year of birth

[jɪr ʌv bɚθ][jə: ɔv bə:θ]


  • The birth cohort study had some inter-esting findings the later the year of birth the higher the mortality rates from both malignancies in later life .

    出生队列研究发现, 出生 晚,死亡率越高,这是两者的共同特点;

  • Youthfulness is a matter of attitude to life not of the year of birth .

    年轻是一种对生活的态度,而不是 出生 年份

  • Officially the war of1967 the year of my birth lasted for six days .

    就形式上而言,1967年,即我 出生 那年的这场战争持续了6天。

  • Find the year of your Birth on the illustration .

    在插图上找一找你 出生 分。

  • According to the Lexicon Arthur 's year of birth is unknown but we can extrapolate based on his oldest child 's age .

    根据百科全书,亚瑟的 出生 年份不详,但我们可以由他的长子的年龄推断。

  • The light minded woman had been discovering good matches for her daughter almost from the year of her birth .

    那个思想浅薄的妇女,几乎从她的女儿 出世的那 开始,就一直在为她寻找一个满意的丈夫了。

  • Which animal is your year of birth ?

    你的 生肖是什么?

  • Making textual research into the year of birth and death of Lin Jiang 's Three Kongs in Jiangxi


  • The birth cohort death study showed that the later the year of birth the higher the mortality rate was from ovarian cancer and the death rates of population born in about 1945 were the highest .

    死亡队列研究发现, 出生越晚,死亡率越高,其中1945 前后出生的人群死亡率最高。

  • Please retype the year of birth .

    请重新键入 出生 年份

  • In China children born about the year of birth defects in the total population of 4 % - 6 % .

    在我国,年 出生缺陷儿约占 全年出生人口总数的4%-6%2w_567。

  • I realize that one 's life can be summed up in a dash between the year of death and the year of birth .

    我意识到一个人的生命在死亡和 出生之间可以总结为一场 冲刺

  • Note that year of birth must be a four digit number ( e.g. 1966 ) .

    注意 出生 年份必须为四位数字(例如1966)。

  • The year of birth must be a four-digit number . Please retype the year of birth .

    出生 年份必须是四位数字。请重新键入出生年份。

  • The culture of year of birth developed from the old totem It becomes worldwide folk culture .


  • Does one 's year of birth have anything to do with one 's fortune ?

    出生 年份和命运有什么关系吗?