towed scraper


  • The analysis of the results of land reclamation technologies indicates that the technology of deep-digging and shallow-filling using pulp pump is not applicable in farmland restoration while the technology of deep-digging and shallow-filling using towed scraper is ideal at present .

    对此,通过对土地复垦工艺效果分析,表明泥浆泵挖深垫浅复垦工艺不适宜在耕地恢复中应用,目前 铲运机挖深垫浅工艺比较理想。

  • In comparison with other land reclamation technologies the land reclamation technology with the towed scraper has a quick travel speed higher efficiency a shorter construction period and other advantages . The reclamation technology has obvious time and economic benefits .

    与其它复垦工艺相比, 铲运机复垦技术具有速度快、效率高、工期短的优点,在土地复垦过程中发挥出明显的时间效益和经济效益。

  • The soil compaction of towed scraper reclamation and un-reclamation land gradually enhances when the depth increases .

    铲运机复垦的 田块和未复垦的田块,压实度随着深度的增加,压实度逐渐增加。