


  • Full list includes : Argentina Austria Cook Islands Germany Greece Kiribati Kuwait Malta Micronesia Nauru New Zealand Niue Palau Samoa Tonga the United Kingdom and the United States .

    全部名单包括:阿根廷、奥地利、库克群岛、德国、希腊、基里巴斯、科威特、马耳他、密克罗尼西亚、瑙鲁、新西兰、纽埃、帕劳、萨摩亚、 汤加、英国和美国。

  • Indo-Pacific : Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean to the Hawaiian and Society islands north to the Ryukyu Islands south to Tonga and Rarotonga .

    印度-太平洋:东印度洋的圣诞岛到夏威夷与社会群岛,北至琉球群岛,南至 与拉罗东加。

  • The two former Soviet republics are the largest economies remaining outside the WTO which today welcomes the tiny Pacific island of Tonga as its 151st member .

    这两个前苏联共和国是目前没有加入wto的经济体中最大的两个,而太平洋小国 汤加今日正式成为wto第151个成员国。

  • The first phones to be manufactured will be sold in Papua New Guinea Tonga and Vanuatu in June .

    首先生产出来的这种手机将于6月在巴布亚新几内亚、 汤加和瓦努阿图出售。

  • In some small countries Lebanon Serbia Haiti Tonga Albania and Jamaica are all examples remittances generate more revenues than all merchandise exports put together .

    一些小国如黎巴嫩、塞尔维亚、海地、 汤加、阿尔巴尼亚和牙买加来自汇款的收入超过了全部商品出口额总和。

  • Tonga 's most acute problem is economic precariousness . its $ 39 million annual deficit is balanced only by $ 24 million remitted by relatives about $ 8 million in foreign aid and tiny exports of vanilla and vegetables .


  • Located in the Lau Basin along the Tonga Trench in the southwest Pacific Ocean the West Mata volcano is part of a series of submarine volcanoes in the area bordered by Samoa Tonga and Fiji .

    位于沿 汤加海沟在刘盆地西南太平洋,西马塔火山是一个海底火山在萨摩亚,汤加和斐济的交界地带系列的一部分。

  • He takes a personal hand in everything from reforming the spelling of Tonga 's language in which a word can have as many as five vowels in a row to choosing an aircraft for the national airline .

    他从改造一个词可能有多达一排五个元音的 汤加语拼音,到为本国的航空公司选择一架飞机,事必躬亲。

  • The Republic of the Fiji Islands or Fiji is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean east of Vanuatu west of Tonga and south of Tuvalu .

    斐济共和国是南太平洋的岛国,位于瓦努阿图(Vanuatu)东部,汤加( Tonga)西部和图瓦卢(Tuvalu)

  • Several hundred years ago the Pacific island state of Fiji was a place of refuge for exiled princes from neighbouring Tonga .

    几百年前,太平洋岛国斐济是从邻国 汤加流亡而来的王子们的避难之地。

  • The Solomon Islands Samoa and Tonga are among countries with high rates of forest degradation due to heavy exploitation of timber resources .

    由于过度开采木材资源,所罗门群岛、萨摩亚和 汤加的森林退化率很高。

  • Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia Fiji and Tonga .

    其最接近的北方邻国新喀里多尼亚,斐济和 汤加

  • What matters in Tonga is family church and love of the king .


  • The other six nations are the Cook Islands Tonga the Federated States of Micronesia Palau Niue and Samoa .

    另外六个国家为库克群岛、 汤加、密克罗尼西亚联邦、帕劳、纽埃岛和萨摩亚。

  • Nobody goes hungry or homeless in tonga .


  • Remittances already make up a large share of GDP in several countries such as Tajikistan ( 45 % ) Moldova ( 38 % ) Tonga ( 35 % ) Lesotho ( 29 % ) and Honduras ( 25 % ) .

    在若干国家,汇款已经占国内生产总值(GDP)的三分之一了,如塔吉克斯坦(45%)、摩尔多瓦(38%)、 汤加(35%)、莱索托(29%)和洪都拉斯(25%)。

  • A Rolex on one wrist is set on Tonga time ;

    一只手腕上戴的劳力士手表对的是 汤加时间;

  • You probably cannot start a or move to tonga but you can help protect the oceans .

    你或许无法成立一个 保育 机构或搬到 去,但你 可以 出力保护海洋。

  • Shaking hands was introduced to Fiji in the19th Century by way of Tonga and quickly became the established custom .

    握手在19世纪被通过 汤加 太平洋 岛国)传到斐济( 太平洋 西南岛国新西兰以北),并迅速成为明确的习惯。

  • Country Report : Pacific Islands : New Caledonia Fiji Solomon Islands Western Samoa Vanuatu Tonga with Country Profile .

    国家报告:太平洋岛屿-新喀里多尼亚、斐济、所罗门群岛、西萨摩亚、瓦努阿图、 汤加》附《国家简况》。

  • Similar projects are underway in Nepal India and Bhutan and on the Pacific island of Tonga .

    正在尼泊尔、印度和不丹及太平洋岛国 汤加实施类似项目。

  • Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia Fiji and Tonga .

    其最接近的邻国是新喀里多尼亚北部、斐济、 汤加

  • Comparative Study on Protection of Well Known Trademarks in China and Tonga

    中国与 汤加对驰名商标保护制度比较研究

  • Country Profile : Pacific Islands-Fiji Solomon Islands Western Samoa Vanuatu Tonga .

    国家简况:太平洋岛屿-斐济、所罗门群岛、西萨摩亚、瓦努阿图、 汤加

  • I 've heard you can buy passports from less affluent countries like Belize and Tonga .

    我听说你有门路买到比较贫穷国家的护照,像是 贝里斯

  • Of or relating to the island monarchy of Tonga or its people .

    属于或关于 汤加岛君主国或其人民的。

  • When West Germany helped build an inter-island passenger ship for Tonga the king redesigned the upper deck to provide shelter for people too poor to afford cabins .

    当西德帮助 汤加建造一艘在诸岛间航行的客轮时,国王重新设计了这条船的上层甲板,以便给买不起客舱票的穷人提供一个遮风蔽雨的地方。

  • Another document signed by Tonga 's Secretary for Foreign Affairs instructs the Prime Minister 's Office police and defense officials to avoid compromising Tonga 's good relations with China .

    汤加外交部部长签署了另一份文件, 以此来指示总理办公室、警察和国防部官员避免“损害汤加与中国的良好关系”。

  • Tonga has a reasonably sound basic infrastructure and well-developed social services .
