touch sense

[tʌtʃ sɛns][tʌtʃ sens]

[计] 触觉

  • The emotion pursuing advertisement has its own features by gestating emotion into the advertisement to support the image of the product move the people with special advertisement logo touch the sense twig so that bring to actual purchasing activities .

    情感诉求广告通过把情感孕育到广告中支撑起产品的品牌形象,以独特的广告语打动人们的心灵,促 人们的 情感末梢,实现消费者真正的购买行为。

  • Sometimes texture isn 't a kind of touch feeling but a kind of sense of vision .

    有时候质感不是一种 身体 触摸,而是一种视觉 感受

  • Talk about the aesthetic feeling of touch sense of sculpture modelling

    试论雕塑造型的 触觉美感

  • As contemporary literary works they both touch the ancestral ideas and show the inheritance of the conventional ethical culture which form in another sense the mutual corroboration .

    作为中国文学的当代展开,二者都 触及 宗族制度、内圣外王等文化特质,流露出与传统伦理文化的血脉承传,构成了另一 层面的相互印证关系。

  • The emphases and difficulty of the research are how to grasp different single person 's visual experience touch experience and other sense experience and those experiences are the key reason which effect individual 's emotions and feelings .

    文章研究的重点和难点在于如何把握构成不同个体的视觉经验、 触觉经验以及其他 感官经历的经验词典,因为个体以往生活的情感经历的记忆恢复点正是影响受众情绪的真正动因。

  • Futuristic software for simulation of experiment should produce effects in sense of taste and touch as it does in sense of sight and hearing now .

    未来的实验模拟软件不仅有声有色,还应具备 味觉 触觉功能,真正达到身临其境的效果。

  • The texture of material gives people the expression of visual and touch psychic association and symbolize sense .

    材料的质感是通过产品表面特征给人以视觉和 触觉 感受以及心理联想及象征 意义

  • The virtual reality system is a virtual environment that is created by the computer and provide various sense stimulate ( sense of vision sense of hearing touch even includes sense of smell and sense of taste ) for the people at first .

    虚拟现实系统向人们提供的首先是一个由计算机生成的给人多种感官刺激(视觉、听觉、 触觉甚至包括 嗅觉和味觉在内)的虚拟环境。

  • During the experiment the students ' touch ball time is increased in class and more game sense training methods are applied which can enhance the ability of controlling basketball .

    在实验研究中采用增加学生在篮球课堂上 球时间和运用多种 手感练习方法的手段,提高学生对球的控制能力。

  • Heidegger 's art philosophy processes very strong human touch he thinks philosophy includes nous and it has also sense of poem .

    海德格尔的艺术哲学具有浓郁的人本学 色彩,他 认为哲学不仅是理性的,而且是诗意的。

  • Therefore tragedies on the one hand offer outlet for catharsis of peoples emotion and purification of the soul and on the other hand touch off peoples strong sense of life-force .

    故悲剧一方面能宣泄人的情绪,净化人的心灵,另一方面 触发人强烈的生命力

  • This has led to the representative of the voters out of touch with voters is not clear on behalf of their constituency on behalf of a sense of responsibility did not establish on behalf of the resulting poor performance of their duties to start .

    这就导致选民与代表相 脱节,选民不清楚自己选区的代表,代表也没有建立起责任 意识,代表履职不力由此开始。

  • Let a robot have the sense of touch in unknown environment Robot need not know any information of environment rely on the touch carried by themselves sense the near environment also do not need to load and storage map information .

    以进化神经网络为决策器的机器人不需要知晓任何环境信息,仅依靠本身携带的 触觉感知附近环境,也不需要载入和存储地图信息。

  • Meditation : When we meditate we begin to feel the touch of our spirit we sense our vibration increasing in an internal eternal melding of self with our soul .

    冥想:当我们冥想,我们开始感觉我们灵魂的 触摸,我们 感到我们的震动在内在,不断的提升,灵魂与自我的合一。

  • While the sensor is widely used many companies have developed the human-computer interaction devices such as Surface Tablet PC from Microsoft and Ipad devices from Apple company . But they just provide Touch Sense and Voice Control rarely come to Computer Vision Perception .

    随着传感器的应用,许多公司已经开发出了人机交互设备,比如微软的SURFACE平板电脑和苹果的IPAD设备,但它们所提供的 互动模式仅限于 触控和语音,很少涉及到计算机视觉感知。

  • The design of these stamps draws influence from Chinese and Western customs with a touch of indigenous flavour which highlights our openness to foreign culture and growing sense of local identity .

    四枚邮票的设计中西合璧,散发 道地的香港风情,突出香港既能兼容异国文化,又能凝聚本土 意识

  • Having dismissed others ' needs eventually the greedy person becomes out of touch with their own either emotional or financial leading to loss of sense of self and rational thought .

    由于忽视了他人的需求,贪婪之人最终也 忘记了自己的需求(情感或财务需求),导致了自我 意识和理性思考的丧失。

  • Synaesthesia is to communicate senses of sight hearing smell taste touch and consciousness and describe one kind of sense in terms of another . Synaesthesia plays a very important role in literature and our daily life .

    通感,就是将视、听、味、嗅、 、意等各种感觉沟通起来,用表现一种 感觉的语言去表现另一种 感觉,在文学作品和日常生活中起着重要作用。

  • After arriving in the Gobi desert I found a new idea for my site-specific project as a result of my experiences through sight sound taste smell touch as well as my sixth sense .

    到达戈壁沙漠侯,艺术家发现作为“现场-空间和身体”计划最重要的是,通过视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉、 触觉以及我的第六 来做 作品

  • 3 The image is much more than to see . Identity is usually comprehensive cognition include the voice the touch the different sense organs .

    3:提出形象不只是用来看的,识别往往是综合的认知,包括声音、 触觉等不同的 感官参与。

  • In the laparoscopic robotic virtual surgery system vision and touch feedback are two important ways of interactions between the user and system . The lifelike real-time vision and touch feedback can enhance the veracity and immersed sense system .

    在腹腔机器人虚拟手术系统中,视觉和触觉反馈是用户和系统交互的两大重要方式,逼真、实时的视觉和 触觉反馈可以增强系统的真实性和沉浸

  • By drape touch of paper granular sensation of earth flowing sense of water he successes in taking on a vicissitudes of life .

    通过纸张的褶皱 、土质的颗粒感、水墨的流动 ,这种沧桑效果无疑是达到了。

  • Discussing from the cognition mode analysis of brand this paper putting forward the concept of six-directions brand management terrace including the sense of vision hearing taste smell touch and sense .

    本文从品牌的认知模式分析入手,提出了全方位六维认知的概念,从视觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉、 触觉和联 进行六维分析。

  • He had no touch no feeling no sense until one day falls in love with someone and is willing to fall for her .

    没有知觉,没有 感觉,直到有一天,爱上某个她,心甘情愿为她下凡。

  • Each building is also separated by vertical gardens that will touch and reflect in the water creating a sense of beauty and vitality no other building in Bali has .

    每一栋建筑物都由垂直花园隔开, 倒映在水中,创造出一种 美感和活力,这种建筑物在巴厘岛别无仅有。

  • One of the most powerful ways to do this is through human touch for a loving comforting touch allows us to access the part of ourselves that yearns for a sense of oneness with the world around us .

    最最突出的例子就是通过肢体的接触,通过一种充满爱的,让人舒服的肤 让我们接触到自己那个渴望和世界融为一体的部分。

  • Touch ? The sense of touch is activated already during pregnancy .


  • Dark of touch invoke can make anyone of sense of vision and sense of hearing be becoming useless in a twinkling of thing of the sorcery of fog of the blackness of improbity .

    黑暗之 ,召唤能使任何人的 视觉和听觉在瞬间成为无用之物的,邪恶的黑暗之雾的魔法。