year of assessment

[jɪr ʌv əˈsɛsmənt][jə: ɔv əˈsesmənt]


  • In the year of 2010 SASAC issued a new Interim measures for the assessment of management performance of Heads of Central enterprises to fully implement EVA evaluation on the heads of central enterprises in their third terms ( 2010-2012 ) .

    2010 国务院国资委发布了最新的《中央企业负责人经营业绩 考核暂行办法》,在中央企业第三任期(20102012年)全面推行经济增加值(EVA)考核。

  • This year the Leading Group Office of Hunan 's County Economy further improved the assessment index system in which GDP will not be a restrictive assessment indicator any longer .

    省县域经济工作领导小组办公室 今年进一步完善了县域经济发展 考核指标体系,不再将GDP总量作为约束性的考核指标。

  • But rove got some of the blame last year when Republicans lost control of congress leading to a mixed assessment of his political prowess by the experts .

    去年共和党在国会失利时也被指责,导致了专家们对他政治威力的混乱 评价

  • A year of research practice and the analysis of the assessment result prove that students ' enthusiasm is greatly aroused .

    的研究实践和对 评价效果的分析证明,发展性 评价极大地调动了学生学习 评价的积极性。

  • Our work is monitored by AFCD who together with Districts Lands Office give us their consent each year upon approval of a WWF impact assessment report .

    此项管理工作由渔护署监察,并连同地政署,就基金会 每年提交的影响 评估报告,批准进行。

  • After a year of struggling with the language I retook the cognitive assessment and the results shocked me .

    与法语搏斗了一 之后,我又做了一遍那个认知 测验,结果让我震惊。

  • Under specifying deposit conditions and given production size per year the application of the software will generate total capital and mine life operating costs as well as solve for the movable and static financial assessment targets through discounted cash flow analysis .

    在指定矿床条件和矿山 建设规模时,系统可以完成投资估算 分析、产品成本预测,并在此基础上,通过现金流量分析,最终给出反映项目经济可行性的动态和静态经济 指标

  • If you are assessed to salaries tax or have elected personal assessment you are entitled to basic allowance for any year of assessment .

    如你须缴纳薪俸税或已选择个人入息课税,则你在任何 课税 年度可享有基本免税额。

  • Enter the total amount of approved charitable donation made during the year in the tax return for the relevant year of assessment .

    填写该年度内已支付的捐款总额在有关 课税 年度的报税表内。

  • The employee stationed in the Beijing office and had visited Hong Kong for less than a total of60 days during the relevant year of assessment .

    上述雇员是驻北京办事处的职员,本 课税 年度 全年访港总共不超过60天。

  • Based on the analysis of the concept and classification of urban human settlement the paper adopted a comparative method on the criterion of a certain year and built up a set of assessment index system of urban human settlement .

    在探讨人居环境的概念、分类的基础上,采用以某 为基准的相对比较法,构建城市人居环境 评价指标体系。