tolerance dose

[ˈtɑlərəns dos][ˈtɔlərəns dəus]


  • The results show that the Maximum tolerance dose ( MTD ) which is orally administered once by the mice is higher than 20g / kg . Pathologic study finds that toxic target apparatus is liver . No abnormality reactions are found in acute dermal toxicity test .

    结果表明,小鼠1次口服海洋低温碱性蛋白酶的 MTD>20g/kg实际无毒物,其中毒的靶器官是肝脏,未见大鼠经皮的急性毒性反应。

  • The dose limiting toxicity ( DLT ) o f it was neutropenia and diarrhea . Its maximum tolerance dose ( MTD ) may be reduced by elevated liver or kidney function .

    其剂量限制毒性(DLT)为中性粒细胞减少和腹泻,肝肾功能下降会降低最大 耐受 剂量(MTD)。

  • Metho ds : Mice acute toxicity test ( median lethal dose minimum lethal dose maximum tolerance dose );

    方法:小鼠急性毒性实验(半数致死量、最小致死量、最大 耐受 );

  • The maximum tolerance dose of mice was 205.2 times of that in human .

    小鼠最大 耐受 为人 用量的205.2倍。

  • The oral maximal tolerance dose was greater than 105 g / kg .

    口服最大 超过105g/kg。

  • Result : The acute toxicity showed that the max tolerance dose of rabbit pituitary injection was 24 ml · kg - 1 which corresponded to 300 times of human dose .

    结果:急性毒性实验表明:小鼠未出现异常反应,其最大 耐受 为24ml·kg-1,相当于临床人用剂量的300倍。

  • Exercise tolerance dose of serum lactic acid and muscle biopsy are important for diagnose of MELAS syndrome .

    确诊需要乳酸运动 试验及肌肉活检。

  • Acute toxicity test showed that maximum tolerance dose ( MTD ) of mice to Tribute Health Wine was 270ml / kg .

    经NIH小鼠急性毒性实验测定结果表明,贡品健身酒最大 耐受 为270ml/kg。

  • Results No toxicity of Gen-seng oral tablet to the mice was observed when the maximum tolerance dose of Gen-seng oral tablet increased to 20000mg / kg BW ;

    结果西洋参含片用最大 耐受 达20000mg/Kgbw时,对小鼠无毒性作用;

  • The biological effect and physiological function requirements tolerance toxic dose of copper in dairy cattle were reviewed .

    本文就铜的生物学效应和生理功能,奶牛对铜的需要量、 耐受 和中毒 等进行阐述。

  • It was confirmed the deviation of Th1 / Th2 could induce tolerance in low dose group .

    给予低 剂量抗原可引起Th1/Th2分泌的细胞因子发生偏离,产生 免疫 耐受

  • METHODS Mice were used in acute toxicity experiments . Oral LD 50 and maximal tolerance dose ( MTD ) were determined and the doses for human being were calculated accordingly .

    方法:急性毒性实验用小鼠以口服和腹腔给药,分别测定 LD50 MDT,并推算出相当临床人用量的倍数。

  • But he suggested that what could be obtained now are data about partial organ tolerance and dose constraints .

    而他认为我们现在只能获得关于局部器官 耐受 剂量限制的数据。

  • To observe the acute toxicity and death of the mice to which calcium nanoparticles were given in maximal dose and obtain the lethal dose 50 ( LD50 ) or the maximal tolerance dose ( MTD ) .

    观察小鼠一日内给予大剂量钙纳米粒子的急性中毒及死亡情况,得出半数致死量(LD50)或最大 耐受 (MTD)。

  • Acute toxicity : The maximum tolerance dose of FZTS per day is larger than 40.0g/kg in mice .

    小鼠急性毒性:FZTS小鼠灌服最大 耐受 大于40.0g/kg。

  • Pharmacokinetics and tolerance of single dose intravenous drip of ginsenoside-Rd injection in Chinese healthy volunteers

    静滴人参皂苷-Rd注射液在中国健康志愿者的药代动力学及 耐受

  • That fine tolerance to single dose of famciclovir and pharmacokinetic charateristics similar to Famvir showed that famciclovir in a dose of 0.125g ~ 0.75g 3 times daily would be safe for clinical use .

    剂量口服泛昔洛韦良好的 耐受 和药动学特点的事实,推荐口服泛昔洛韦0-125g~0-75g、1日3次的给药方案用于临床可能是安全的。

  • In toxicology research median lethal dose ( LD50 ) and maximum tolerance dose of LG ( ig ) were observed .

    毒理学研究观察了灌胃给药途径的狼疮静颗粒LD(50)及最大 耐受 试验。

  • The maximum tolerance dose of oral administration of this drug in mice was 80ml / kg body weight .

    小鼠口服该药的最大 耐受 为80ml/kg体重。

  • The acute toxicity test of tigogenin showed that its maximum tolerance dose was 4.5 g / kg .

    急性毒性实验表明,其最大 药量4.5g/kg

  • Methods According to the mechanism of motion disease relative receptor antagonists were selected as the compound preparations and acute toxicity ( LD50 ) or maximal tolerance dose ( MTD ) of the preparations was tested .

    方法根据运动病的发病机理,选择相关的受体拮抗剂进行组方并进行动物急性毒性( LD50)或最大 耐受 试验。

  • But due to an insulating layer in its structure the tolerance of total dose irradiation of SOI is poorer than normal silicon material .

    但由于绝缘埋层的引入,使得材料本身的 剂量辐照 能力反而不如体硅材料。

  • IMRT can significantly decrease the maximum exposure dose and average exposure dose to the spinal cord compared with 3D-CRT ( P 0.05 ) but neither of the two plans exceed the maximum tolerance dose of spinal cord .

    IMRT减少了脊髓最大受照剂量和平均受照剂量,较3D-CRT降低了脊髓的受量。且两者有统计学差异(P0.05)但两种计划均未超出脊髓的最大 耐受 剂量

  • A Study of the safety on the maximum tolerance dose of the sodium lactate Ringer intraperitoneal injection in mice

    小鼠腹腔注射乳酸钠林格液最大 耐受 的研究

  • When LD50 could not be measured because of lower toxicity the maximum tolerance dose ( MTD ) was measured with the highest concentration 300 % and the largest volume 0.3ml/10g by irrigating gastric ( ig ) for 3 times in one day .

    若毒性很小,测不出LD(50),则改用一日内以 小鼠耐受的最大浓度300%和最大容积0.3ml/10g,灌胃3次,测定最大给 药量

  • CONCLUSION The method is simple accurate specific and it could be used for quality control of Bisoprolol fumarate tablets . Tolerance dose of homemade bisoprolol fumarate tablets and its effects on left ventricular functions

    结论所用方法简单、准确、经济、专属性强,可用于富马酸比索洛尔片中有关物质及含量的测定。国产富马比索洛尔 耐受 及其对心功能的影响

  • AIM : To investigate the relationship between astroglial activation state and ischemic tolerance induced by low dose of 3 nitropropionic acid ( 3 NPA ) in gerbil hippocampus .

    目的:探讨海马区星形胶质细胞的激活与3硝基丙酸( 3NPA)预处理诱导脑缺血 耐受的关系。

  • The toxic test suggested that the maximal tolerance dose of mice with its extract a day was 220 times as much as clinical administration dose .

    毒性试验表明,小鼠一天 口服王老吉浸膏最大 为临床口服量的220倍。