traffic utilization

[ˈtræfɪk ˌjutɪlaɪˈzeʃən][ˈtræfik ˌju:tɪlaɪˈzeɪʃɵn]

[计] 通信量利用,信息量利用

  • To utilize real-time traffic information increase the road network utilization and reduce the traffic jam a kind of intelligent traffic system RTIC is presented .

    为了能合理利用实时 交通信息,增加路网 利用 、减少交通拥挤,提出一种智能交通系统RTIC。

  • And one of the most main means to solve this problem is to give priority to the development of public traffic increase utilization ratio of the per capita possession of road resource .

    而解决这问题的最主要手段之一就是优先发展公共 交通,提高人均占有道路资源的 利用率。

  • Through learning the good performance of foreign long-life asphalt pavement design concepts considering the domestic economic conditions traffic conditions resource utilization and other factors proposes the basement technical requirements of long-life asphalt pavement .

    通过借鉴国外使用性能良好的长寿命沥青路面的设计理念,综合考虑我国的经济实力、 交通条件以及资源 利用等因素,提出长寿命沥青路面基层技术要求。

  • And the expressions for success rate network traffic and cache utilization are derived . Based on the thorough performance evaluation with numerical simulations an optimization approach is proposed .

    在此基础上,我们分别推导了成功率、网络 流量和缓存 利用 等性能指标,利用计算机仿真详细评估了集中式服务发现架构的性能,并得出了优化系统性能的方案。

  • In this means the traffic model is composed of background routed traffic and background utilization traffic and application traffic which can be completed with the tools in the network management system and modeling by hand .

    该方法将 流量仿真分成背景路由 流量建模、背景 利用 流量建模和前景业务流量建模3部分,并综合利用网管导入流量和业务源建模来建立流量模型。

  • Multi-objective model of airside capacity utilization and traffic flow assignment was built by introducing utilization satisfaction level .

    在容量优化研究方面:一、用区间数表示容量并 引入满意度准则,建立了机场空侧容量利用和 流量分配的多目标优化模型。

  • Then based on the architecture a waveband allocation algorithm that can dynamically set up and release the waveband channel by the actual bandwidth demand of the traffic is proposed to improve the waveband utilization .

    在这种新结构下,提出了一种波带分配算法,能根据 业务 流量的实际需求动态地新建和拆除波带信道,从而提高了波带信道的 利用

  • The urban traffic problem and utilization of underground space were increasing with the development of social and national economy . Due to the certain limitation of the conventional underground construction technologies some new construction technologies were springing up .

    随着社会和国民经济的发展,城市 交通问题日益突出,地下空间被 利用程度不断加大,传统地下施工技术具有一定的局限性,新的施工技术不断涌现。

  • There are roughly two major ways for planning and management of integration of traffic and land utilization .

    交通与土地 利用一体化规划与管理,大体上有两大类方法:一是通过 交通与土地 利用一体化规划,减少 交通

  • Because of the limitation of city land in our country and the requirement of the three-dimensional city traffic the development and utilization of underground space has been the primary task in modern city .

    由于我国城市用地紧张以及城市立体化 交通的要求,地下空间的开发与 利用成为现代化城市的首要任务。

  • Research On Traffic Resources ' Allocation And Comprehensive Utilization Of Mianyang Railway Train Operation Depot

    绵阳车务段 运输资源整合及综合 利用研究

  • Because of the effect of human being activity a great deal of infield was transformed into non-infield residential and industrial area traffic utilization .

    人类经济活动的影响,大量耕地转化为非农业用地,耕地的主要去向是居民点及工矿用地、 交通 地。

  • Multicast model has the capability of reducing traffic remarkably increasing utilization ratio of channels and decreasing testing time in test mode .

    该模型能显著减少总 通信 ,增加通道 利用率;在测试模式下,能有效节省测试时间。

  • Some accurate traffic parameters can be obtained through the collection and analysis of vehicle information . It provides reliable data for traffic management traffic surveillance and traffic guidance and greatly enhances the utilization of existing infrastructure .

    通过对车辆信息的采集和分析获取准确的交通参数,为交通状况监控和 交通诱导管理等提供可靠的数据支持,提高现有基础设施的 利用

  • Based on the request-reply type of traffic in Internet the theoretical analysis of channel utilization and mean turn-around delay are presented .

    针对Internet中主要的请求回应( Request-Reply)式 业务,推导了协议的信道 利用 与平均请求回应时延的近似计算公式,以仿真方法考察了协议性能。

  • The automatic monitoring system of traffic noise and its corresponding utilization in environmental protection public .

    该文探讨了 道路 交通噪声自动监测系统的组成以及在相应的环保宣传方面的 应用

  • An OSPF network may be structured or subdivided into routing areas to simplify administration and optimize traffic and resource utilization .

    一个OSPF网络大概可以被组建或者将细分成路由区域来简化管理和优化 交通通信 流量)和资源 使用

  • And the algorithm to implement the policy is given as : First allocating bandwidth to each traffic class to guarantee blocking rate then choosing the traffic class with the highest revenue rate for bandwidth allocation from traffic classes which can meet the requirment of utilization .

    准入控制的具体实现算法为:首先分配一定带宽给每一类 业务流以达到阻断率要求,然后在满足带宽 利用 要求的业务流中选取收益最大的进行带宽分配。

  • According to the mining area circumstances at present we should still give first place to the management traffic quicken the development and utilization of new functions at the same time and reduce the cost of production .

    根据矿区 通信的目前情况,还应以语音 业务为主营方向,同时应加快新业务的开发和 利用,以及通过有效的手段降低生产运行的成本。

  • Accordingly it requires the traffic supply takes more concern on the variety equality and the comprehensiveness of the traffic mode ; ensure all parts of traffic mode are adequately exerting their reasonable utilization the hominy and sustained development .

    为此,要求客运客体必须重视 运输方式的多重性、平等性和包容性,确保各组成运输方式在充分发挥各自比较优势基础上的合理 利用、协调和可持续发展。

  • A Parallel Label Switch Paths Traffic Allocation Algorithm Based on Minimum Utilization of Resource

    一种资源 占用最小的并行LSPs 流量分配算法

  • Traffic engineering ( TE ) effectively improves resource utilization in GMPLS / ASON multi-layer multi-domain optical networks .

    在GMPLS/ASON多层多域智能光网络中, 流量工程(TrafficEngineering,TE)的引入有效地提高了网络中资源的 利用

  • When the pipeline is idle it can be used by non-real-time traffic to improve the pipeline utilization .

    为了提高管道的 利用 ,管道在空闲时候可以传输非实时 业务的DB。

  • Serious traffic congestions lower traffic infrastructure utilization ratio increase people travelling time costs and fuel consumption and at the same time bring serious air pollutions .

    严重的交通堵塞降低了 交通基础设施的 利用率,增加了人们出行的时间成本和燃油消耗,同时带来了严重的空气污染。

  • The simulation results show that the probability-based dynamic reservation access strategy can effectively reduce the CDP of real time traffic and also obtain high channel utilization .

    仿真结果表明基于概率自适应动态预留策略,能降低实时 业务切换失败率,并能获得较高的信道 利用

  • Intelligent Transportation Guidance Information System is main means to settle traffic congestion guarantee traffic safety and raise efficiency of utilization of traffic network .

    智能交通诱导信息系统是解决交通拥挤、保证 交通安全、提高交通网络 使用效率的主要手段。

  • Moreover the efficiency of congestion control admission control and dynamic bandwidth allocation in WLAN can be further enhanced by the accurate prediction of traffic allowing for better utilization of wireless resources .

    另外,精确地 业务 预报可以进行有效地拥塞控制、准入控制和动态带宽分配等,从而提高无线局域网资源的 利用