


  • Improved year-round access to water will help farmers maintain their own food security using simple supplementary irrigation techniques .

    改善 全年获取水资源将帮助农民利用简单的辅助灌溉技术维持他们自身的粮食安全。

  • Here 's a practical present your birthday is relightened that have delightful angels year-round .

    这是一份实用的礼物,你的生日现在再次点燃了和引出整整一年的令人愉快的 天使

  • And Greece 's Mediterranean climate is suitable for events year-round .

    地中海气候让 这里 全年 变得适合举行会议和活动。

  • Promotion is a year-round job and the existence and benefits of the program must be publicized at every opportunity .

    推广是一 整年的工作,这项计划之存在及好处必需在各种机会加以宣传。

  • And the climate is tropical and very pleasant year-round .

    该地属热带气候, 一年到头 十分宜人。

  • I live in the land of Disney Hollywood and year-round sun .

    我居住在 全年阳光普照的好莱坞迪斯尼乐园。

  • This makes a light box a good year-round investment for those that want a mood enhancer .

    这让购买灯箱对于那些提高心情的人们来说是一 四季 使用的投资。

  • The WEF has carried on expanding into a year-round think-tank and organiser of regional economic summits .

    世界经济论坛则逐步发展为一个 年度的智库会议和地区经济峰会的组织者。

  • Some schools have a year-round schedule .

    有些学校有一个 全年 教学安排表。

  • But some educators think year-round schooling especially helps students from poor families that lack educational support at home .

    但一些教育界人士认为, 全年学校教育对于来自缺乏家庭教育支持的贫困家庭学生有特别的帮助。

  • The annual performance review process becomes a year-round activity .

    那就是,全年绩效考评活动变成了 真正 全年活动。

  • The shrine and temple complex is open daily year-round .

    所有神社和寺院都 全年每日开放。

  • Racquetball & def weightlifting and bowling are year-round activities .

    回力球、重和保龄球都是 全年性的活动。

  • The greenhouse allows the south-facing room to fill with heat maintaining a steady temperature year-round .

    温室效应使朝南的房间充满了热量,维持一个稳定的温度 全年

  • But how do you celebrate Christmas when your year-round climate is warm or even tropical ?

    而在那些 全年气候温暖、甚至有些酷热的地区,人们又是怎样庆祝圣诞节的呢?

  • Plants here thrive in the year-round tropical climate and grow in the most obscure places .

    得天独厚的热带雨林气候给 绿色植物带来了勃勃 生机,在人们最注意不到的地方也 潜滋暗长

  • This is due to year-round warm sea surface temperatures which keep the overlying atmosphere warm as well .

    这主要是由于 全年温暖的海洋表面温度,使整个环境都非常温暖。

  • The year-round growing season and monsoon climate favor the cultivation of rice coconuts palm oil sisal tropical fruit coffee tea and sugarcane ;

    全年 适宜植物生长的季节和季风气候养育了水稻、椰子、棕榈油、剑麻、热带水果、咖啡、茶叶和甘蔗;

  • Retirees Bob and Alex Linn of Vail Colo. exercise year-round outdoors .

    科罗拉多州威尔市(Vail, Colo.)退休人员鲍勃?林恩(BobLinn)与亚历克斯?林恩(AlexLinn) 一年到头 在进行户外运动。

  • Year-round programs can also reduce crowding in schools .


  • He works for them year-round .

    他为他们工作一 整年

  • Today the lake is a year-round paradise for the fishermen .

    现在这个湖是钓鱼者一 四季的天堂。

  • Horses require year-round stabling ; exotic animals often need specialized habitats food and health care .

    全年 要有马厩;奇异的宠物经常需要特殊的住所,食物和健康护理。

  • Spectacular sky shows brighten the long winter nights for Alaska 's year-round residents .

    壮观的天空显示出变亮这长冬夜给阿拉斯加的 整年的居民。

  • When to go : Thanks to its idyllic tropical setting Hawaii is a popular destination year-round .

    何时去:由于它有着田园诗般的热带风情,夏威夷是一个 全年 热门的目的。

  • This will include more double cropping no-till farming and more livestock-crop integration providing year-round cash flow .

    这些改善将包括更多的套种、免耕种植和更多的禽畜-作物一体化提供的 全年现金流。

  • It is a thriving port and year-round resort and convention center .

    为一忙碌的口岸, 终年度假胜地和会议中间。

  • Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine .

    古巴属于热带气候, 终年阳光明媚。