tracking command

[ˈtrækɪŋ kəˈmænd][ˈtrækiŋ kəˈmɑ:nd]

[计] 跟踪命令

  • On the basis of shortcoming of traditional spaceflight telemetry tracking and command systems in measure accuracy data speed and resist interfere multi carrier code division multiple access ( MC CDMA ) technology is applied to spaceflight in this paper .

    针对传统航天 测控通信系统在测距精度、数据传输速率和抗干扰等方面的不足,将多载波码分多路存取(MCCDMA)应用于航天测控通信系统。

  • The teaching management system is used by educational administrators to administrate teaching . The Construct and Realization for Tracking Telemeter and Command Resource Scheduling Management System

    教学管理系统负责调配教学资源、组织教学活动、总结教学 数据,为教务人员提供教学管理的途径。 测控资源调度管理系统的构造与实现

  • The orbit dynamics theory deep space orbit dynamics simulation and TT & C ( Tracking Telemetry and Command ) simulation are detailedly researched combined with actual project in this paper .

    本文结合实际课题,对轨道动力学理论、深空轨道动力学仿真以及 测控仿真进行了详细研究。

  • The method for tracking the command current and the two-level SVPWM modulation strategy is adopted in the control module .

    在电流控制模块中,本文采用无差拍电流 跟踪 控制方法加两电平空间矢量PWM调制方法。

  • Clonal Selection Land-Based Satellite Tracking Telemetry and Command ( TT & C ) Resources Scheduling Based on the Mission Oriented Model

    基于面向任务模型的陆基卫星 测控资源克隆选择优化调度

  • The digital receiver for measurement and control plays a key role in the telemetry tracking and command ( TT C ) system for high-speed aircraft which is the base of tracking measuring monitoring and controlling of the high-speed aircraft for the TT C system .

    测控数字接收机是高速飞行器 测控系统中的重要组成,它是飞行器对其有效载荷进行跟踪、测量、监视和控制的基础。

  • The central management and unified allocation mode applied to the space TT C (( telemetry ) tracking and command ) network as well as the scheduling algorithms to meet multi-satellite TT C missions are analyzed in the paper .

    研究了航天测控网资源集中管理、统一分配的工作模式,以及满足多星测控任务的 测控网资源调度方法。

  • DBF Based on Multi-aircraft Tracking Telemetry and Command System

    基于多飞行器 测控系统的数字波束形成研究

  • Real-time and reliability are indispensable properties of tracking telemetry command and communication system .

    实时性和可靠性是 测控通信系统必备的性能。

  • A simple digital demodulation method is proposed for the DPSK-PM modulated signals which are commonly used in the satellite USB ( Unified S-band ) tracking telemetry and command system .

    针对卫星USB 测控系统中常用的 DPSK-PM调制技术,设计了一种简单的数字解调方法。

  • TDRSS represents a new direction in the international tracking telemetering and command field and is an important symbol of the developing level of the spatial science in a country .

    TDRSS代表了国际上 测控领域的新的发展方向,是衡量一个国家航天科技发展水平和实力的重要标志。

  • Application of Software Quality Evaluation in Telemetry Tracking and Command ( TT & C ) Software

    软件质量评价在航天 测控软件中的应用

  • The Telemetry Tracking & Command ( TTC ) communication is in S-band frequency .

    跟踪,遥测与 指挥的通信是使用S波段的频率。

  • It was an effective method to use data fusion techniques to improve the capacity of tracking and command system .

    采用数据融合技术是提高 测控系统 跟踪 测量能力的有效手段。

  • The telemetry tracking and command ( TT & C ) network is one of the key issues for regional navigation satellite system .

    建立区域卫星导航系统的 测控网是卫星导航系统要解决的关键问题之一。

  • Finally the application of this distributed diagnosis technique in a satellite tracking telemetry and command ( TT & C ) proves that the complexity of diagnosis is reduced the diagnosis result is correct which is suitable for fault diagnosis in complex satellite system .

    在某卫星 测控系统中的应用结果表明,此方法降低了诊断的复杂性,诊断结果正确,适用于卫星这类复杂系统的故障诊断。

  • Model Error Estimation Based on Distributing Regression and Its Application Research on Space Based Tracking Telemetry and Command System

    基于逐步回归的模型误差估计及在天基 测控系统中的应用研究

  • The Relationship between Human Resource Management and Management Controlling System ; The Construct and Realization for Tracking Telemeter and Command Resource Scheduling Management System

    人力资源管理与管理控制系统关系之 研究 测控资源调度管理系统的构造与实现

  • Developing satellite tracking telemetry & command ( TTC ) and orbit determination technology based on space-based TTC network is an effective means which overcomes limitations of traditional ground TTC mode but utilizing satellite-to-satellite measurement would arise deficient-rank .

    发展基于天基 测控网的卫星 测控定轨技术是克服传统地面测控方式缺陷的有效手段,而仅仅利用天基星间测量信息进行自主定轨易产生亏秩现象。

  • Research on the Method of Combine GEO Satellite Determination Based on Space-based Tracking Telemetry and Command Technology

    基于天基 测控的同步轨道卫星联合定轨方法研究

  • A Design of Transmission Timer for Tracking Telemetry Command and Communication Software

    一种 测控通信软件的 数据发送定时器设计

  • Applications of GNSS for Aerospace Tracking Telemetry and Command

    全球导航星系统在航天 测控中的应用

  • The Design and Implementation of Space Tracking Telemetering and Command simulation System

    航天无线电 测控仿真系统的设计与实现

  • The Construct and Realization for Tracking Telemeter and Command Resource Scheduling Management System


  • This algorithm has great instructive meaning for the foundation of simulation flat for information confront of spaceflight tracking telemetry and command link .

    该方法对于航天 测控链路信息对抗仿真平台的建立具有指导意义。

  • Developments of Vehicle Tracking Telemetry Command and Communication Techniques Under Environments of Electronic Countermeasure

    电子对抗环境下飞行器 测控通信技术的发展

  • As a novel space-based tracking telemetering and command system the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System ( TDRSS ) represents a new direction in the international tracking telemetering and command field .

    作为一种新型的天基 测控系统,跟踪与数据中继卫星系统(TDRSS)代表了国际上测控领域的新的发展方向。

  • Object-oriented Simulation in Space Wireless Telemetering Tracking and Command System

    面向对象仿真在航天无线电 测控 仿真系统中的应用

  • By spread spectrum technology the telemetry tracking and command of small satellite groups can be well realized .

    采用扩频技术可以较好地解决小卫星群 测控跟踪的问题。

  • The result of experimentation shows that the multi-channel ground base band equipment has good consistency and meet the design requirements which can be used in the Tracking Telemetry and Command ( TT & C ) of UAV .

    测试表明,此多通道地面基带具有良好的一致性,达到了技术设计要求,可适用于多个无人机的 测控