total regulation

[ˈtotl ˌrɛɡjəˈleʃən][ˈtəutəl ˌreɡjuˈleiʃən]

[电] 总调整

  • The sequence of the different services value share in the total eco-capital is : soil formation and conversation > climate regulation > waste absorbing > air regulation > water saving > biodiversity .

    其中,生态服务价值 优势的服务价值顺序是:土壤形成与保护价值>气候 调节>废物处理>气体调节>水源涵养>生物多样性。

  • Then these five factors were variable substitution enterprises to enter the rate industry supply growth R & D share of total revenues government regulation dummy variables and industry revenue growth .

    然后,对这五个影响因素进行了变量替换,依次为企业进入率、行业供给增长率、R&D 营业收入比重、政府 管制哑变量和行业营业收入增长率。

  • Results According to the WHO diagnosis criteria for diabetes mellitus in 1999 the total percentage of impaired glucose regulation and newly diagnosed diabetes was 43.2 % in NAFL group which was much higher than that of control group ( 12.5 % )( P < 0.01 ) .

    结果NAFL组糖 代谢异常的比率达43· 2%,明显高于对照组12·5%(P<0·01)。

  • This research was studied the relationship between nitrogen and rice grain weight only from the perspective of the total nitrogen application . The results showed that nitrogen levels had some regulation on rice grain weight .

    本研究从施氮 总量角度研究了氮素与粒重的关系,结果表明,施氮水平对水稻粒重具有一定的 调节 作用

  • Points out that in the Chinese ancient times central supervision system develops with a total - cent - total regulation and the supervision system of district develops toward many channels .

    指出中国古代的中央监察制度是以一个合分 规律发展的,地方监察制度则是从单一向多渠道监察发展。

  • The expense does not achieve the mission to improve the total usefulness of accounting information by the regulation but the value relevance of accounting information of long-term assets impairment becomes worse .

    这种牺牲并没有换取 准则 制定者所期望的提高会计信息 总体有用性的目的,反而使长期资产减值会计信息的价值相关性变差。

  • On concrete legislation we should adopt mode of total points namely regulation that sum up among the people code and form the judgment standard disperse in various kinds of concrete legislation .

    在具体立法上,应当采用 总分的模式,即在民法典中总括的 规定不可量物侵害制度,而将是否构成侵害的判断标准分散于各种具体的立法中。

  • This paper performs a summary about theory and practice concerned with axis compensation of total station points out the weakness in the verification regulation of our country and presents the suggestions to improve the verification regulation .

    全面阐述了 全站仪的轴系补偿相关理论和实践,指出了我国检验 规程的不足之处,提出了改进方法。

  • Our country is vast in territory the regional characteristic of economy is obvious . During the process of unifying the total supply and demand of regulation and control of the monetary policy but the phenomenon with different results of policy has appeared in every area .

    我国地域辽阔,区域经济特色明显,在统一货币政策 调控经济 总量的过程中,各区域出现了同政策不同效果的现象。

  • The land use ecological system of total service value increased 6.7656 million yuan partial function gas regulation hydrological self-restraint and keeps the soil and provide aesthetic landscape function were dropped 57.4462 million yuan .

    土地利用生态系统 服务价值共增加676.56万元,分项功能方面中气体 调节、水文涵养、保持土壤和提供美学景观功能共损失了5744.62万元。

  • Total system flow regulation in long distance water diversion works with multistage pump stations

    长距离多级泵站引水工程 系统流量 调节

  • Finally a method to define AGC control region according to the total regulation power not ACE is provided .

    最后提出了根据区域 调节功率而不是ACE来划分AGC控制区域的方法。

  • The content variety of total alkaloids had no regulation .

    生物碱含量变化无 规律,增减均有。

  • Western developed countries have undergone a vertically integrated operation to segmentation operation and a total regulatory system to a deregulation system with part of regulation and part of introduction of competition .

    西方发达国家对于电力行业的规制经历了一个由垂直一体化经营到逐段分割,从 全面规制到引入竞争放松 规制的过程。

  • The total nitrogen and total phosphate were in line with the standard of Technical Regulation of the Second National Marine Pollution Baseline Survey .

    总氮、 总磷符合《全国第二次海洋污染基线调查技术 规程 中的标准。

  • For Suzhou City the municipal government is established under the basic framework for the Index System and proposed the preliminary ideas of total regulation of its staffing size .

    针对苏州市,则根据市级政府核编指标体系基本框架,提出了苏州市编制 总量 核定的初步思路。

  • Total Quantity Regulation of Mineral Resource Development and Usage of Guizhou Province

    试论贵州省矿产资源开发利用 总量 调控

  • By observed cells morphologic changes oil red o staining lipids assay vanilline total fat and total protein assay method to detect regulation of AA and DHA on adipocytes differentiation .

    通过细胞形态观察、油红O染色、香草醛测总脂法和考马斯 亮蓝蛋白等方法分析不同浓度AA和DHA对大鼠前体脂肪细胞分化的影响。

  • The total quantity regulation of mineral resource development and usage is the emphases and key point .

    矿产资源开发利用 总量 调控是矿产资源规划编制的重点和关键。

  • Section two is about the mode of total regulation and it ought to be a solid which includes penalty administrative sanction civil liability and prevention by economic system .

    第二节旨在讨论 整体规制模式的构建,该 规制模式应是结合刑罚处罚、行政制裁、民事责任追究以及经济体制预防等多层面的立体式 规制模式。

  • In the further study carbon and nitrogen sources were added into the compound system of strain and microcystin-LR the changes of MC-LR removal viable cells and total protease activity of probiotics were investigated after the probiotic cells activity regulation .

    进一步研究向菌体-毒素复合体系中添加外源碳氮源,考察细胞活性 调节后益生菌对MC-LR的清除能力变化情况,并考察活性 调节前后 体系中益生菌活细胞变化和胞内的 蛋白酶活力变化情况。

  • The total economic effect is relevant to the environmental regulation of the developing country .

    经济效应的正负与发展中国家的环境 规制 强弱有关。

  • By analyzing the first case about Rat Trading it points out the benefits of the total regulation mode .

    通过对老鼠仓第一案的评析,指出建立 整体规制模式的积极意义。

  • Mean monthly the project consideration that salary includes total wages count by regulation of national statistic bureau include the income such as salary bonus subsidiary allowance .

    月平均工资按国家统计局 规定列入工资 总额统计的项目计算,包括工资、奖金、津贴、补贴等收入。

  • Based on the area control error ( ACE ) and frequency deviation the total regulation power is corrected to be more suitable for CPS .

    进一步根据区域控制偏差(ACE)和频率偏差的大小与方向,对区域 调节功率予以修正,以进一步提高CPS指标。

  • With the goal of minimizing the total weighted delay time of all the trains a train regulation optimization model on the passenger line was set up .

    的列车加权晚点和最小为优化目标,建立了客运专线列车运行 调整的优化模型。

  • AbstractObjectiveTo explore the effect of shortterm total sleep deprivation on the temperature regulation and growth of young rats .

    目的通过建立完全性睡眠剥夺的幼鼠模型,探讨短期 完全性睡眠剥夺对幼鼠体温 调节及生长的影响。

  • When the bank credit channel and enterprise balance sheet channel are concerned the bank credit channel under the total size regulation plays the main role in the monetary policy credit channel transmission . Finally this paper gives a summarization of the main conclusions .

    就信贷传导中的银行信贷渠道和企业资产负债表渠道而言,信贷规模 总量受到 调控下的银行信贷渠道又是货币政策信贷传导中发挥主要作用的渠道。

  • There are many factors affecting the total employment in our country among which regulation situation is an important one .

    影响我国 充分就业的因素很多,其中一个重要因素是相关 制度环境。