tracking network

[ˈtrækɪŋ ˈnɛtˌwɚk][ˈtrækiŋ ˈnetwə:k]


  • For target tracking in wireless sensor network the reducing of the conflict between sensors and the improvement of the tracking accuracy are main concerns .

    就无线传感器 网络中的目标 追踪问题而言,减少传感器之间的冲突、提高追踪精度是两个重要问题。

  • Therefore using real-time observation data streams based on regional or global tracking station network to build real-time ionospheric model can effectively improve ionospheric model accuracy .

    因此,基于区域或者全球的 跟踪网络提供的实时观测数据流,建立实时电离层模型,能够有效提高服务区域内单频用户定位精度。

  • Based upon the above-mentioned RFID authentication protocols we do further research on the tracking network of hidden malicious RFID reader in public places and the threat to location privacy of RFID tags carriers .

    本文在上述RFID认证协议的基础上,进一步研究了在公共场所中,由多个隐蔽的恶意RFID读写器构成的 跟踪 ,威胁RFID标签携带者位置隐私等问题。

  • The client masquerades IP of every network session dynamically by applying IP and tracking the network session .

    客户机发起新的网络会话时,通过动态申请伪装IP并 跟踪 网络会话来实现IP动态伪装。

  • The experimental results show that using electric current tracking network voltage has a good effect and it achieve the grid connection requirements .

    实验结果表明利用电流 跟踪 电网电压的并网逆变器的逆变效果良好,且并网电流能够 跟踪电网电压,基本达到了并网要求。

  • Image surveillance system ; Humans detection ; Object tracking ; Image network transmission ; Background update .

    影像监视系统;人物侦测;物件 追踪;影像 网路传输;背景更新。

  • Fast Multiple Target Tracking Algorithm in Radar Network System

    雷达 组网系统中的快速多目标 跟踪算法

  • China is expected to continue to enhance its satellite tracking and identification network .

    中国可望继续改进其卫星 跟踪和定位 网络

  • Sensor scheduling method for target tracking in sensor network

    面向目标 跟踪的传感器 网络调度方法

  • Technological innovation and the market are accelerating the transformation of TD-SCDMA from conception to industrialization and main manufacturers all over the world are tracking and developing network products based on TD-SCDMA .

    在技术创新和市场驱动的双重作用下,TD-SCDMA从概念向产业化的进程正在加快,全球主要设备制造商都在积极 跟踪和研发基于TD-SCDMA技术的3G 网络产品。

  • Fault Mode Identification of Gearbox Based on Order Tracking and BP Network

    基于阶次 跟踪和BP 网络的齿轮箱故障模式识别

  • However it adds complexity to tracking network issues that might normally be troubleshot by sniffing the network .

    但是,它增加了 跟踪 网络问题的复杂性,这些网络问题通常可以通过嗅探网络发现并排除。

  • ( Section 3.4-3.5 )( 2 ) Established the steady-state controller based on the model of fuzzy tracking dual neural network .

    (section3.4-3.5)(b)得到了动态系统中的稳态控制过程,建立了动态 跟踪模糊双神经 网络控制器。

  • Space tracking and data acquisition network .

    航天 测控和数据采集

  • A Research on Location and Tracking Technology with Network of Passive Airborne Radars

    机载无源雷达 组网 定位技术研究

  • Due to VSR the prediction current control belonged to the direct current control method with a fixed switching frequency can improve current response . Voltage and current dual closed-loop control can ensure a stable DC voltage and AC current tracking network voltage .

    对PWM整流器,采用了固定开关频率的直接电流控制方法中的预测电流控制,提高了电流响应速度,电压电流双闭环控制保证了直流侧电压稳定和交流侧电流 跟踪 电网电压。

  • The correctness of track correlation has a direct impact on the tracking precision of radar network in distributed radar network .

    在分布式雷达网中,航迹关联的正确率直接影响到雷达 跟踪精度,就此提出了一种基于曲线拟合的航迹关联方法。

  • Area air-defense needs three kinds of information which are presentiment information command information and control and guide information . Three level information network structure that are joint planning network joint data network and joint tracking network are put forward .

    区域防空需要三种信息:预警信息、战术指挥信息和制导控制信息,因此应相应的建立三层信息网络系统:联合规划网络、联合数据网络及联合 跟踪 网络来满足 网络化防空作战的需要。

  • Tracking system in this thesis is divided into two subsystems namely online human body tracking and offline network learning .

    本文跟踪系统分为在线人体 跟踪和离线 网络学习两个子系统。

  • The establishment of a GPS satellite tracking network ;

    GPS卫星 追踪 建立;

  • Orbit determination of GPS satellite using GPS tracking network in China

    区域 GPS卫星独立定轨的研究

  • Target location and tracking with binary sensor network

    二元传感器 网络目标定位与 跟踪研究

  • Using 11 years ( 1983 ~ 1994 ) observation data of Satellite Laser Ranging ( SLR ) to the Lageos 1 satellite in the global tracking network we estimate the second degree gravity field coefficient and tidal parameters .

    利用1983~1994年(共11年)期间,全球人卫激光测距(SLR) 观测 对Lageos-1卫星的观测资料,估算二阶重力场系数和潮汐参数。

  • State estimation and fusion is the main problem of target tracking in wireless sensor network .

    无线传感器 网络中,状态估计与融合是目标 跟踪中主要研究的问题。

  • Methods of Intelligent Earthing Compensation Device in Tracking Network Capacitive Current

    智能接地补偿装置 跟踪 系统电容电流的方法

  • TSOA / AOA Locating and Tracking Technique in CDMA Network

    CDMA 网络中TSOA/AOA定位 跟踪技术

  • The automatic tracking of power network topology is well implemented by use of the snap model put forward in the graphic platform .

    图形平台中提出的捕捉点模型很好地实现了电气主接线图的 网络拓扑自动 跟踪

  • A fast tracking method for network topology based on breadth-first search is presented which effectively surmount the defect of repeatedly searching the branch in traditional topology .

    针对传统 网络拓扑方法多次重复搜索 路径、效率低、速度慢的缺点,文章提出一种基于广度优先的快速网络拓扑 方法

  • Chinese Mars explorer is planed to launch in2009 for which the remote tracking network is preliminarily worked out .

    我国计划于2009年发射火星探测器,为此我国初步拟定了探测器的遥控 跟踪 网络

  • In this paper the DORIS system as a tracking network is described .

    本文阐述了DORIS系统,它是目前一种新型的高精度的测轨 定位 系统 跟踪 ,介绍了它近几年来进展过程和今后的发展前景。