wrench set

[rɛntʃ sɛt][rentʃ set]


  • In the presence of unknown required wrenches the required wrench set was taken to be the unit ball centered at the origin of the wrench space .

    在外力旋量未知的情况下,所需力 常选以力旋量空间原点为中心的单位球。

  • It elaborately selects the spanning set for the external wrench and computes a corresponding spanning set for the optimal contact forces in the offline phase .

    它在离线阶段精心选择外力 的生成集和计算相应最优接触力的生成

  • Use lug wrench set to do this .

    请使用凸耳 扳手 套件执行此操作。

  • Use the lug wrench set together with a commercially available torque wrench to do this .

    在执行此 操作时, 使用凸耳 扳手 套件以及商用扭矩扳手。

  • The grasp wrench set may adopt the convex hull or Minkowski sum of the primitive contact wrenches for minimizing the sum or maximum of normal force components .

    为使法向力之和或最大法向力最小化,抓取力 可采用原始力旋量的凸包或它们Minkowski和。

  • Its objective function is the inner product of the external wrench and a vector and the constraints on the vector given by a set of linear inequalities define a polytope .

    它的目标函数是外力 和一个向量的内积,而对于该向量的约束由一 线性不等式给定且形成一个凸多面体。

  • Here 's the jack the wrench and the spare tire . I 'm all set .

    千斤顶、 、备胎都在这里。一切 就绪