transient failure

[ˈtrænʃənt ˈfeljɚ][ˈtrænziənt ˈfeiljə]


  • Changes of ventricular myocyte contraction and calcium transient in guinea pigs of heart failure

    豚鼠 心衰时心肌细胞收缩和钙 的变化

  • Prony algorithm is applied to analyze the electrical transient characteristics of AC lines after commutation failure . The coincidence of fitted waveform and simulated waveform prove the validity of Prony algorithm .

    将Prony算法用于换相 失败后交流线路的电气 瞬态特征分析,通过拟合波形和仿真波形的吻合,说明算法的有效性。

  • Some types of HVDC faults similar to line fault transient are discussed such as commutation failure and AC single-phase grounding fault near inverter station .

    同时,讨论了几种与线路故障 暂态相似的故障类型:换相 失败和逆变侧单相接地故障。

  • The high-speed data collection and analysis techniques are used to enhance the response capability to the stator insulation transient failure .

    应用高速采集与分析技术,增强了系统对定子绝缘 瞬态 故障的反应能力。

  • Simulation on transient process of a three-phase induction motor under stator phase failure condition

    感应电动机定子缺相 故障 动态过程仿真研究

  • Against transient process for the high-voltage power failure derived in detail the theoretical and is obtained the basis of theoretical analysis in the case of high voltage power failure .

    针对高压 暂态过程进行分析,详细进行理论推导,得出高压失电情况下理论分析的依据。

  • By over sampling in data converting and advanced digital signal processing technique the response delay to transient failure is lowered down and the detecting performance is improved .

    结合模数变换过采样技术和先进的数字信号处理技术,提高了系统对 暂态 故障的响应速度,改进了检测性能。

  • Meanwhile this paper also describes transient response boost pressure control and performance of these supercharging systems and advanced techniques of inter - cooling compound supercharging turbine failure diagnose etc.

    并就增压器的 瞬态响应特性、增压压力控制和性能特性、中冷系统、复合增压、透平 失效诊断等先进技术作了论述。

  • Na ~ + K ~ + - ATPase may not involve in the decrease of calcium transient in cardiac myocytes from guinea pig with chronic heart failure

    Na~+,K~+-ATP酶不参与慢性 心衰豚鼠心肌细胞钙 的减小

  • The investigation of the internal flow field in a SRM during the ignition transient period is of practical importance because the deep analysis of the transient internal flow field during the ignition period is useful to reduce the failure out of the ignition and improve the design .

    研究点火瞬态的发动机内流场具有很重要的现实意义,这是因为:对点火 瞬态内流场的深入分析可以有助于减少由于点火 造成 故障,改进设计。

  • TYPE ⅱ TRANSIENT FAULTS Ide Hard Disk Failure

    第三类 瞬时故障IDE硬盘类 故障

  • Based on the change of the stress in inner rock and dynamic transient analyses the rock breaking process is studied by means of Hoffman failure criteria and the comparisons between the partial results of simulation and the results of experimentation are made .

    通过 动力 计算分析,根据岩石内部应力的变化使用Hoffman 失效准则研究了岩石的破碎过程。

  • The research results show that there are transient component fluctuation and steady-state component fluctuation in the wind power excitation system during asymmetric failure of grid . Further more this thesis also proposes a control method to accelerate the attenuation of transient components .

    表明不对称电网 故障时双馈风力发电系统存在 暂态分量和稳态分量的波动,进而提出了加速暂态分量衰减的控制方法。

  • Analyzing power system transient signals could provide useful information for power system early fault diagnosis and predicting the stable operation or failure condition of power grid transmission lines and large power equipments and could guide the repair works of power grid and power equipments .

    电力系统 暂态信号分析能够为电力系统早期故障诊断和预测电网、输电线路以及大型电力设备的稳定运行或 故障情况提供有用信息,并对开展电网、电力设备的状态检修工作进行指导。

  • As aforementioned the issue of poverty caused by schooling has two types : one is the transient poverty born by low-income families during schooling the other is long-term poverty for investment failure in human capital .

    如前所述,教育致贫有两种情况,低收入家庭在子女学校教育阶段所承受的 暂时贫困,以及将来人力资本投资 失败造成的暂时贫困长期化。

  • Suppression of transient outward current by linolenic acid in atrial myocytes from patients with heart failure

    亚麻酸对心 功能 衰竭人心房肌细胞 瞬时外向钾电流抑制

  • This allows a client to resubmit the work request in the event of a transient failure .

    这允许客户机在发生 暂时 失败时重新提交工作请求。

  • A persistent transient failure status code is returned when the e-mail server that is trying to deliver the message encounters an error that is temporary and may be resolvable .

    当尝试传递邮件的电子邮件服务器遇到临时但可解决的错误时,将返回一个持续性 瞬间 故障代码。

  • The main human errors include the error judgment on the symptoms and manipulation which most probably cause severe transient and the failure of safety system or improper shut - down ;

    对事故征兆或事故判断失误和操作失误是人误的最主要表现形式,也是导致人因事故的最主要原因,造成严重 电站 瞬态和安全系统的 故障或者不恰当投运的事故的可能性较大;

  • Experimental Investigation into the Transient Response of a Flexible Rotor Dropping on a Back-up Bearing After Active Magnetic Bearing Failure

    主动电磁轴承 失效后柔性转子坠落在备用轴承上的 瞬态响应实验研究

  • The stability of the micro-grid simulated and analyzed based on recovery for different modes of transient failure and load changes in the microgrid .

    针对不同模式下的 暂态 故障微电网恢复情况、负荷及光照的变化对微电网的影响,对微电网的稳定性进行仿真分析。

  • In this paper Type ⅲ transient faults are discussed and the probability is computed with which no system failure occurs due to them during the time interval ( 0 t ) .

    本文讨论第三类 瞬时故障并计算其在(0,t)时间内不导致系统 故障的概率。

  • Transient polycythemia and multi-organ failure due to acute alcohol ingestion

    急性酗酒所致 短暂 红细胞增多症及多脏器 衰竭

  • In combination with the complete characteristics of pumps a mathematical model for hydraulic transient of the pumping station at power failure was established based on the rotation moment balance equation the discharge balance equation and the equation of energy conservation of pump devices .

    根据转动机械力矩平衡方程、水量平衡方程以及泵装置系统能量守恒方程,结合水泵全特性,建立了大型 立式轴流泵站停泵 过渡 过程数学模型。

  • Numerical Simulation of Transient Flow in Pipe Networks due to Pump Failure

    管网中泵 破坏 流的数值模拟

  • Cracking mechanism based on dynamic studies simulations under different structural forms load-bearing walls form dynamic stress field change and analyze the seismic load transient tensile brittle failure under stress .

    基于动力开裂机理的研究,模拟窗体承重墙不同结构形式下动态应力场变化,并分析地震荷载 瞬时拉张应力下的脆性 破坏

  • EHV transmission lines produce a steady-state power frequency and transient high-frequency fault component failure when it occur fault . Transient signal contains more fault Information than power frequency signal .

    输电线路发生 故障后会产生从衰减直流分量到 暂态高频分量的 频带故障分量,与工频信号相比,暂态信号所包含的故障信息更加丰富,其中包括故障位置、方向等信息。

  • System will produce high-frequency transient current transient current signal from the fault lines of positive and negative directions when the event of the failure of transmission lines .

    当输电线路发生 故障时,系统将产生高频暂态电流, 暂态电流信号从故障点线路的正反方向传播。

  • Measurement of Distance By Transient Travelling Waves In Case of Transmission Line Failure

    输电线路 故障时的 暂态行波测距

  • Transient dynamic failure analysis on bottom hole assembly based on FEM

    利用有限元进行BHA 瞬态动力学 失效分析