touch on

[tʌtʃ ɑn][tʌtʃ ɔn]

碰(某人某处)与…有关, 涉及

  • The personal touch on social networks triumphs .

    社交网络 的个人化 联络取得了成功。

  • There are a few other pieces you will need and I will touch on them as we go .

    有一些其他作品,您需要,我会 联系他们,因为我们去。

  • I will touch on those cases in the column as well .

    在本专栏文章中我将 略微 谈到这些案例。

  • Although his speech lasted for an hour there were still some important issues he failed to touch on .

    虽然他的演讲迟到了一个小时,这里仍然有许多重要的问题要他去 涉及

  • Then he felt the gentle touch on the line and he was happy .

    跟着他感到钓索轻轻 地动一下,他高兴了。

  • We will touch on the options for each module as we get to it .

    我们将 用到的时候深入每个模块的选项。

  • Before I go let 's touch on romance .

    在我离开之前,我们来 看看爱情。

  • I would like to touch on the most sensitive question people always try to avoid .

    首先,我想 谈谈一个我们总是 设法回避的敏感问题。

  • Force Touch on it and a dialogue box with Apple Maps appears to reveal its exact location .

    使用Force Touch功能,苹果地图的对话框就会弹出,并能显示它的具体位置。

  • The touch on his shoulder made him start .


  • I 'll touch on each one briefly then revisit each in turn as I construct a Perl application .

    我将 简要 讨论每一个,然后在构造Perl应用程序时依次重新讨论每一个。

  • The politicians might be forced to touch on the real issues rather than scoring points off each other .

    政客们可能会被迫 讨论真正的问题而不只是互相 抬杠

  • When it comes to money you will have the lucky touch on this day .

    如果刮中了,那么这一 天真的给你带来了幸运。

  • I felt a touch on my shoulder .

    我感到肩膀 了一下。

  • Everything you can do in IOS is something you can see and touch on screen .

    用户能够在iOS上进行的所有操作必须是屏幕 看得见 的东西。

  • The third area I want to touch on is trade .

    我想 的第三个话题是贸易。

  • But here I got first in my life-kind prizes from the network let me just touch on this new place feel intimate with heartfelt .

    但在这里,我得到了我人生中第一份来自网络的实物奖品,让我 这个刚刚 接触的新地方有衷感到亲切。

  • Open coffin shroud close touch on the wind into a powder .

    打开棺木,严密的裹尸布一 风化成粉末了。

  • Touch on lightly we love .


  • Since this is a pivotal question we must not touch on it lightly .

    这是个关键问题,不能 轻描淡写,一笔带过。

  • Our work must touch on the lives of everyone everywhere .

    我们的工作必须 触及所有地方每一个人的生活。但是我们必须将重点放在最有需求的人们

  • In this connection we will touch on an interesting fact .

    关于这一点,我们要 谈到一个有趣的事实。

  • But there is one more subject that I would like to touch on briefly .

    但还有一个问题我想简单地说 一下,这是一个安理会应该十分关注并继续关注的问题。

  • Hardly had I fallen asleep when I felt a soft touch on my elbow .

    我刚一睡着就觉得有人轻轻 我的胳膊肘。

  • How does your story touch on this case ?

    你的故事和这一事件有什么 联系

  • There is one more point I feel I ought to touch on .


  • He did not touch on the issue of immigration .

    他没有 提到移民问题。

  • I felt a touch on my arm .

    我觉得臂 有人 了一下。

  • A small button may play a finishing touch on the role of clothing .

    一颗小小的纽扣,可能 服装起到 画龙点睛的作用。

  • Acne can touch on your emotions and even your total appearance and expectation .

    痤疮可 触摸你的感情,甚至你的总体面貌和期望。