现代化进程的不断深入,家具行业出口贸易在国际 贸易的比重不断得到提高,大量的国外家具采购 进入中国寻找商机。

  • During these ten days in china I am leading the largest Irish trade mission ever to visit China and indeed one of the largest overseas Irish trade missions ever .

    在访华的这十天内,我带领有史以来规模最大的贸易 代表团来到了中国,的确,这是最大的海外 贸易代表 之一。