toilet soap


  • Development of Toilet Soap


  • Toilet tissues soap or hand wash should be provided .

    工厂应供应 卫生纸, 肥皂或洗手液。

  • Apply spices and medicine to the food extensively it is important raw materials which are made toilet soap and cosmetics .

    广泛应用于食品香料和医药,也是制作 香皂和化妆品的重要原料。

  • This toilet soap lathers so nicely and has several fragrances .

    这种 香皂起泡很多,并且有好几种香味。

  • This toilet soap lathers so nicely and has several fragrances . Ladies like this kind of scented soap with elegant smell .

    这种 香皂起泡很多,并且有好几种香味。靓女们喜欢这种香气高雅的香皂。

  • The tooth paste the toilet soap the perfume and the air fresh made from the essential oil also had obvious germ inhibiting effect on the bacteria and fungi above .

    巴山冷杉精油牙膏、 香皂、香水、空气清新剂对以上菌种也具有良好的抑菌作用效果。

  • Study of effect of the dodecyl betain to the emollient character of the toilet soap Dream will be come true & talking about Olive toilet soap and bath lotion

    十二烷基甜菜碱对 香皂润肤性的研究梦,一步之遥&论奥妮进军香皂、沐浴露

  • I have five requirements for qualified restrooms in tourist sites namely lighting water toilet paper soap and a clean smell .

    我对合格的旅游公厕提出了五点要求:照明、用水、 厕纸洗手 、和气味都要达标。

  • Complete equipment for toilet soap manufacturing
