tolerance test


  • In contrast the transgenic mice exhibited a marked insulin resistance as revealed by the insulin tolerance test as well as significantly higher basal serum insulin levels .

    采用高脂食物喂养时,转基因小鼠发生显性 糖尿病,但 对照小鼠未发生显性糖尿病。

  • Factors Affecting Hemolysis in Blood Sample Drawn from Intravenous Catheter in Oral Glucose Tolerance Test and Blood Sampling Regime

    口服葡萄糖 试验静脉留置针采血溶血的影响因素分析及采血方案的探讨

  • How is the oral glucose tolerance test ( OGTT ) done ?

    口服糖 测试(OGTT)时如何实施的?

  • Diagnostic Value of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test for Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Children

    口服葡萄糖 试验对肥胖代谢综合征患儿的诊断价值

  • Method : ammonia water induced cough model capillary tube method anoxia tolerance test were used to observe the cough relieving sputum removing anoxia tolerance effects of Ginkgo dew .

    方法:采用氨水引咳法、毛细管法及耐 低氧 实验观察银杏露止咳、祛痰及耐低氧作用。

  • Two cases of syncope induced by Coriolis acceleration tolerance test

    科里奥利加速度 耐力 检查诱发晕厥两例

  • The Role of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

    葡萄糖 负荷 试验在急性冠脉综合征中的作用

  • Prevalence of Impaired Glucose Regulation in Beijing Rural Population and the Necessity to Carrying out Oral Glucose Tolerance Test

    北京市郊区某镇农村居民糖调节受损患病率及口服葡萄糖 试验 筛查的必要性

  • In hypoxia tolerance test of mice the survival time of mice under hypoxia was chosen as an index .

    以小鼠在常压密闭环境下 缺氧的存活时间为指标,考察了其对机体 缺氧能力的影响。

  • Effect of irregular breeding on the oral glucose tolerance test in mice

    不规律投料饲养对小鼠糖 实验的影响

  • The oral glucose tolerance test ( OGTT ) is still the most appropriate method of determining the glucometabolic status of patients with coronary artery disease ( CAD ) Euro Heart Surey investigators say .

    欧洲心脏协会调查者表示:口服糖 试验(OGTT)仍然是决定冠心病患者糖代谢状况的最佳方法。

  • To observe the hypoxia tolerance test and fatigue tolerance test of mice given CTCC .

    观察各给药组小鼠的 疲劳能力及 缺氧能力。

  • Oral glucose tolerance test

    口服葡萄糖 试验

  • Methods The GTT ( glucose tolerance test ) and glycosuria test with breeding rhesus monkeys were used to choose the rhesus monkeys model of the spontaneous diabetes .

    方法从正常饲养猕猴种群中,采用葡萄糖 试验和尿糖测试实验方法,筛选自发性糖尿病模型。

  • All participants underwent an oral glucose tolerance test along with cholesterol and triglyceride blood measurements at the beginning of the trial .

    在试验开始时,所有参与者均进行了口服葡萄糖 试验、胆固醇及甘油三酯的化验。

  • Effect of pectin on glucose tolerance test

    果胶对葡萄糖 试验的作用

  • Methods Using the small dose short time insulin tolerance test to determine the insulin sensitivity of patients .

    方法使用小剂量短时胰岛素 试验所测血糖回归直线的斜率为胰岛素敏感性指标。

  • The study of oral glucose tolerance test on screening and predicting the development of diabetes mellitus

    葡萄糖 试验对早期糖尿病筛查及转归的预测研究

  • Tolerance test certificate test flow chart incuded .

    公差 测试证书,测试流程图中。

  • Drought Tolerance Test and Related Physiological Indexes Analysis at Seedling Stage of Several Wheat Genotypes

    几个小麦基因型苗期 抗旱 鉴定及相关生理指标分析

  • Due to the induction of exercise tolerance the combination of exercise tolerance test and CDFI provides more accurate objective and valuable conclusions at early stage .

    运动 负荷 试验并彩色多普勒超声检查,因加了运动负荷的诱发作用,可使结论更准确客观,更有早期的价值。

  • After the desiccation tolerance test we can know generally that the storage behavior of Manglietia grandis seeds are intermediate type .

    干性 测试所初步得出的大果木莲种子储藏习性为中间型。

  • Temperature tolerance test dryness test UV irradiation test were also carried out to measure its resistances ability .

    温度 耐受 试验、干燥试验、紫外线照射试验测定其抵抗力;

  • All subjects received intravenous glucose tolerance test and oral glucose tolerance test .

    各例均行静脉葡萄糖 试验和口服葡萄糖耐量试验。

  • Oral glucose tolerance test ( OGTT ) and serum lipoproteins were measured by enzymatic method .

    酶法测定口服糖 量和血脂蛋白;

  • Ebbeling said those who want to know their insulin-production levels can ask their doctor for an oral glucose tolerance test .

    Ebbeling说,那些想知道胰岛素合成水平的人可以向他们的医生咨询,通过口服胰岛素 试验确定。

  • The other is oral glucose tolerance test ( OGTT ) .

    另一种则是口服糖 测试(OGTT)。

  • Through the load test and tolerance test to network interface we can inspect the robust performance of interface it assures the system of dealing with the abnormal input correctly and improves the system 's security and credibility .

    通过网络接口的负载测试和 容错 测试,可以对接口的健壮性进行检验,从而确保各种异常输入的正确处理,提高系统的安全性以及可靠性。

  • Orthostatic tolerance test ( OTT ) is a practical technique .

    立位 耐力 试验(OTT)是一项实用技术。

  • Objective To investigate the clinical diagnostic and therapeutic meaning of the 2 type diabetes through the relativity research of glucose tolerance test with insulin release test .

    目的通过对糖 试验与胰岛素释放试验相关性研究,探讨其对2型糖尿病的诊断与治疗的临床意义。