year after year

[jɪr ˈæftɚ jɪr][jə: ˈɑ:ftə jə:]


  • We live travel perform as one year after year .

    我们一起生活,旅行,表演, 年复一年

  • You still look young year after year .

    这麽 多年 过去了,你看上去依然年轻。

  • 13 . Month after month year after year the Wall progressed .

    13、月复一月, 年复一年,长城延伸着。

  • It involves hard work and exploration year after year .

    每年都需要 辛苦工作和探索。

  • Output increases year after year .

    产量 连年上升。

  • Year after year went by and they stayed on the lonely island .


  • The same questions propel me through the country year after year .

    同样的问题也驱动着我, 地穿梭在这个国家的土地上。

  • Wang Ping : The government increases its investment strength on football year after year too .

    王平:政府也 逐年加大足球投资力度。

  • You keep on amazing me year after year the same old ways .

    你不断地给我同样的惊喜, 年年如此。

  • This is something that we are going to increase year after year .

    这就是我们 年复一年所增加的东西。

  • The output is increasing year by year . ; Production has been increasing year after year .

    产量 逐年上升。

  • We know from the records kept of tagged birds that they return to the same place year after year .

    我们从带标志圈的鸟的记录上得知:它们 年年飞回同一个地方。

  • So we lived month after month year after year .


  • Year after year this pure and beautiful maiden found that she was really in love with the ghost .


  • They continue to innovate year after year product cycle after product cycle .

    他们 年复一年地创新, 个产品周期接一个产品周期不断创新。

  • Quarter after quarter year after year Alibaba has delivered blockbuster growth .

    季复一季, 年复一年,阿里巴巴总是能拿出惊人的增长业绩。

  • Regulars return year after year

    老主顾 每年都会再来

  • I do not want these childish discussions year after year .

    我不想 年复一年地讨论这种幼稚的事情。

  • Four seasons cycle year after year .

    四季 循环往复

  • Day after day year after year no one can tell me who I 've been waiting for .


  • Year after year I have had a letter from Arthur on new year 's day .

    每年 新年我都收到阿瑟的来信。

  • Tens of thousands of men year after year have travelled southwards to find work .

    每年有数万人 南方去找工作。

  • Year after year finally I found out the certain girl in a party at the beginning of my college days .


  • Year after year I have a birthday present from my parents .


  • But year after year they sparkle faded .

    可是, 年复一年,他们的火花暗淡了。

  • We have been to that place for a holiday year after year .

    我们 每年都去那个地方度假。

  • Thus she sat year after year and felt the pain and the misery of the world .

    她就这样 地坐 那里,感受着世间的凄苦与不幸。

  • You don 't have to keep on with your commitments month after month and year after year .

    你不需要一月有一月、 地保持你的承诺。