


  • Improvement of dissolution rate of tolbutamide by the spherical crystallization technique

    用球形结晶技术改善 甲苯 的溶出速率

  • Result : The DDDs of oral antidiabetic agents rised gradually from 2001 to 2003.The front of DDDs were among Gliclazide Tolbutamide and Metformin .

    结果:2001~2003年我院口服降糖药的DDDs呈现逐年上升,其中格列齐特、 甲苯 、二甲双胍 位居前列;

  • In this paper the Caco-2 cell model was established and validated to study the absorption properties and mechanism of 8 oral anti-diabetics including gliclazide glipizide gliquidone metformin glibenclamide rosiglitazone tolbutamide and nateglinide .

    本文建立并验证 Caco-2细胞模型,对八种口服降糖药物的体外吸收特性及吸收机制进行了研究。

  • X-ray diffraction studies on tolbutamide solid dispersion

    甲苯 固体分散 的X线衍射研究

  • Methodical study in improving dissolution of tolbutamide tablet

    提高 甲苯 片溶出度方法的研究

  • P4502C9 substrates mainly include tolbutamide phenytoin S-warfarin fluoxetine and losartan .

    P4502C9的底物包括 甲苯 、苯妥英、S法华令、氟西汀、洛沙坦等。

  • AIM To establish the methods for assaying the activities of tolbutamide hydroxylase ( CYP2C8 / 9 ) and chlorzoxazone 6-hydroxylase ( CYP2E1 ) from adult human livers microsomes .

    目的建立 甲苯 羟化酶(CYP2C8/9)和氯羟苯口恶唑6羟化酶(CYP2E1)比活性的测定方法,为深入研究CYP450在药物代谢中的作用奠定基础。

  • An increased risk of cardiovascular death was associated to treatment with glimeperide glibenclamide glipizide and tolbutamide when compared with metformin ( Figure ) .

    与二甲双胍相比当使用格列美脲、格列苯脲、格列吡嗪及 甲苯 降糖治疗时心源性死亡的风险增加。