track scale

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  • Analysis of Noise and Signal Model in Weighing Process of Microcomputer-based Dynamic Track Scale

    微机 轨道 动态称重的噪声分析与信号模型

  • Comparison between the calculation results and that of actual tests shows that the balancing time of the lever system has art extreme effect on the measuring accuracy of the dynamic mechanical track scale .

    同时与实际检测结果对照,说明杠杆系平衡时间对机械动态 轨道 的计量精度有极大影响。

  • The influence of temperature on measure precision of electronic track scale is overcome with the first-time usage of temperature sensor at home and automatic correcting the error of weighing sensor by computer software .

    国内首次使用温度传感器通过计算机软件自动修正称重传感器误差,克服了温度对电子 轨道 计量精度的影响。对短轴距异型车辆实现动态计量有参考价值。

  • In order to raise economic efficiency Yantai Port carries out reform on the track scale and realize unmanned operation .

    为了提高经济效益,烟台港对 轨道 实施改造,实现了无人值守。

  • Through the theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the optimization and upgrading of the existing railway track scale the optimized program shows very strong practicality and feasibility .

    通过对现有机械式铁路 轨道 测量 的优化升级改造的理论分析和实验验证,使该优化方案显示出很强的实用性和可行性。

  • A Microcomputer System for the Dynamic Electronic Track Scale

    动态电子 轨道 的微型计算机系统

  • Electronic Reformation of Mechanical Track Scale for Coal Market Measurement

    煤炭销售计量用机械 轨道 的电子化改造

  • The design of the long center static curve electronic railway track scale

    长台面静态曲线电子 轨道 的设计

  • The feature structure and installing regulating and calibrating method of track scale for molten iron are introduced .

    介绍了铁水称重 轨道 的特点、结构、安装调试及校准方法。

  • In this Paper by using random system theory we analyse various disturbances in weighing Process of dynamic track scale . A noise signal model is established and it is verified by using computer simulation .

    应用随机系统理论深入分析了微机 轨道 动态称重过程中的各种干扰作用,建立了它们的信号模型,并用计算机仿真论证了模型的正确性。

  • A Study of Static Model for Data Processing of Microcomputer-Based Dynamic Track Scale

    微机动态 轨道 数据处理的静态模型研究

  • This article introduced several kind of different types railroad track scale technology which applies in Japan YAMATO large-scale iron and steel enterprise reflects nowadays Japan metallurgy industry railroad track scale technology development and application from a side .

    本文结合介绍日本YAMATO应用于大型钢铁企业中几种不同类型的 轨道 技术,从一个侧面来反映当今日本冶金工业轨道衡技术发展与应用。

  • A Mean Value Fliter and its Applications in Signal Data Processing of Dynamic Electronic Track Scale

    均值滤波器及其在动态电子 轨道 信号数字处理中的应用

  • This paper introduces the working principles and verification regulation of high speed motion weighing electronic railway track scale by composed force discuses the structure technique essentials of the excellent railway track scale at present and introduces it verification and development .

    介绍了二力合成式高速不断轨动态电子 轨道 的工作原理,阐述了该种轨道衡的结构、技术要点,介绍了其检定方法和发展趋势。

  • The application and effect of dynamic track scale of molten iron at Nansteel company are introduced .

    介绍了动态铁水 轨道 在南钢公司的应用情况及效果。

  • A new - style foundationless - tunnel dynamic electronic railway track scale with high precision is introduced in this paper .

    介绍了一种新型无基坑式高精度动态电子 轨道

  • GCS type whole electronic static railroad track scale can elect different weighing and stamping function through man_machine dialog method according different requirement .

    GCS全电子静态 轨道 可以根据不同需要,通过人机对话选择不同的称重和打印功能。

  • A new type practical shearing strain weighting sensor and its application in dynamic electronic railroad track scale

    新型实用剪切应变称重传感器及其在火车动态电子 轨道 衡中的应用

  • Design and Implementation of the System Aimed at Track Scale Measuring and Process Based on Distribution Environment

    基于分布环境的 轨道 计量综合业务处理系统的设计与实现

  • The paper introduces and discusses a new micro-computer control system for electromic motion weighing track scale in the five aspects of working principles application of microcomputer module convert channel bridge power supply and load cell amplification circuits .

    本文从工作原理、微机应用、模数转换通道,供桥电源、传感器放大处理电路等五个方面介绍和论述动态电子 轨道 的一种新型微机控制系统。这种电控系统已在生产实际中应用。

  • Investigation on the application of GRATING-DIGITAL system to railway track scale

    光栅数字机构应用于 轨道 的探讨

  • Weighing control and signal treatment of dynamic track scale

    动态 轨道 的称重控制与信号处理

  • The network connection and application of railway track scale measuring system

    轨道 计量称重系统的联网和应用

  • Application of XC Car Number Automatic Identification System in Track Scale

    XC型车号自动识别系统在 轨道 的应用

  • By analyzing factors that affect the weighing error of track scale an error model is established and an error compensation algorithm for track scale based on immune RBF network is proposed .

    通过详细分析 轨道衡称重误差的来源,建立了 轨道 的称重模型并提出了基于免疫RBF网络的多传感器信息融合轨道衡误差补偿方法。

  • Survey on Development of the Track Scale Test Car


  • Motion Weighing Electronic Railway Track Scale Data Processing of The Dynamic Train Weighing System

    动态电子轨道衡动态电子 轨道 的数据处理

  • High-speed Motion Weighing Electronic Railway Track Scale by Composed Force

    二力合成式高速 不断 动态电子 轨道