
[trænˈzɪstɚ, -ˈsɪs-][trænˈzɪstə(r)]


  • This make of transistor radio is small and beautifully designed .


  • Understing basic characteristics of transistor resistor capacitor diode .

    具备基本的 晶体管、电阻器、电容器和二极管知识。

  • This FET transistor used here as variable resistor it 's part of reaction circuit of IC2 .

    这FET 晶体管,这里用作可变电阻的电路IC2的反应的一部分。

  • In chapter six the application of higher order statistics in detection low-frequency noise of transistor is discussed .

    第六章研究了高阶统计量在 晶体管低频噪声检测中的应用。

  • The voltage lifting device controls grid electrodes of the first MOS transistor and the second MOS transistor .

    以及一电压提升装置,用以控制该第一MOS 晶体管及该第二MOS晶体管的栅极;

  • The region in a transistor between the emitter and the collector .


  • High-power transistor drive is not affected by high frequencies .

    大功率 晶体管驱动不受高频影响。

  • Abstract : In this paper the failure analysis of a type of high frequency power transistor is introduced .

    介绍了对某型号高频大功率 晶体管进行的失效分析。

  • A bipolar junction transistor relates to the technical field of a semiconductor power device .

    双极结型 晶体管,涉及半导体功率器件技术领域。

  • A discrete device is a single-function device such as a capacitor diode or a transistor .

    分离装置乃只具有单一功能的装置,如电容器、二极管或 晶体管

  • In the schematic above I used the transistor constant current source example .

    在下列电路图中,我使用了一个 晶体管恒流源 负载的例子。

  • The transistor is an amplifier .


  • We are using this transistor to amplify a telephone signal .

    我们正在使用这种 晶体管来放大电话信号。

  • The method can be utilized for transistor laser structure design .

    该方法可用于 晶体管激光器的设计。

  • The a-Si thin film transistor ( TFT ) used as room temperature infrared detector is studied .

    研究了用于室温红外探测的非晶硅薄膜 晶体管

  • Metal wire bonding interconnection is the key means in the internal matching technology of RF power transistor .

    金属键合线互连是射频大功率 晶体管内匹配技术中的关键手段。

  • In our case the transistor turns off and the transformer operates in flyback mode .

    在我们的情况下, 晶体管的关闭和变压器模式工作在反激。

  • It is used to normal precise measure and measure equipment temperature compensation of transistor circuit .

    用于一般精度的温度测量和在计量设备, 晶体管电路中的温度补偿。

  • In a bipolar transistor the control area or the electrical connection to the control area .

    在双极 晶体管中,指控制区域或和控制区相连的导电连接。

  • This is the output terminal of a thin film transistor .

    这是末端一只薄膜 晶体 三极 的生产。

  • A tube or a transistor can amplify an incoming signal .

    电子管和 晶体管能放大输入的信号。

  • The field of electronics includes the electron tube transistor integrated circuits and so on .

    电子学的范围包括电子管、 晶体管和集成电路等。

  • The principle of the new microelectronic devices spin transistor and spin valve transistor is reviewed .

    介绍了新型微电子器件自旋 晶体管和自旋阀晶体管的工作原理。

  • This transistor radio has four small cells .


  • Transistor type camera The vidicon of this video camera is broken . We need a new one .


  • SOI technology is used to reduce the device capacitance and increase transistor performance .

    SOI技术用于减少器件电容和提高 晶体管性能。

  • Hundreds of people huddled around a single transistor radio listening to the announcement

    数百人挤在一台 晶体管收音机周围收听公告。

  • Methods for improving the high current performance of static induction transistor ( SIT ) are presented .

    描述了改善静电感应 晶体管(SIT)大电流特性的新方法。

  • Every transistor has at least three electrodes .

    每个 晶体管至少有三个电极。

  • A transistor has three electrodes the emitter the base and the collector .
