transient overshoot

[ˈtrænʃənt ˌovɚˈʃut][ˈtrænziənt ˌəʊvəˈʃu:t]


  • The experiment results indicate that compare to the PID control the fuzzy control has a lot of merits such as fast transient response small turn-on overshoot small output voltage fluctuations with output current changes .

    仿真结果表明:具有模糊控制的PID 动态响应快、 小、负载变化引起输出电压的变化小。

  • To make sure the stability and lower the transient overshoot of the LDO a buffer stage is used to isolate the pass element and the output of the error amplifier .

    为了保证系统的稳定性以及减小 系统的输出 瞬时 ,本文设计了输出缓冲级来隔离误差放大器的高阻抗输出节点与通路器件的栅极。

  • In the design of the controller a so-called composite nonlinear feedback ( CNF ) control technology is adopted which can improve the transient performance and achieve fast response and low overshoot at the same time .

    在控制设计中,采用一种复合非线性反馈(CNF)控制技术,以提高控制系统的 瞬态性能,达到快速的响应和低

  • The method of transient profile design with a variable parameter based on multipoint tests and least squares is presented which can achieve global positioning rapidly without overshoot .

    结合多点实验参数和最小二乘法设计了变参数的位置 过渡 过程,实现了 镜筒工作范围全程的快速无 定位。

  • The simulation by Matlab indicates that the system performance is improved effectively compared with traditional PID controller . Fuzzy-PID controller could shorten the transient process reduce the overshoot and enhance the tracking accuracy .

    Matlab仿真表明,采用模糊PID控制器后,系统性能较经典PID控制器改善了控制系统的 过渡过程、 减小超 ,又提高了系统跟踪精度、稳定精度和 响应 速度

  • Experiments show that the transient time of output current is less than 0.5 ms and has no overshoot in all range of welding current .

    研究表明:在焊接规范调节全范围内,电源输出电流 动态 响应时间均小于0.5ms,且无

  • Both in theoretical analysis and practical experience show that in order to get the transient respones without overshoot speed regulator with speed derivative feedback is more reasonable than ordinary PI regulator .

    理论分析和实践经验都说明,为了保证起制动 过程 速度 ,采用带速度微分反馈的速度调节器比一般常用的近似比例积分(PI)调节器更为合理。

  • But an asymptotic stable system is likely to have some bad transient performance and will cause some bad effects ; these will not meet the requirements of industrial production such as the overshoot amount is too large and the maximum overshoot or oscillation sharp occurs .

    然后,一个渐近稳定的系统,可能具有比较坏的 暂态性能,从而造成很坏的影响,无法满足工业生产要求,如 量过大,振荡剧烈超调量或者系统本身含有饱和非线性。

  • The results from transient shear measurements such as flow reverse and start-up flow showed that the ruptured network structure could reorganize which was indicated by the appearance of stress overshoot during quiescent annealing process .

    反向流和起始流实验结果表明,剪切 破坏的逾渗网络在静态退火过程中可以重建,而应力 现象的出现则是网络重建的标志;

  • The varying damping ratio allows fast transient response without overshoot and compensates the effects of friction . ( 3 ) The stable region for robot manipulators is studied . A Lyapunov function is used to construct ellipsoid invariant set to estimate domain of attraction .

    这种变阻尼特性允许快速 响应且没有 ,补偿摩擦影响。(3)研究了机器人系统的稳定区域,利用Lyapunov函数构造椭球不变集来估计吸引域。

  • The fuzzy PD controller is used to improve transient performance whenever the system exhibits an oscillatory or overshoot behavior . Repetitive controller is applied to generate high-quality sinusoidal output voltage in steady state .

    模糊PD控制器用于改善系统处于振荡或 时的 动态性能,重复控制器用于稳态时输出高质量的正弦电压。

  • In this method by eliminating inductor current at transient the overshoot of the inductor current and consequent output voltage is reduced . The results of this method have been verified by simulations and an experimental prototype .

    采用这种 控制方法可以限制 瞬态时的电感电流,使输出电压 减小,仿真和实验结果验证了理论分析的正确性。